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Everything posted by timpfields

  1. Well they should of had you presenting their new features at the Guild Summit because it was not worded as simply as that was to understand. So what is the purpose of having a perpetually increasing legacy level? Why not just cut it off at 25 like your experience bar at 50? I suppose they intend to add stuff later on but just don't see why those obtaining higher legacy levels aren't rewarded in some way. I liked the depreciating cost idea I saw just before my original post.
  2. I don't mind the lower level legacy requirement attached to the credits option, however I thought there would be the other option of unlocking things without credits at a much higher legacy level. Say legacy level 50 unlocks the GTN for example. Legacy Level 25 would get you stuff like the mailbox / repair droid. That way it would work similarly to how they presented it at the Guild Summit: Credits or Legacy Level. As it is now as legacy level 30 I receive no benefit past level 25 as all unlocks are gated by that time provided you have the millions of credits to pay for them. Just my 2 cents worth.
  3. 1). Solo play...not much has really changed. 2). We can't make up for poor play from other roles as much. DPS needs to pay attention, tanks need to interrupt and we have to pay more attention to what we're casting when. As for specifics it really depends on the fight mechanics. 3). TBH I have not tried post 1.2 I just don't see being as effective as we were before and with being automarked, dying over and over and over just isn't fun to me.
  4. Yes you can mail any non bound item to your cross faction characters. I mailed just credits last night to verify.
  5. Definately the dailies. I would not waste the comms on mods though. You're going to get gear so fast save the commendations and get the 3 Rakata pieces of gear ear and 2 x implants.
  6. The weapon vendor at each starting zone of the planets sell Techblades. No it's not moddable but you can keep him at least close to up to date. As far as the stats? I see a lot of people saying what they think but not a lot of proof one way or the other. I used him all the way to Iresso with no problems at all (other than his annoying attack delay quirk) using Aim gear though.
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