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  1. Please do not post any spoilers as I am just returning to the game and about to start on KotFE... My question is based around the end of each.. Are the endings different for Republic and Empire? or is it based of if your character makes LS or DS choices? Thanks for the help in advance.
  2. Yeah I got into a long discussion about this in game. It is a tough question that obviously has no right or wrong answer. I think I'm going to try to play all 8 class stories first. From that figure out which I enjoyed most. Not so much the story but the actual game play and then start with that class moving forward. I will be having a surgery soon that will have me at home for about 6 weeks,.... so I'll have a lot of free time to play!
  3. I am trying to decide if I should just focus on one character and get through the story and the expansions or complete all class story lines before going on to the expansions. A second question.... if I choose to do all of the class stories is it worth doing them all through the expansions as well or will that just be way to time consuming? Maybe just pick one class on Republic and one on Empire to do them with? I do realize this is mostly a personal preference kind of thing but I am interested in hearing what others have experienced so I can make a better informed decision. Thank you in advance.
  4. Let me explain my situation and then see if people have ideas. I lost the use of my left arm many years ago in a car accident. So when I play games such as SWTOR and when I played WoW I mainly rely on my mouse to get me through movement and using my skills. Any suggestions on which class would be best for me to play? I am only interested in PvE as PvP is just too difficult reaction wise for me. Thanks in advance.
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