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Everything posted by neijas

  1. As far as I understand, the problem is that the match making system first sets up teams by elo rating and afterwards matches teams. While this is fine in systems with sufficient players it leads to problems in small populations. If for example there are 8 players queued for a game the system would first match players into teams by their ratings which will lead to the four good players getting into one team and the four other players with lower rating into the other team. Only now the system would check for possible opponents and then match the teams they are the only ones available. This will lead to the good players stomping the bad players which in turn will only enlarge the rating difference. As you see the system will work as long as there are enough teams to match teams with similar rating. As this was not the case in season 1 a player that got a bad rating in the start of the season would be paired with weak teammates for the rest of the season and pay teams with much higher ranked players. Thus it was very hard to improve your rating one it went negative.
  2. You know, the secret is to position yourself so that enemy won't have los to grapple. If you ever want to play ranked you'd better start working on the secrets of positioning. Then again your own tank could have interceded or your sorc/sage could have extricated you or used force speed and used knock back to help you. There's several options to save the situation even after having messed up and got separated and ********ed, it's a team game.
  3. Don't you lack burst with full madness in rated? I went hybrid explicitly for rated due to lack of burst and survivability when i returned after a break of one year and noticed my former madness build wasn't good anymore.
  4. As a longtime sorcerer I'd guess you're not playing your class correctly. Typical mistakes are for example trying to face tank a melee class or not keeping your distance from the brawl. Skill for survival, meaning stun on bubble, root on Knockback, fadeout etc. Stay out of the heat, in range of healers, use stuns cc force slow and interrupts freely, never be without bubble and use your abilities wisely. A rooting ravage or Master strike can still be knocked back or stunned. Use force speed to get range and slow to keep it. And of course remember to h2f. Don't forget to use the improved polarity shift. Of course there are situations where you'll simply die, but that's not different on other classes. Just remember you are the only class with paper armor and no tank.
  5. 3/7/31 speced madness dd with strong preference to pvp: 1) PVE useful as ranged dd, PVP always target #1, downed in seconds if focused. Won't get into any decent ranked warzone team, as any other dd is preferable. Only groups that are either low in experience or don't value winning above friendship will ever take a sorcerer into a rwz. The longterm steady dmg will do nothing good if the sorcerer spends 80% of the game behind the respawn doors and can't contribute any burst damage to take enemies down quickly. Unexperienced players still consider us sometimes strong, as the board at the end of the warzone will show high dmg numbers, regardless of our AE dmg easily being counterhealed by AE heals and our dots trickling away and being healed most times. 2) I love my sorcerer, and keep playing him as my main char above my annihilation marauder, but I reckon the class only viable in pvp for random games in normal warzones, where I won't encounter any good and focused opposition. As soon as any coordinated opponents are on the other side, I'll be rooted and stunned immediately and stay so until dead aprox. 3 seconds later, 10 if guarded and healed. The rare occasion I play PVE it's ok, but then it's pretty obvious the balancing has been done for random games and PVE only. All glass, little cannon, unless one is left alone in a corner to wreck havoc.
  6. 75% is cap for surge. Ideally you're a bit below, my surge value is 74,92% or something like that and already a bit much surge value on my items.
  7. The posters above got everything correctly. However, even though my crit is long maxed, I put resolve augments into my sorcerer, simply because I can craft them myself and don't need to buy them, the difference is so negligable... If you take 14 augments, that's 252 points of either power or willpower, with a difference of 0.03 dmg per point, that's a bonus damage of 7.56 total. That's not even 1% of my bonus dmg, and far less of the total damage. I took the main stat augments and will instead replace some crit mods with power versions in my warhero equipment at occasion when I have nothing else to do with my ranked warzone commendations.
  8. I think many people would welcome the option not only to ignore specific players in chat, but being able to filter out unwanted spam messages. Especially right now there are dozens of guild officers that keep spamming their recruiting advertisements on the freshly merged servers every other minute, each time copy/pasting 6 lines of text into the chat. What's not spammed by those guild advertisements is currently spammed by people looking for a group or looking for more people to join their group. While I understand that this will hopefully be greatly reduced with patch 1.3, I think it should be a really minor fix to be able to filter out anything that contains certain words, just as you can ignore individual players. For examle right now it would be great to be able to filter out any sentence including the words "guild", "lfg" and "lfm". Would make my and many other peoples lifes so much easier, right now a lot of people are complaining about the spam that's preventing any decent talking in the general chat.
