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Everything posted by ferociousone

  1. ok some saying i dont know about PC games ..mate ive played PC games for years ..played a game called air rivals...space combat game..awesome PvP and so on..but after 4 years got boring..lolz...now star wars is great just the way u have to control your toon is just stupid... combat dont feel REAL...thats teh point... people are allready saying they board of the game get to lvl 50 and its broing...thats in part cuz of how combat is and how u control...look at "SKYRIM" u have alot of things to use in combat and control pad works wicked...some old school fools will QQ about this..but key board and mosue are good for "FFS" like MW3 BF3.left4dead.killing floor..and so on... this type of game should have AWESOME combat .. i feeel my money has been waisted ..i cant evan play past lvl 10 cuz of how we have to control our toons...and im not spending more money to buy somethign so i can use control pad..and im not siting there for hours seting it all up...i payed GOOD money for this....so why shoudl i have to spend more and more just to get ti how iw ant.. the main point im trying to make out ...and i hope i can make this clear... the combat sysem needs updateing.."stop being lazy" the money this game allready made and is makeing is more then enough they shoudl think about amkeing combat MORE fun.... the control sysem needs updateing... get with the times people....control pad "for combat" is the way.. are u understanding me NOW????? BTW im dislexsix so uf some is not spelled right i am sorry..
  2. PRESSING NUMBERS TAKES NO SKILL AT ALL ...im not saying a control pad is skillfull..but its 100% more fun then lookin at your keyboard makeins sure u press right one...haveing to use ctrl and numbers allso LONG thing...why make it so bloody boring..dont u want players???? look at games like " destiny warriors" "skyrim" and so on...they are controler type and man they rock..new bat man game is same and the figthing is awesome...im sorry but who ever thinks key board and mosue is good for this type of game must love being board... i dont think what i say ehre will change and teh game will get players..cuz its star wars... i just feeel like ive been ripped off...ive payed for like 3 months and i wont play AT all.. combat is weak...i dont evan try PvP cuz control is just to slow and jerky.. and its so bloody boring clikc and move lock on press number I MEAN COME ON for tyhe love of all thats right...this is STAR WARS..u guys know how BIG this could be and u let it down with the weakist kind of combat EVER.... from what people have said so far i know it wont change...just wish i could get my money back cuz i wont play unless combat system is UPDATED ......the way it is now sorry U let the whole game down...
  3. ok what im saying is...pressin number is damm right BORING..u spend more time looking at key bord then u do at screen...and dont tell me the fighting is to adv for control pad..thats just bull...how much the game made allready??? and players are leaveing the game .... if they made it so u could use control pad..it would be so much more fun as u would be more in control..... look at skyrim and so on they use the xbox controler...the fighting is brilll i feel like im the one doin it...yet the way it is here its just do damm boring.... so my point is.....update<<<yes UPDATE>>as the way things are set up in STOR its not up to date.....if it was id not have to make this POST...
  4. well do u agree with what i said??? serious the fighting style is so boring...look at games like skyrim and kingdoms of amalur...the fighting style is more like u are in control...its just combo buttons but it works welll and it would bring more PLAYERs to the game if the style of fighting was made like the above games....... am i right or wrong?????
  5. Why ?have u not got more to say then this???
  6. I dont know if its just me but im so gutted how the fighting is set up here... i mean come on why did u guys make it so boring?????? why did u not set up for control pad? why make it so its realy poor like WoW.. i just want to know are u gona mke the fighting more real by makein it contol pad type? or have i just waisted 100 pound on a game i wont play cuz how weak the controls are.. But hey im one of 1000s so what if i have spent my money on the game only to find its realy poor when it comes to combat....the little guys dont matter... all i want to know is are u gona change or is it gona stay how it is???? THX...
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