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Everything posted by Progurt

  1. You have 9 days to get either level 50 or legacy level 6.
  2. Is there any group of people in the entire world that whines more than gamers? Waaa we want a release date! Waaa they released an unfinished game too early! Waaa there's nothing new to do! Waaa the game broke temporarily after they added new things to do! Waaa they aren't rewarding long term players! Waaa they're rewarding long term players! Calling the waaaaahhhmbulance, got a bunch of patients for it.
  3. Thanks! I missed out on release because I was in Afghanistan. I've been catching up since I got back... I was level 48 on April 12th and bummed out that I just barely missed out. But now I have ten days to get the last level and a half! Sweet!
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