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10 Good
  1. I am an old school gamer (Eve/Planetside/Neocron)that was very much looking forward to SWTOR, even bought a new computer for it. I heard that it was going to be a let down, but I had very high hopes so I tried it anyway. I leveled a sniper to 45 at which point I was so sick of having to kill 25 more boring NPC's over and over and over and over and over again that I canceled my subscription and am doubtful I will ever play MMOs in future. Why? Because a titanic shift has apparently happened in the gaming industry because of the success of WoW and it's theme park style of play, versus sandbox. Like a Micheal Bay movie, these theme park hand-holding MMOs are vapid and soulless because you are not in competition with other players via meaningful PvP or in-game economy...I define meaningful as having an impact on the wider MMO World; things like cities or planets to conquer that will be shown across the server, economic production that relies on player participation, and death that actually has consequence. It is competition amongst other players that makes for truly memorable game experience...would you play Monopoly with everybody on the same team? I hope not... Anyway, due to my anger that such a homogenized, lowest-common denominator, glitz over substance game could be allowed to exist after spending $300million on development, I started to read the forums to see if other people were feeling equally disappointed, but in fact there seemed to be more gushing support than not... People seem to really like theme park MMOs where you don't need to carve out your own destiny, MMOs used to be a niche market full of creative, albeit dorky, people who really wanted a chance to command a space fleet, or build an economic trade Juggernaut, etc. Now people just seem to want to kill NPCs while chatting with their buddies...which I'm sorry doesn't take much creativity, just a low standard for what is boring. But it is these people that made WoW huge, and now all MMOs are copying that model...which has just cemented my theory of Humans being mostly unimaginative and boring. Sandbox MMOs are for people with creative minds...but as those types of games are now 'niche', I am forced to conclude that most of Humanity just isn't that creative; which I suppose is ok, but know that when you defend SWTOR you are defending mediocrity, and should be aware of it. This game should've been so much better. RIP SWTOR I welcome any rebuttals...
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