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Posts posted by the_nerfherder

  1. Alright thanks! I think one of the things is I may not be getting to the action enough. I do get targeted by imps, not to sound cocky but I think I'm a well known slinger on the server so imps to tend to go for me. I've never been a huge numbers guy, but I do like to keep tabs on the damage I do. Should I spam press flurry of bolts more? I think the one thing you stated was that I have to go off my rotation...I think I am too strict on using it and need to loosen it up.
  2. I think its hilarious that the OP thinks planets that were made up for KOTOR are perfectly OK, but planets made up for SWTOR are not.


    Yes I do, for one main reason KOTOR was a more story based game and you can create the planet through story, KOTOR did that! SWTOR does not! While leveling, I was bored leveling on Voss, Quesh, Tython....why? Because there isn't anything star wars fans recognize. And you can't get into the story of those planets because this isn't a game where you sit through 10-15 mins of dialogue. Games like KOTOR, Star Wars books, etc can get away with making up planets because you can spend a lot more time getting the attention of the reader with details, they don't do that in swtor, which is fine! Think of the scene in KOTOR 2 where you return to the Jedi enclave and talk to the Jedi Masters, a scene like that wil never be in an MMO, because MMO players aren't gonna sit through that dialogue....so why would they sit through details of planets to excite you to go there? Let me sum it up this way, swtor is not a story based game, it has a alright story, but it doesn't have a story to keep you interested throughout leveling. And because it doesn't have that story, when you make up planets and just put 100 people in it, you begin playing a game that doesn't feel like star wars, It's just a futuristic WoW. I'm fine with them adding bull **** planets for WZs and ops (Asitation and Denova) because I'm not exploring that. Leveling, people want to go places they recognize, symbolic places!

  3. So I switched to DF about a month ago..I kept hearing other slingers can get up past 500k damage with it so I thought it was my best option for PVP. I've used all 3 GS specs and personally, I think DF is the most fun. The only problem is I'm not doing the damage I feel like I should be doing. I looked up a rotation and they're all about the same whatever site I go to, so I don't think that's the problem. I understand that it is a DOT spec but I don't know what Im doing wrong. I'm hitting 200-250k damage on average, sometimes get up past 300k.


    So is my problem I don't let the dots sit on my targets long enough..or what? I do use aimed shot, an all the other gunslinger abilities when my main rotation is on cooldown.... Any help would be awesome, thanks guys!

  4. I know there are a lot of threads on this, but I never can find the answer I need, so I'm asking the question myself.


    Which spec is the best to use in level 50 PVP for a gunslinger? I hate hybrids, I like to put 95% of my skill points in 1 tree so which is the best, deals a good amount of damage but I won't die every other second. I've tried SS, and Sab and both are good, Sab I stay alive longer, SS I deal a little more damage, I was wondering if DF was the way to go then.


    My toon is in 50% War hero gear and I will soon be getting the rest of the gear I need to be full war hero, if that information will help at all. Thanks for any help, if you could just give me a spec to go with and a reason why it will mean the world to me, thanks!

  5. Absolutely not! No more cowboy stuff! My smuggler is my main and I liked the cowboy stuff for awhile, then It just gets weird, I am on my way to having full war hero stuff for my smug and I love the look. Normal jacket that kinda look "star wars-ie" only thing I dont like is the helmet, but that's fixable.
  6. This is an MMO and they will be expanding the known Star Wars Universe as most every Star Wars game has done before. So expect to see "New" lore added on as well as planets. (Maybe it dosen't exist because it was secret and destroyed by the Emperor then covered up? Nobody knows.)


    Aside from that, I'd LOVE if they take some attempts at classic Star Wars planets like Naboo and the Wookie Homeworld. As well as some other iconic planets from the movies and books. However, we can't expect everything, not this early into the Game's history.


    Just wait, 1.4 brings more Story. And you always need more places to put story.


