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Posts posted by Narflar

  1. Lets at least give people a chance to reply before we condemn them.


    Besides, i think that it was just an oversight and will get fixed. Think about it, we have the paths for the weapons as theyre thrown, so its just a matter of putting the axes in instead of the saber models (and swapping a sound, sure, but those already exist also).


    Basically, what im saying is that it seems like a pretty manageable problem and, like i said before, it was probably just an oversight. Lets not get carried away and turn this into the inquisition...

  2. No, srsly WHO CARES?


    I personally enjoy lvl 50 pvp immensely more than 10-49. The players min-maxing their gear for the <50 bracket are not breaking any rules, are not exploiting and not doing anything others can not do as well.


    Apart from ruining the match for most people in it.


    No, it should not be allowed.


    The leave-before-end is where the unintended abuse of game mechanic oversights is. This game obviously does not have a "freeze my level at 49" mechanic, else people would not be doing the last-second-leaving. Therefore its obvious that it results in unintended (by developers) results.


    I dont even understand why anyone posting in a pvp forum would actively be promoting an uneven battlefield anyway, but thats another story. Cant compete?

  3. Ugh, i just read through 11 pages of (what i personally consider) largely irrelevant stuff.


    I quote from the original update post by David Hunt.


    -Consistency and transparency

    -We’re working on integrating crafting with the general itemization and progression experience, without also requiring players to take any specific crew skill.

    -Consistency and transparency

    -It’s important that our systems are applied consistently and in an easily understood manner.

    -Consistency and transparency

    -The more consistent and transparent the system is, the easier it is to add depth while making it easy to use.

    -Consistency and transparency


    The reason i keep repeating "Consistency and transparency" is because it is the central point of the complaint im about to make.


    The complaint is the inconsistency with Biochem (and a tad with Human species getting +100 presence in legacy, with no other species getting anything. Bit inconsistent. Dont really care about it, other than a matter of principle.).


    If end-game Biochem items REQUIRE biochem to be used, then either impose an equal requirement on end-game items of other crafting skills, or remove it from the biochem items. For instance, only cybertechs can have grade 6 ship-items (yes i know about the grenades, clean those requirements also).


    Does rakata artifice/synthweaving/anything-but-biochem items require artifice/synthweaving/anything-but-biochem to be used?


    Does rakata biochem items require biochem to be used? And as an added bonus, they dont even bind when used...


    Im sorry to sound so negative. Its just incredibly frustrating being expected/required to go Biochem on -all- my chars (and i have 7) because im a pvper.


    Yes warzone consumables are strong. They also negate any profit/reward earned.


    Another invalid argument id like to nullify before its introduced, is that it would require too much work to remove the constraints. The "too much work" was done when slapping the constraints on the few select items, that required "special coding".


    So please sir, please reconsider having Biochem as mandatory if you want to optimize.

    (this whinerant also applies to cybertech grenades, as a matter of principle, although they are less unbalancing)

  4. If only these forums had a D.ouche cup and people who posted comments like this had to pay in a dollar. They would have already funded 500 new jobs with major content updates coming out every month.


    Why do people get so god damn butthurt when pvpers are confrontative? Hi and welcome to pvp, dont let the door hit your sorry BEHIND on the way out. I would have used a 3 letter word, but people seem allergic to swearwords nowadays, even pvpers.


    Is everyone just waiting for the singing to begin, so disney-birds can fly in and sow you a new dress or something?



    I saw some of your vid. Its just random self-glorification, such as taking credit for events thats obviously coincidences. I had to stop, it was really really bad.


    And right back off topic:


  5. We, at EA, would like to release multiple features that in-NO-WAY is already completed, such as server transfers.


    We would also like to direct your attention to the fact that your motherboard would explode if the game did not have memory leaks. If you knew as much about hardware as we do, you would agree.


    Considering how we have overdeveloped the game, we have decided to fire additional developers and hire more customer service personnel (dont worry, they will have female names) to explain that the game is overdeveloped, and why that green questionmark just wont go away. Thats the way we wanted it, ask Jessica, he developed it. She.


