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Posts posted by Huckdabuck

  1. The word 'streamlined' terrifies me as it conjures visions of DA2 skill trees and combat. That's not the kind of streamlined you mean, right?


    Go watch the stream on Twitch and decide for yourself.

  2. Watching the stream...just shaking my head in disbelief about this Discipline system. Tons of development hours just to have a new way to assign skill points??? Big deal, this does not improve the game at all, the same thing could be accomplished with a traditional skill tree. Those hours could have gone towards something that would actually make the game better, like more content (pvp maps, planets, etc).


    Very disappointing seeing this, just a waste.


    Edit - this does not mean that some of the new changes to the abilities are not good. I like a lot of the ideas. I just don't see the need to dress it up like this.


    2nd edit - I overreacted. This is a good step.


    And that right there is a good reason to actually sit there and listen prior to spouting off about something.

  3. So, just got my *** handed to me by my own faction. It happens, you'll say. Deal with it, you'll say. Ok, I know it happens and I deal with it but this match was nothing but a parody. Imp vs imp. Nothing strange here. We have one level 49 merc dps, rest is in the 30-45 bracket. Level doesn't matter, you'll say. Expertise is the same for everyone, you'll say. I'll then point you at the skill trees and dare you to defeat a level 53 carnage marauder with your level 35 carnage marauder.

    So, where was I? Oh yes, we were just starting the match. And what a surprise, the other team has 2 healers, one of them 52, two tanks, level 49 powertech and level 50 jugger, and three 50+, including that 52 operative healer. What do we have? A level 30 sin tank, rest dps. I'd understand if we were fighting against the pubs but this was imp versus imp. How hard would it have been to put a healer and the 51 sniper or the the 52 marauder on our side? It's random, you'll say. Well, **** it then, it's obviously broken.

    In before "Why u no give a solution?" people - If you don't understand how it must be fixed, then you're an idiot.


    So you were in unranked queue since you are below 55. So the group queue is working as intended and gave you a random group (both in levels and in classes) since there is no match making in lowbies. Appears to be working as intended. Anything I miss? If not, just play on or get on here and quench the thirst of the forum tear drinkers with you sweet and ever salty QQ.

  4. What I really want to happen is free character transfers again, instead of having to waste away our money for 1800CC, seriously. Its too expensive for those of you that think that this price is ridiculous. I missed the good old days where we got free character transfers, but now, things went down the hole. Please give us free char transfers.


    First you herp.....then you derp!!!

  5. You born in WoW or something? lol Ilum was just a point 'A to B' mess that ended up turning into valor trading. I was there and the reason why I went afk for a year. Ilum at launch doesnt count as RvR and again proof that BW had no care or clue on the subject of RvR. If they did their homework on old skool MMOs, then maybe we wouldnt be in this mess and having folks like yourself brainwashed thinking apples are oranges.


    Troll much? Also, if you're soooo big on having OWPvP why don't you head back to your original PvP server and get off of my PvE server! K THX!

  6. then you get an "A" for effort however you have nothing to base it off of but you're own assessments.

    so...it's alot of nothing for a lot of nothing.


    Ok I'll bite.....please tell me how your assumptions/assessments are greater than my assumptions/assessments? Other than my assumptions don't meet your ideal outlook that lowering the price would give them a boost in revenue based on F2P subscribing and Subs resubbing. You're whole OP is a lot of nothing for a lot of nothing and about a lot of nothing based on the fact that you polled general chat in the game and didn't get any true metrics for analysis. I showed in estimated numbers (conservatively based on BW/EA subscription/F2P figures) what subscription numbers would be to equal what they would need in order to break even with their current revenues. I'd say that's an A for effort and an A in execution. I'm sorry but it's all in the math and in plain sight based on the assumptions/estimates which may or may not be accurate. The main point of my response was to show you in sheer volume what would need to occur in order to equal what they are making now and why that may/may not be unattainable. As previously stated, I'm all for a cheaper price but that's just not going to happen for a while since they still have a good in strong enough demand at their set pricing points.


