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Everything posted by Starkiller-VIII

  1. Then don't post. Also, Caedus is the only sith on that list that comes post-RotJ. The rest are Old Republic era. Interesting. Keep in mind that I'm referring to Vader (in armor). Granted g-canon states only Sidious can defeat Vader, I'd agree with you as far as Jacen goes.
  2. As the title suggests, if Vader were pitted against any of the following sith, who would be the victor? Vader vs. Caedus Vader vs. Sion Vader vs. Nihilus Vader vs. Exar Kun Vader vs. Vitiate
  3. Despite the obvious canon saying Palpatine is the strongest, would it be possible for someone to link me to the interview where Lucas states as much?
  4. I've yet to pick up the book but are you saying that...
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