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  1. Your problem is that you're trying to take on a geared healer solo. I'm not debating your combat skill here, but lets look at tactics and design. My main is a BM sorc in a dps spec for reference. Healers by their nature are going to be the center of attention in pvp, at least when dealing with inteligent and experienced pvpers. In the premades I run with the healer will die very quickly to focus fire without support, and will often be taking fire from 3 or more players. Without the other member's control and mitigation, the healer dies uselessly and can't contribute meaningfully, where a solo dps or tank can cause significant issues. The healers by their inherant nature MUST be at least paired with one other person to do ANYTHING. Against enemy healers we essentially work a divide and conquer scenario. Our powertech will pull the healer away from close support. I'll whittle him down and interrupt/ be a pain in the dick. Our marauder will time a burst with a stun. Healer dies because he wasn't properly supported. If i'm soloing a healer, I may need to grab a Snickers because neither of us is going anywhere for a while. But if that healer has to focus on keeping himself alive vice moving/healing his team, I've done my job in effectively disabling the most important aspecft of the enemy team in denying its most powerful suppor structure, even if I don't have the satisfaction of a kill. Healers require a team contribution to break, because without them the team breaks. Work on your team coordination.
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