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Everything posted by xGryzzly

  1. Seer How do others see us: PvE: If the seer has some skill, they are a good choice. PvP: Squishy How do I see us: PvE: I consider myself pretty good at the class, however it has taken a lot of practice to get good. The force management is a pain, and takes away from the fun. In a long tough boss fight, we don't have an "oh sh*t" button. Often it is the exact opposite...more like "oh sh*t...I can't heal anything because I'm out of force and out of health to tap". There is NOTHING more frustrating than this scenario, because you leave the fight feeling helpless... I would say it is one of the hardest classes to master, and a lot of people don't have the patience. Lucky for swtor, i'm a glutton for punishment, and have painstakingly learned to "manage" killing myself for force...like someone said...aren't we supposed to be Jedi? Even though I feel like I have learned to manage noble sacrifice, I still find myself in the "helpless" realm from time to time...Particularly in fights where I am healing from range..dropping salvation on melee and tank, but still taking damage from adds or aoe. (think toth/zorn in EC or LR-5 in LI) With little way of life tapping and healing myself while still healing the tank. Its frustrating... So yeah, thats my biggest gripe about the class in PvE. PvP: Eh...all it takes is a marker on your head, and you become target priority number 1. First to die...easiest to kill. Force speed may save you from time to time...but yeah... There has been plenty of gripes about this, so I won't go on. All in all, I'd recommend tweaking the whole concept of noble sacrifice. Perhaps our bubble could last longer when used on ourselves or something...
  2. I was just wondering if there is a good website (or someone on here) that can give good guidance of the stat targets for an end-game seer. I'm not looking for general guidance, but rather exact targets. By "stat target" I mean, actual numeric value for a given stat (ie:1800 Willpower). I'm mostly concerned with willpower, power, surge etc. I'd like to hear from those who are running EC HM etc and actively tweak mods/enhancements/armorings/augments to maximize heals. Also, just for fun, what are your crits (on yourself) on say.. salvation.. when raid buffed?
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