  9. neijas

    Chat log

    Please please please allow us to log specifig chats. I understand that log files can become reaally big (I had some huge text files in Everquest 1, which allowed to log the complete chat), but for many people it would be great to be able to log conversations so as not having to write down email adresses given, or any other information. It's also good for keeping track on loot distribution etc. So please give us the option to log specific channels like the whisper channel or the guild channel.
  10. To be honest, I kill the bad mar/sent with my sorcerer and lose against the really good ones. Talking about skill here and not gear, on my server almost everyone who's still doing pvp when a game is actually happening is geared in WH and everyone knows each other. I usually try to avoid mars/sents though and only take on the fight when it's necessary. As sorcerer you have other, better targets than the exact nemesis class to fight against. Each class has it's nemesis and an easy victim class. I have a marauder as well, and while I have to admit that it's simply more fun to play than the sorc, I don't think it's more powerful. I surely can burst down enemies faster, the defensive cds rock when they are up. But they aren't up all the time, and with medium armor you die just as fast as anyone else in medium armor when the defs are down. And a good tank will usually win the 1on1, not to mention that it's not worth the time trying to take down a tank in 1on1, as marauder you focus on cloth classes, which are your easy prey. Also, as others before me have posted, as marauder / sentinel you have the least utility of all classes. You have no extrication, you have no pushbacks, you have no force pull, no CC at all. You have no force speed, no long duration stealth, no healing. The sniper has tons of stuns/snares/roots while dishing out even more damage than the marauder, but the whining is less. As Marauder you can do but one thing, that is dealing out damage, and you need to be good at least at that and survive long enough to dish out damage. Other classes have other advantages. Nothing is better than pulling the ball carrier into the flames with my assassin on huttball. Or running with my sorcerer from cap point to cp in a flash while dishing out tons of damage, using mostly instants and always on the run, kiting mars/sents as you go. As Marauder you kill. Point.
  11. I love how people whine about them not getting MVP votes. Especially as there seems to be some major misconception about what's making a player valuable. Getting 300k dmg and 13 medals doesn't make you necessarily more valuable than a healer with 60k healing and 6 medals. If you're playing huttball, the player who works most toward scoring will be getting my vote. I had games where I scored 3 goals and pulled the ball carrier into goal with extrication another 2 times and I had like 3 medals, because working towards the goals doesn't get you any medal. Had I stood on a bridge and thrown dots and AEs on random enemies, I could have got 300+k dmg and 13 medals easily, but that's not what the game is about. On Voidstar, the assassin who sneaks with stealth to the door and gets the bomb planted in the 10th try while the rest are battling the enemies to distract them is far more important to get you the win than the fighters. I give my vote often to players who did a great job healing the fighters, sometimes to players who did a great job to protect the healers, occasionally to players who did a ******** of dmg in a tough game, but mostly to the players who showed great coordination and understanding of the targets of the warzone. I also sometimes honor if someone who is badly equipped as new lvl 50 PVP player shows a good understanding of tactics and gameplay and does his best, even if he alone by equipment can't get the high numbers of other players or medals. To answer the original question.., if my team sucks utterly and nobody deserves to be called MVP, I won't vote at all, if there was a vote for the worst noob I'd do that, but then I'm so in hate of everyone, I couldn't make myself give anyone another comm.
