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  1. hahahahaha, I think I might be only the player left on the Fa'artha PVE server. if not, anyone out there? how long should I wait to transfer? lololololololol:rod_angel_g:
  2. Just beat him after about 10 tries with my lvl 26 sent. this is my first mmo btw. went in the first 3 times, and got absolutely spanked. then i made a brand new quickslot page just for him. got rebuke, forceleap, stasis, forcekick, you know, the works. tried two more times. came on here, finally had enuf. read all the advice and it really is about the interrupts. adjusted my quickslot accordingly. bought some endurance stims, went at it again. tried about 5 more times, got better each time. forceleaped kira in and then got in a few strikes before i had to interrupt. then its just all about timing and deploying ur interrupts. adding in a few defensive and offensive cds when you have the chance. I got him down to about 100 hp the second to last time before he used that explosive purple blast thing and killed me. the last time i made mincemeat outta him. had about 50% hp left. really stick in there and keep in mind it really is about timing and the interrupts. haha, didn't even use the stims or medpacs i bought. lol
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