    In all honesty, when I first read the OP I thought to myself "Self, now this guy is hoping/wishing that EA/BW will give him a call/shoot him an email to come to work for them so he can lead them to the promise land with his extensive sales experience and vast knowledge of the SWTOR gaming community needs!" As I (and another in the thread) have pointed out numerous times....the professional marketing/advertising/sales gurus at EA/BW have this under wraps and probably don't need/want your advice on how to run their pricing campaigns.

  7. I"m not trying to derail anything nor am i trying to get something for free. To prove the point I went to Coor and asked the question "to all F2P players out there, would you be willing to sub if the monthly fee was reduced to $9.99 a month" and the answers provided were all yes. There were 111 people currently on the planet and i can assume that roughly 80% weren't reading chat at that moment and that's conservitive. That would drop it down to 21 people reading. 11 responded with yes which is more that 50% of those i assumed was reading and quite honestly high than i assumed were F2P.

    I then asked of the subscribers if they would consider opening a second account, subbing a current 2nd account or if they were thinking of leaving consider staying if the sub fee was dropped to said ammount and 6 people answered yes.

    That's 17 of the 21 people i assumed were actually paying attention.

    If you consider that EA would lose $5 per currently subbed account and consider 6 to the ammount you're looking at a lose of $30 however, if you add the $10 a month for the 11 accounts that responded they would sub you'd gain $110 a month for a net gain of $70. The math doesn't lie.

    Not a single person who was involved in the converstaion had a single thing negative to say about the prospect.

    Additionally i asked if they would be more inclined to spread the word about SWToR if the sub fee was reduced and all who answered again said yes. Which would lead to the assumption of more people playing.


    Another thing to consider is the browser looking for new games to play. I myself have been there several times since I started playing MMORPG's back in 2003. That point where you're burned out and go to MMORPG.com and browse what's out there. I personnally look at rating, price to buy and price per month. Games that were at $9.99 a month were far more attractive due to that pre-programed condition I mentioned in my original post and therefore was more likely to try those games first. In the end the best game won.


    Personnally, as someone who's gamed since Mario came out i tend ot stear away from F2P games in general because i always assume they are in a death spiral and/or are cheaply made Indy games. However seeing an optional sub fee is a newer idea and again, having a cheaper fee wins. That's the strength of the free market.


    I care about SWToR, it's a great game for what it is. It has a lot of strengths and a lot of weeknesses but it's one of the top MMO's on the market right now IMHO for what i'm looking for. I'd change a few things like removing Expertise at lvl 55 to make end-game pvp as much fun as pre-end game pvp but that's me. Either way, i'd like to see this game running for a lot of years and not end up like SWG which was switched off as a faint shadow of what it was on launch with no new good content to be seen.


    Sorry I only get on when I'm at work and bored.


    Here's an accountants quick and dirty run on some numbers as well (you used some assumptions/polling of a general chat in yours so I'm going to use some assumptions minus polling of general chat in mine).


    EA/BW has been quoted as saying 500K subscribers is what they need in order to make a profit at the current rates, so I'll take that number and multiply it by the lowest cost of subscribing (6 months at $12.99) which is only a $2.99 reduction in price instead of your $5.

    500,000 * $12.99 = $6,495,000 per month as a conservative revenue estimate (obviously doesn't count the higher month sub rates since some subs don't want to go longer than month to month).


    Now assume they lower the price to $9.99 for subscribers

    500,000 * $9.99 = $4,995,000 per month as an adjusted conservative revenue estimate


    I'm going to now assume that there are an equal number of free to play who do so on a regular enough basis to consider becoming subscribers (and based on the 10% that replied in your post above I'd also assume only 10% will sub since they can play as long as they want as a F2P with little disruption but I'm going to give you 30% in the calculation below in order to illustrate my point).

    150,000 * $9.99 = $1,498,500 per month as an adjusted conservative revenue estimate


    Now add up the adjusted conservative revenue estimates

    $4,995,000 + $1,498,500 = $6,493,500 which is $1,500 less in revenue per month and that's with 650,000 subscribers (which would be a fantastic number for this game if you ask me). So to break even based on current estimated conservative numbers they would need 650,150 subscribers in order to reach their current monthly revenue. As you stated above the math doesn't lie! Is it doable......sure.....is it likely....probably not especially when looking at how fickle and varying people are in general when it comes to gaming and new shineys.