    To end the debate regarding "Is this Star WoWs?", we would like to clarify that it is not. We noticed the amount of money made by COD4MW2 and COD Black Ops and decided we needed a star wars clone of said games. Its obvious to anyone that World of WHATEVER! (i dont even know what youre talking about) served no inspiration. Unless youre stupid okay? Youre totally stupid, go away okay! SWTOR is a mix of COD4MW2, Starcraft 1 and Wolfenstein, hence the name The ->OLD<- Republic. Pay attention and stop wasting our marketing dollars, we had to fire a lot of developers to free them up.


    We, at EA, would also like to remind you that we have NOT been doing this sorta stuff since the very first MMO UO, that we absolutely did NOT buy and pillage and anyone who says otherwise should just download the Origin installer, because we INVENTED Origin and all of the worlds they invent(ed).



    And we certainly did not do it twice.



    In closing, we would like to remind you all to direct all resentment towards BioWare, because we are very busy ensuring innovation in sports and racing games.

  6. As long as you have a gear grind system, time will always be a factor. Until someone revolutionizes pvp concepts, talent will never be the supreme judge. I fear it will always be the two forever enjoined. Now I gotta go get my 99 WH comms.


    Im certain it would be possible to code some gear thats only usable in pvp. And im certain its possible to code that gear being cheap/free.


    And im certain theres pvp in gametypes like FPS. How long does it take to farm an AK in counterstrike?


    I replied to this guy, because this guy understands that the talk is about pvp as a concept, not about who should be hit with the nerfstick next in TOR. He deserves his 99 WH comms, even if he kinda forgot that pvp has been around for a lot longer than TOR (for shame! 98 comms for you only!).


    Feel free to be idealistic people, thats the entire point of this thread.




    Thats the Time v Talent line. For the sake of argument, lets assume we are somewhere in the middle at the moment. Would you prefer if TOR leaned towards less Time and more Talent, vice versa or simply stuck with what it was now?


    (no this isnt a necro, pfft)

  7. Thats easy!


    - People who think gear makes them better ->players<-


    - People who say "left" and "right" instead of "east" and "west". <- #1 funniest kinda nerbs, because they fail to understand such basic stuff, and are often really aggro about how ubar pro supra leet they consider themselves.


    - That guy i saw in another thread saying "pvp tanking". That was fun.


    - People who reply with their valor rank when asked about pvp experience. (whaddya mean theres been other games than TOR to pvp in?!)


    I could go on, but really shouldnt :p


    EDIT: Okay just one more! This one practically -screaaaaams- nerb.


    Talent matters;

    In particular that rare Talent that allows a player to get over themselves and actually help and encourage others.

  8. All I heard from the OP is "I'm better than everyone, but don't want to be bothered to help anyone get better, therefore, I will cut my nose off to spite my face."


    Thats funny, because all i heard from him was "i cant win if everyone gets the same items as me, stop this at once!".

  9. Doesn't really matter as there are so many factors both in- and out-game that affects gameplay, that the only thing you can measure it by is yourself.


    Im not asking what its like in the game. Im asking what PvPers think of the two options. Both options are acceptable and none will be judged for thinking either way. Im just pointing out that people are shouting at each other because of the premise, and not the deduction.


    This isnt realism, its idealism. Let your ideal be heard.


    Talent or time? Its that simple.

  10. I see a lot of confusion going on in this forum.


    Basically it all boils down to one (1) single premise.


    Do you want pvp strength to be decided by player talent or player time?


    If you want player time, then start shouting about how easy it is to get gear for new people, because you find it lame how fast they can get the same gear as you.


    If you want player talent, then start shouting about how the playing field isnt even for new people because you find it lame how slow they can get the same gear as you.


    Fast/Slow? Matter of perspective. Some would say 3 month is fast, some would say 10 minutes is slow. The decision is in how you actually relate to the base premise.


    Do you want pvp strength to be decided by player talent or player time?


    This thread needa poll, but i have no idea how to make it.

  11. So this new "March Them Down play 6 matches" is a great way for completely fail people to get gear...SO all of us people who put in effort to get gear etc etc can now be surrounded by geared unskilled people.


    I can see the logic in it but i don't agree with it, Spoon Fed players in SWTOR.


    Sounds ALOT like youre the one demanding the spoonfeeding.


    I can see the logic in evening the playing field, so you can beat those unskilled players by being a BETTER PLAYER instead of having INVESTED MORE TIME.


    You know what you need to do? You need to l2p.

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