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Posts posted by Wookubus

  1. i am going to tldr this for you up top , then you can read on.


    Simple star wars fans "want to love the game" "we want more" " we want to be a hero" " we want to have our own cool personlized ship" "we want an epic battle of good vs evil". Basically, the hate is because what we want so bad is not what we are getting.


    Now to the details. I pvp strictly, i don't pve.


    Warzones are in bad shape. There are serious technical issues at this moment. What's more important an event or fixing what's broken?


    Class balance, the resolve system is broke. Healing , cc is broke. There are glaring balance issues that are not resolved.


    Performance issues. I have no problem running a memory hog like APB but, cannot run swtor without tweaking my system every time i launch it.


    The pve side: again not into pve but let me tell you this. In swg ( i hated a many things about it). I did nothing but entertain, craft, build. I created a legacy that swtor will never come close to creating without killing a single person or monster.


    Star wars fans in general are a group of people that love what the star wars universe is. We cherish the struggle between the light and dark side. We cried when yoda died, we cheered when darth vader threw palpatine over the ledge. We are passionate fans and we support a game that we felt let down on. I have come and gone numerous time and yet i continue to believe that there may be one day when bioware delivers on what star wars fans want.


    The biggest mistake bioware made was building a game without consulting with their fan base. No, they could never build everything we wanted or even accomodate 20% of the people. So much is so out of scope it's just not in the realm of technology. What they didn't do was realize that they lost 80% of their subscriber base because they didn't provide one very simple thing to star wars fans. A star wars universe. it really is that simple.


    great post

  2. My Time, My Money, My Sub...... when you pay for my sub you can start telling me if i can quit a wz or not.


    Enuff of these stupid wz quitter threads..... just shut the hell up and play your game!





  3. In an effort to show our despise for twinks on the Bastion server... and every server if we had the time. We will be rolling 4 twinked out DPS operatives in a guild we'll be naming <Twink Hunters> and objectives will not be the goal...


    If we join a game and there are no twinks... we'll leave. If we hunt a twink and he leaves... we'll leave as well. This is only in an effort to annoy the crap out of twinks on our server.... well... and I think it'll be pretty damn funny.


    I'm only announcing it so people will have somewhere to send hate messages.


    And if anyone doesn't understand why we're doing this... it's because twinks are annoying. Well... we're going to be more annoying. :D It's almost always some average or below average players exploiting the system as much as possible to get an advantage with gear because they lack skill.


    May the troll be with you...


    UMMMM .. whats a twink?

  4. you feel squishy because now everyone is rocking augmented WH gear where as before is was mostly BM with a few pieces of wh.... and the fact we cannot mitigate 80% of the dmg done in wz's: force and tech. and is now magnified ten fold by the wh gear surge.


    absorb and shield are only useful for pve and NPC's who auto attack, completely useless in pvp. so thats 1-2 stats in every mod/enhancement wasted. on pvp specific armor.


    the fact shadow tanks are having to use dps gear cause absorb and shield do nothing in pvp should say it all.


    ok yes, i admit i do last a bit longer than pure dps prson... but for the sacrifice of any/all dps, i would expect the tradeoff for survivability to be much greater

  5. my shadow tank defends the grass and west nodes solo plenty.. the problem is, i cannot kill the attacker(s) as my dps is crap, i can merely hold the bugger(s) off with my defensive cd's till my backup arrives.." 3 inc grass - send 2 asap!".


    when you hold 2 nodes, there should always be 2 defenders at the less attacked node (i.e not mid).

    if there are 2 healers in your ops, then there should always be one per node. thats thier node! know it, own it...stick with it throughout the duration of the wz when u die


    an EWH survivor geared shadow tank paired with a WH geared healer w/ guard on him is a pretty awesome defence for grass or west. only need backup when the other team gets sick of dying at mid and tries a diff strat.


    also, if im solo defending west in NC, and i see mid having probs with the cap. I will ask for someone who dies to take over west while i go guard our healer @ mid while I area/single taunt attackers till its capped.....then i will resume my post at west and rack up my defender points while i smoke a bowl


    being a tank is tough!

  6. i quit wz's and will continue to do so for the numerous reason mentioned in other posts. im not ashamed to admit it. i m not gonna sit there while i call out 4 grass and not 1 single person backs up the node


    i always quit huttball soon as i get in, everytime.. i refuse to play it. period


    .. and if they add a punishement and force me to stay.. then yes i will get a few medals and stealth in the corner and wait..collect my medals and my loss and cash in my daily.. simple as that

  7. All the people complaining about how their "hard-earned War Hero gear" is now casually availeble need to learn that PvP is not about gear. Or at least should not be.


    Having said that, 1.6 has been a blast.


    our problem is that the grind we had to do to get said gear was wiped out, and now have to do it again

  8. agree with op...when i played swg (starwars galaxies),, they had an event with a small quest line and a random life day gift at the end.. some got robes, others got orbs, life day tree, wreaths, etc... eveyone got something and in turn those items created a small market of trading and interactivity.. and it felt like christmas err lifeday!


    shame on you bioware! you scrooges!!! bah humbug!!!



    but i guess they made it like real life xmas..... nothing but a money grab

  9. all your stats do something. you act like all attacks in PVP are force or tech attacks. :rolleyes:


    PVP tank gear works for ummm actually tanking. problem is, very few want to actually tank in PVP so they get DPS pvp gear and justify it by claiming tanking is useless in PVP or tank gear is useless in pvp.


    when i was deciding to be a tank. i want to survive and help others survive ...i went right to the survivor gear with no notice that absorb and sheild.. the essence of tanking,,, was not valid in pvp


    how can i tank when i can't mitigate 80% of the dmg type done in wz's...

  10. you dont think so hey.. well lets take 1of your most important stats from each of your mods and enhancements in every piece of armor u have,, and replace that with.. oh lets say presence... then play with that for 1 year



    im not trying to be powerfull , i just want my gear that was desiged for pvp to have stats in that are actually used in pvp.. like everyone else



    and yes most dmg in a wz is force and tech.. do u run around hitting your auto attack skill i.e saber slash etc..



    atm my pvp gear is more usefull in pve... is that right?

  11. Expertise – 15:30

    I will say I am stoked with the coming changes to expertise. Basically all PvP gear will have the same expertise regardless of tier. The traditional stats on the gear will be adjusted based on tier with higher tier having larger main stats.


    problem with that is that the survivor tanks gear main stats do nothing for pvp. expertise was the only edge we had for dmg mitigation. .take away that, then make the main stats the deciding factor... when our main stats aren't a factor at all.. meaning you just made tanks not very tanky at all


    . see where our problem lies with that?

  12. no1 is gonna tell me when or if im allowed to quit a wz.. its my time. my money , my game.. im not playing for your enjoyment.. there will never be any punishment .. end of story



    * crap my food is burning on the stove.. but joe the plumber is gonan be upset if i quit, so i better let my house burn down so he can get his comms"


    fact is, there are a thousand reasons for quitting a wz,, and rage quit is just ONE.. so u wanna punish people on the off chance that it was that 1% and ignore the other 99% valid rl reasons...




    suck it up princesses !!!

  13. this is pvp armor.. made for pvp and designed for pvp....... and yet half my stats in my PVP gear are only usefull in pve!! some1 wanna explain that brain storm to me!.. any other class have pvp gear only usefull in pve?... NO


    if your not gonna make absorb or shield do anything, then for crying out loud slap something in there thats more usefull , i dont care, ill even take alacrity for crying out loud...or allow me to exchange my survivor gear for something usefull .... anything but what it is now



    enough is enough,, your 1 year in and its stil lthe same....

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