    As far as subbing for a 2nd account.....with the ability to have up to 22 characters per server and 8 servers in the U.S. (176 characters being available to you) why would anyone want/need to subscribe to a second account? That just doesn't make any sense but I guess we should call those people serious altoholics (disclaimer - I have roughly 35 alts across 4 servers)


    As far as someone browsing trying to find a new MMO, that's why many games have a F2P option for the first few levels so you can test drive the game to see if it's to your liking or not. If someone truly enjoys a game then they will be willing to pay for it....if they don't they won't. Me personally I just do a web search and then look at screen shots/reviews/yada yada before I decide to try one out. There are rare instances where I outright buy a title (see FF and GW2) without even testing the waters.


    I was a veteran long before Mario made his first appearance on the scene (see Atari and 1982) and have owned most gaming platforms/consoles through the years. Personally I only steer clear of titles that don't look appealing to me and I honestly could not care less if it's an indie game or not.


    Now the strength of a free market is based on supply and demand and cheaper doesn't automatically win. As such, I'm sure EA/BW is quiet confident that their pricing options (subscription/F2P) are set accordingly since they obviously have a demand for their product in one form or the other at their stated prices.


    I too love the game and wish that it has a long and healthy life. To ensure that it does....I make my monthly contribution to the coffers at EA/BW of $12.99 and about once a month I purchase CC's (bought way to much when these new packs came out last time). Actually now that I think about it.....I might pay the light bill in Austin! Now my numbers/assumptions may be somewhat fuzzy but hey so were yours.


    TLDR : The price is at a fair point and reducing it won't create some new wealth for EA/BW by having F2P become subscribers, people will run to new shineys, supply and demand works but this isn't Wal-Mart, I give EA/BW to much of my money, long live SWTOR.

  8. You missed the point he was making entirely Spending cash wasn't his point. Being forced to partake in the event when he doesn't want to is his complaint.

    Its amazing how some ppl think its ok for them to force something on someone else, but that person don't have the right to complain or not partake.


    If he doesn't want to partake in the event then stay away from all other toons until next Tuesday. There's always your ship to hide on! Also, just a note to the op but if you wait 20 minutes you die and then you're disease free until you cross paths with someone who blows up on you again. Pretty easy to keep your distance if you don't want to get sick since they have a debuff on them that shows how long until they are finished with Stage 2 of the plague.

  9. The OP is right about the 9.99 thing. I have read studies myself in the economics courses I have had to take through out my college career. Its a trained response we have been put through as long as we have been able to read. Seriously, which looks bigger to you?





    I have actually HEARD people in stores saying no to a product priced at 10 bucks, but almost step over other people to get it at $9.99.



    The only thing I wanted to add though, is that WoW (at least when i was playing it) was $14.99 a month; I saw the charge every month on my phone bill.


    You're talking about Psychological Pricing that most people hear about in an into to Economics course.



  10. There are plunty of people out there that are currently F2P that would, according to market trends, sub at $9.99 as opposed to $14.99 again, based on trends.


    You can try to twist or justify it however you want but i'm telling you, based on common sales knowledge that subs would go up at $9.99 a month with or without Cartel Coins.


    They would have to keep it at one rate, to add an additional fee but you dont get XX would shy people away given the current cost of a sub it would be best to lower the rates.


    Well currently they can get it for 12.99 per month if they sub for 6 months (discounted for longer terms much like any other service provide will do for their customers). And honestly $2 does not create a make or break point for most people since that's the cost of a 20oz bottle of coke. And let's be honest MOST people will say that they'd do something on a questionare that we all no that they have no intention of doing (ie subscribing to services). Just for S.G.&G.'s I'd love to look over that marketing data.....got a link?


    Pricing really doesn't matter for most people.....if someone likes something enough they will pay whatever said price is in order to fully enjoy what they want to enjoy. If they don't enjoy something then reducing the cost by $2 isn't going to make them say "I think I'll subscribe because it's only 9.99!" in fact most times people will just write the game off and go on to another one.


    Now don't get me wrong I'd love if this game was cheaper but I'm pretty sure that the marketing/sales/advertising guys at EA/BW have figured out what their pricing points need to be in order to maintain/improve their revenues based on their long track records of being a profit driven business for longer than most of the player base has been on this earth.

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