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Posts posted by Wookubus

  1. lol gear change is not going to help at all! It's the dang Resolve bar and being Chain CC that makes this game have no skill at all he who has more CC win's I guess alot of you don't do warzones??The CC break is a 2 min cool down that is a joke being chain choked flash banged what ever stun it might be slows the game down period..They need to change the break to 30 seconds are make you immune after one big stun i can wear blue gear and still kill warhero players with the right cc's!As well they need to put in lock out timmers for people that rage quit a warzone!


    the reason people rage quit is cause f the chain stuns and bs....

  2. ill be happy with this when they fix the tank gear stats to actually tank dmg... my shield and absorb stats which account for 1/4 of every mod/enhancement in my gear is worthless...


    right now i rely on my expertise(1370) to give me an edge over most others in bm wth the dmg reduction i get.... BUT once they give everyone the same, then tanks will be even more than useless in pvp.. tack that on with all my augmented wh gear will now be basically bm and have to regrind.... i feel royally screwed... the new year will not see my sub



    yes bioware keep handing out crap fr the lil f2p kiddy players and stomp on your long term subs.. thats a great business plan



    im so sick of this game

  3. we want half of the stats in our PVP gear mods to actually do something in pvp.. instead of taking up space.


    unless the pvp community promises not to use tech or force dmg and just click 1111111111 normal attack . then ok



    thats not asking to much?

  4. As the 1.6 is coming, and will make BM gear unobtainable, and War Hero will get BMs prices, is it worth to still buy Battlemaster gear? Maybe some "exchange your bm for wh" option?


    or how bout exchange your 3-4 month grinded wh gear for elite war hero... you know .. cause we did the 3-1 ratio grind already....

  5. Remember though, the best target to guard for protection points is not the best geared player who takes less damage to begin with, or the mobile guy who runs around not to be hit, or the one knocking people away. You really want the new squishy recruit gear healer that just learns that the well geared tank is their best friend.




    Sage in recruit gear spamming salvation, standing in it, doing self heals sucking up damage learns you are guarding them and keeps both of you alive = mega protection points


    Scoundrel in BM/WH gear that hots you on the run and vanishes when targetted really doesn't equal much protection since he is avoiding damage


    You can jack your numbers up by simply guarding the person with the lowest health. If they die, you still are going to be up having stopped 10k damage by the time they die horribly. RInse and repeat.


    Taunt anyone doing aoe damage. AoE taunting the fotm smash spec'd melee trains nets like a lot. It's like 30% protection every time they try to smash for 7.5k/hit x 5 player.


    Just like dps get yelled at to focus fire and kill healers. Tanks are the flip side of that. They should be focus taunting the alpha-dps player constantly. When you see players putting up 500k damage in a round, imagine 30% of 500K lost by taunting. Add that to you guarding a healer, or anyone, and that's how you get crazy high numbers.


    great post

  6. Yes I did whine, I whined about the fact that I transferred all of my normal WZ Coms to Ranked Coms in order to buy WH, then being told that WH is now gonna cost normal Coms instead of Ranked Coms. And because of the '30 Normal Coms gets you 10 Ranked Coms' thing I've just lost a hell-of-alot of Normal WZ Coms for nothing.


    And after putting effort into getting my Battlemaster and now WH's gonna cost the exact same and BM is gonna be virtually extinct in the near future, yes, I do want a refund.


    you should be pleased because you get zipped up on par with war hero geared people...and you complaining that you get what i had to grind months for.. for free. If u have full bm, as soon as u log in your shot up to my gear level, or i'm dropped down to yours... however you wanna look at it ......yeah that must really suck :/


    if anything it's the people like me with full augmented war hero gear that should be mad... i was finished my pvp grind , i worked hard to obtian all those ranked comms and i was enjoying not having to worry about comms and dailies but just playing with end game gear, now i have to do that all over again .not to mention you get to purchase wh gear for regular comms bypassing the 3-1 ratio I and many others had to do.............. yeah you should be complaining /facepalm

  7. sadly, shield/absorb mods are useless for pvp as most player damage bypasses it (tech/force dmg),, it is good for pve tho.. i do hope they change this as it is the whole reason for being a tank and if we cant mitigate 85% of dmg type comming at us, then we arent really tanks.. all our mods for pvp gear contain the above mods yet they provide no help.. lame


    im a shandow tank with full wh survivor gear and changed all my augments from shield/absorb to stacking endurance/willpower.. and i have left 2 with shield rating cause i pve with the gear to..

  8. you get to kick more *** before 1.6 comes, plus you have every WH piece you need to trade in for the EWH set, aka early advantage


    by the time they have their WH set, you'll be in complete/near complete, optimized EWH gear


    no becuse i have to do the 3-1 ratio grind while they go 1-1....... i might have 3 or 4 EWH pieces by th time they get full wh....

  9. my issue is with wh now being aquired via regular comms... and bypassing the 3-1 ratio grind i just had to go through to get my full wh set. in 1.6 all wh geared people get dropped down a level and everythng u just did is wiped, your essentially battle master again and u have to do it all over...... again


    seems like im getting cheated out of MY TIME.. which being subcribed in any MMO means MY MONEY... to which i take great offense to...


    ive been on the wall as wether to drop this game or stick it out.. this put the nail in the coffin for me

  10. im also a tank shadow in fully augmented War hero survivor gear... im usually within the top 5 of every warzone but thats because i spend my time cc'ing, defending aganist 3-5 imps until backup arrives and putting slowtime, taunts, aim and dmg reduction dots on other teams so mine can make some headway, thats my job as a full tank: to piss off and annoy by surviving..this does not net me many kills or alot of dmg output hence i do not get alot of MPV votes :(


    if the damage taken was shown like the others and not seen with a hover over..... i might get a few more votes and that would make me :)



    the full shadow tank is a thankless job that i do enjoy :p

  11. sooooo. nothing to help shadow tanks. just a spec no one plays


    . i would hope to see absorb and shield actually.. you know... absorb and shield dmg in pvp... as of now its useless and is the corner stone of tanking.



    these chages are a fail for me... force cloak and speed changes: im a tank, i dont run away and hide from a fight.. i run into the fight



    a freaken sage healer will outlast a full tank.. fail

  12. well this is a very informative thread for tanks. i personally got alot of tips from what the healers want and others expect from a tank in a wz. thanks :)


    i already do practice alot of the preferred tactics but also am guilty of doing some of the negtive stuff to i.e: not staying within range of guard and getting side tracked.