    See that's where I disagree, Bioware should stick with classic star wars planets and themes until they get big enough, then give them room to do this,

  7. Alright, I'm one of those guys who played this game strictly because I'm a star wars nerd, a really annoying one to. But what annoys me is Bioware announces to add a new planet to this game, and it doesn't even exist in the universe. Honestly, with the books I'm fine with authors writing about new planets, but I think at the point where there are that many planets in lore ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_planets ) it'd be much more fun to add something that players are a little more familiar with, instead of adding new things every chance you get. Plus, I could mention some other things you really messed up in the story (such as the use of kolto) but I won't get in it. What I am really saying here is: Stop trying to be creative, bring back memories of KOTOR fans by putting in manaan, or even better a Jedi enclave on Danatione.
  8. I'm starting to see more and more smugglers around the fleet and I just started getting curious what made you want to play a smuggler? I feel like I was one of the first people to actually play as a smuggler, chose it because it was the Han Solo class and because I don't want to be 1 of 5000 Jedi running around. So what were your reason(s)
  9. Dantooine-Go to the destroyed/rebuilt jedi enclave.


    Manaan-put the empire and Republic spaceports right next to each other. Make it like KOTOR, The Sith and the Republic are just walking past each other arguing. Perfect situation for the Galatic "Cold War."


    Lehon (Unknown planet/ Star Forge planet)--Bioware could make it work, just needs to be added for lore.

  10. Before any fingers are pointed, I love my gunslinger, will always be my main character. And I know there are a lot of threads with similar type questions but nothing that gives me the answer I need. Now, I am a lore freak so cut me some slack, but where in hell did they get the idea for the smugglers gear past lvl 40. I mean, I love the trenchcoat thing, but like I said I am a lore freak and I want to feel like I am in Star Wars, not the Galatic Wild West. The only character that could have inspired the trench coat and hat idea is Cad Bane, but oh yeah....He's a bounty Hunter! So any theories of such where they got the idea for the outfit is welcome, and also if you have any outfits in mind that may feel a little less Cowboyish that is still quality armor please feel free to share.
  11. What's KOTOR?


    While my kids have played the games; I have not.


    My love for Star Wars started when I saw the first movie at age 7. Since SWTOR combines a childhood favorite with my love of MMOs it was a natural.


    How painful it is to read that.


    KOTOR stands for "knights of the old republic"

  12. I've leveled one character to 50 and the other to 43, and throughout playing both characters I've come across a lot of people who don't know a thing about Star Wars and came only because they were bored of WoW. So, I was talking about this with a few people in my guild, there are 2 types of people in the game, Star Wars fans who played KOTOR and MMO fans. I got the game cause I played through KOTOR 1 and 2 hundreds of times and I thought this game would sub in for a KOTOR 3 (which it has in most ways.) I think the devs did a good job blending the aspects of KOTOR and an MMO together. But my main question is, what brought you to play the game? Are you a diehard Star Wars fan, or just someone who got tired of WoW?
  13. Prologue = 5 stars.

    Chapter 1 = 4 stars.

    Chapter 2 = 2 stars.

    Chapter 3 = 3 stars.



    I found the Smuggler storyline to start off strong, and still stay interesting with a nice Antagonist to feud with.


    After that, the story takes a bit of a hit, though there are still a few good moments. It does pick up at the end though where some characters return, and there's some interesting plot twists. My largest complaint though is that even though you're doing all this awesome stuff, like gathering riches, you don't really get any sense of lasting accomplishment. If I find the most awesome treasure ever, I want to see it proudly displayed in my ship. Sadly, that doesn't happen.


    Perhaps the best thing about being a smuggler though...is that everyone is constantly amazed how just a normal guy is defeating Sith and kicking the empire's backside. :)


    I found it the exact opposite. I hated Chapter 1. Chapter 2 was alright once you get to chapter 3 your just destroying everything.

  14. Hey guys new to the forums,


    but I am a level 23 gunslinger and just through playing the game, it just seems like the smuggler is a completely underrated class. I only really see Jedis and a trooper here or there. Is there a specific reason for all this or is the jedi just to mainstream.

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