  12. Jetzt melde ich mich, ohne den ganzen Thread gelesen zu haben, hier auch mal zu Wort: Unser Server, Gnawers Roost hält keinesfalls mehr bis Frühsommer durch. Von meiner Gilde haben jetzt 80% entweder ganz aufgehört oder auf The Jedi Tower neu angefangen. In der Primetime sind zwischen 15 und 30 Leuten auf der Fleet auf Imperiumseite, Republik sieht ja noch viel ärger aus. Wartezeiten von 30 Minuten auf eine Warzone sind an der Tagesordnung, und Warzones passieren nur zwischen 15:00 Uhr und Mitternacht. Gruppen findet man ohnehin keine, da keine Leute da sind. In anderen Spielen war es auch möglich, Servertransfers oder besser noch Servermerges innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu bewerkstelligen. Das Zusammenlegen von Servern und das Transferieren von Spielern gehört doch seit UO/EQ zur Grundausstattung von MMORPGs, und Bioware ist doch kein Neuling in dem Genre. Darüber hinaus finden nicht nur ich, sondern auch meine IT-Freunde und Gildenkollegen, teilweise promovierte Informatiker, es höchst befremdlich, dass man einen manuellen Transfer durchführen kann, das Verfahren aber nicht automatisiert bekommt. Wenn man die Datenbankeinträge manuell übertragen kann und Sicherheitsabfragen durchführt, muss der Vorgang auch automatisch durchgeführt werden können. Gerade in Anbetracht der ungeheuren Anzahl von Servern, die Bioware zu Spielstart aufgestellt hat, muss doch die Möglichkeit der Notwendigkeit von Merges von vorneherein berücksichtigt worden sein? So blauäugig kann doch keiner sein, dass man das nicht vorhergesehen hat, wenn der Hauptgrind für die ursprünglichen Spieler beendet ist. In Anbetracht der Häufung von Bugs (Fehlerhafter Patches) und mangelhafter QA wäre auch angesichts der oben stehenden Ausführungen eine personelle Änderung der Projektleitung dringend anzuraten. Ein erfahrener Projektmanager würde Bioware in meinen Augen sehr gut tun, es wäre nämlich sehr schade um das an sich sehr schöne Spiel, sollte mit den notwendigen Korrekturen gewartet werden bis es zu spät ist, die Zeitspanne ist im Bereich der mmos nämlich sehr kurz.
  13. I'd switch back to my sorcerer from the marauder. I loved the playstyle, and I played wizard in EQ and mage in wow, had a GM mage in UO, so I always loved this style of playing. Right now though it's just too useless to play a DPS sorcerer, so I had to roll a class I can get into decent teams with, hence the Marauder.
  14. Guys, honest, this display of incompetence has made me lose the last little bit of faith I had in the company I once held in highest esteem. Sitting here at my desk at office in Germany as a businessman I can but shake my head at this display of horrid communication, incompetence and fumbling. Bad enough that after 6 months time all we get for new content is but 1 warzone, a flashpoint and an operation.., time enough has been for a new race, a couple new planets and a handful of operations, not to mention of the desolate PVP system, which could have been revamped with easy additions (huttball league or tournament mode anyone?) instead of now having openworld pvp simply shut down due to lacking. There was time enough to add character transfers or handle some server merges for the dying servers like mine, where on peak hours 20 people are on imperial fleet. Instead we get a bunch of nerfs packed as a good for the whole because apparently people were "overperforming", so after 6 months some classes get completely blown over to make the existing crap more challenging. That must have been the most innovative way to solve problems in a game I've seen so far in any of the 10 mmorpgs I've played so far. Now on the LAST day before release it gets announced that one of the major points of the new patch, the ranked warzones get scrapped. Honestly guys, no company that gives anything about their reputation would have refrained from anything the like. You can't really claim you noticed 1 day before release that it's not ready for release, nobody is going to believe you. The next highlight comes same evening, patcher installs update early, making me wonder why, but why doubt the patcher? After installation game won't start anymore, instead now it wants to download 11 GB. Reaction of Bioware: oops, human mistake, we're sorry, wait until tomorrow or download game completely new on your 3 mbit line, you'll be finished in time of servers going down for patch. Really great. I'm playing mmorpg since UO, if you don't count muds before that, and I've never seen anything the like. Who's doing the controlling in your house if 1 human mistake can cause a patch to be deployed early. Do you have a 1-man team? Well, here went my champion and centurion commendations down the drain, no possibility anymore to spend them. Today, after deciding to wait until today as told, when patch time is over and servers up, what do I notice? Hey, again another misinformation of the incompetent developer team. I actually need to download the whole client again, and instead of having done it overnight, now I'm sitting here with still the whole download in front of me. To be honest, that was the final knack. I've lost any faith in bioware, a company I once respected for former good games. I actually won't even download the client again, I'm going back to BF3, Skyrim and lots of other games I was playing when starting with swtor. My gametime is running out in 30 days or so, I was planning to play until then only because I was already pissed at the setting of priorities in biowares team, where nerfing is more important than handling the really urgent issues. But now I can't even be arsed to download the client for those 30 days. Good job dev team, you know how to ruin a good company.
  15. Naja, du könntest ja über target's target ganz fix dasselbe ziel in's auge nehmen, so wird das üblicherweise gelöst..
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