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Everything posted by krisagi

  1. With the constant heavy load on Harbinger we need another West Coast PvE Server to handle the load.
  2. When will BioWare upgrade to Gerbil Power.
  3. The only one is the Dread Masters Kit
  4. EDIT: Just checked both CM Rep Vendors and the one on the Rep Vendor is the BH-7X not the Oricon Watchtower.
  5. Does anyone know how to get this skin for HK-51?
  6. Is there a way the Counterfeit Murustavan Ruby could be turned into an item for Strongholds? It would be nice to have it in my Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace.
  7. That only works if you can remember when you joined the queue for flashpoints or ops.
  8. Is there a way you can put in a Timer in Queue and an ETA Timer for SM & HM Flashpoints and SM, HM & NiM Ops? I am tired of guessing how long I have been waiting in Queue for a Flashpoint.
  9. You said EA never gives out compensation I proved you wrong and you wont admit it. Wonderful.
  10. I got Dead Space 3 for free from EA because of the screw up with the new SimCity game.
  11. How about giving us an few days free as an apology? 3 times in 7 days is inexcusable.
  12. Please start splitting the Planetary Instances at a lower number like around 120 - 130. It is very annoying to get to a planet like Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa see 140 - 145 people and realize that I will not be able to do any quests without having to worry about Kill Stealers or Quest Ninja's.
  13. There is a difference between doing PvP in Warzone and PvP on a planet Oricon or CZ-198. If I enter a WarZone I know I am going to be attacking Other Players. If I am on a Planet I am there to do PvE Content. Unless I am in an area like Outlaws Den on Tatooine.
  14. Server: Harbinger West Coast PvE Planet: Oricon PvPers in both factions are deliberately flagging PvP then running into a PvE'ers AOE and flagging them for PvP so to prevent them from completing ANY PvE Quest or Daily. I am on a PvE Server because I do not wish to PvP. If I wished to PvP I would have rolled a Character on a PvP Server. PvPers are making me want to cancel my account, and my guild members are thinking of doing the same thing. Please BioWare FIX IT NOW.
  15. I would do IP Bans not Account Bans. By banning the IP it makes the farmers work harder to get back into the game.
  16. I do not speak for everyone else but I for one am sick and tired of getting to fleet and get inundated with gold farmers spamming their illegal websites. When will BioWare & EA do something to put an end to this?
  17. the Bonus Quest Leadership Purge for the Quest An Alliance of Opposites for the first mission for Chapter 2 for the Jedi Consular needs to be nerfed. Normally I do not ask for a nerf for anything in a MMORPG but this time I am asking for one. the reason why is that the npc you need to kill is a Level 32 Champion that cannot be solo'd and I tried several times as a Jedi Shadow with Treek as healer, all 4 class buffs, and 3 legacy skills and still wasnt able to kill her. After my 5th whipe I had to get a guildie to come and assist me in killing Tasandra. Im not asking for her damage to be nerfed just that she get dropped from Champion to Elite.
  18. Now that you have "Addressed performance issues within the Kuat Drive Yards Flashpoint." can you please address the performance issues of Imp Fleet and Pub Fleet. They are a constant lag fest and have been since launch.
  19. 1) Tell that to the UK Companies that Blizzard succesfully sued for making Bot Programs. 2) It is possible to IP Ban Someone EVEN if they are using a proxy server. Besides how do you know they are using proxy servers?
  20. THe only way for MMO Developers to get rid of Gold Sellers is a 2 prong attack: 1) File Lawsuits for every site that sells in game currency for real life cash. 2) IP Ban everyone that spams the illegal sites in game. The only problem is no MMO Developer will do these things because they are too soft on the Gold Sellers.
  21. I might get in trouble for this but frankly I do not care. All I see im this post is "QQ BioWare isnt fixing things that I want them to fix so Im going to complain about it on the forums." This type of post tells me one important thing about the OP and that is he believes that the game should revolve around him and now one else matters. To the OP I say this: BioWare SWTOR Developers doesnt come to your place of work and tell you how to do your job so please give them the same respect and not tell them how to do theirs. Our Jobs as players is to report the cheaters, gold farmers, illegal gold website spammers, and the game breaking bugs. That is the only things we as players need to do outside of that we have nothing else to tell the developers.
  22. What is the point of allowing us to have HK-51 at level 1 and Treek at level 10 if we cannot use them as companions during class mission discussions?
  23. I dont know about the rest of the player base for this game(and every MMO out right now), but I for one am sick and tired of BioWare doing nothing to stop websites that sell in game currency for real life cash. Just banning those who buy the credits is not working you need to take off the kiddie gloves and start filing lawsuits to shut down the websites.
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