    I will start asking healers to self tag themselves at each wz start now... and tanks could also tag themselve, so healers can keep a visual que on their defenders and attempt to stay in range aswell, or even just to heal the tank whos area spamming and taunting and entire team in voidstar at the door stopping a plant:P



    btw im an augmented wh shadow tank in full tank gear (no dps gear for me!)

  13. Hey guys so I've been leveling a sniper for a while now and I would really like to have a character on each faction. I decided I'd like to make my Republic character a tank, and I was wondering if you guys could help me decide between Guardian and Shadow. The reason I made this post here is because I've been leaning towards the shadow but I still can't make up my mind :p. I'm really liking the double bladed lightsaber and the fact you use some force moves. The things appealing about the Guardian is the ability to leap around and force push.


    I don't know anything else really about the 2 and how they differ and instead of reading too much into it I kinda want to hear what you guys have to say about them. Hopefully I can get a few replies. :p


    shadows have force pull and a knock back..... not to mention force lift, a knock down, a long mezz and a stun. i cant comment on guardian as i have never played one...


    levelling a shadow is very easy with being able to stealth around many targets you dont have to engage... making your misson go much faster

  14. im a shadow tank and i wear full WH survivor tank gear(not dps) which is fully augmented with endurance/WP. i have about 22k health atm (more if i swap out my relic for the matrix cube) and my shield and absorb are between 52-54%. defence is around 35%....


    am i to think that this is not sufficent to run any fp or operation in the game?

  15. no penalty, nothng, everyone has the right to leave when they need to because:


    the kids might be crying, the wife might be nagging, the stove might be on fire, you need to take a bathroom break, your sick, your comp crashed, the game crashed, your car alarm is going off, company visiting you, your fav show just came on tv, the dog needs to go outside, supper is ready, you need to go to work, or your just plain sick of the wz .. etc etc etc......


    whatever the reason, the game doesnt revolve around your need to win a wz.. get a grip , its a game.. some1 else will take their place inside of a minute anyways. so suck it up and keep playing

  16. all that needs to be done is when the WZ queue pops up , somewhere it should say what warzone its for,, that way u can decide wether u want to enter or cancel for the next one... then no1 gets a loss for leavng a rwz and no1 wastes time loading into a wz they dont want to play


    fixed and with very little modifying on the devs part

  17. and im a tank shadow, defending nodes is my bread and butter, it's what im built for. I'd like to get rewarded for doing a necessary job while the dps do their thing.
  18. theres still the bolsterd icon in the 50 pvp bracket, atleast above my name it is

    which means they just gonna make it 50-55 bolstered, simply adding the new levels.


    the other way would be 1-39 (no expertise, no valor requirments)

    40-50 (changing recruit available at 40, valor ranking 40-60)

    51-55 ( just as it is now for 50, minimum valor rank of 61)



    finailly making use of valor ranking other than titles .... no? yes?



    nm im just baked and full of dumb ideas.... please carry on with you discussion



    i just re-read what i had down and realized it would never work..

    i could be level 53 and have valor 45. therfore im to high lvl 40-50. but to low valor for 51-55.. screwed


    *puts down my bowl*

  19. I think that either:


    1) Defender medals in PvP should be removed completely, or

    2) Defender medals should be obtained ONLY by killing an opponent in a area whose node your team occupies.


    My reasoning:

    It has often been my experience that not even HALF WAY through a WZ people either give up (if the other team is challenging) or you have the player that simply decides he does not want to exert him/herself (maybe they dont feel they are good enough to play the match, or maybe they are just lazy) and just sits on the node... They do this because either way they can just sit back and soak up medals and walk out with 100 comms. This is severely insulting to the people in the same match that scratch and claw for every medal they walk away with. I find it highly unfair that im out there getting grouped up on with 5 of the vs 1 or 2 of us and barely walking away with 3 medals while the other 5 people just sit there and walk away with 8 plus.... Where is the reward for having TRIED to fight back.


    Again, I think medals should be awarded for Killing/Healing in WZ only.... not for just standing there.... defense medals could easily be gotten by killing an opponent in defense if you are so keen having them, but NO MEDALS should be gotten for a player just sitting there and NOT contributing to the party


    you have to give incentative for someone to stand there and defend grass node when the battle is raging at mid or snow.. there always, always, always has to be a person at a node... would you stand there and defend it and call incommings while others are racking them up in battle.. i doubt many would.


    and besides, the amout of defense medals u get by standing there is nothing . 5 tops if you dont get attacked once during the match. which has happened to me



    working as it should be

  20. i am a lvl 50 jedi shadow tank in fully augmented war hero armor..... and alot of times while im waiting to queue up for warzones , i go to tattooine and ask in general chat if any sith are bothering or greifing players trying to level. more times than not, i get a few replies and find that it's usually a lvl 50 sith player picking on lowbies...and i promtply dispose of them.


    this is kind of a past time for me and i feel for those people being harressed,, whatever side its happening to: reb or sith

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