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Posts posted by GuerillaTech

  1. I've been playing through the story on my newest Smuggler and recently got to Ilum. I flew through the planetary missions until reaching the flashpoints. I noticed that our trusty Combat Support Droid is doing pretty terrible now. He is missing attacks, taunts, and heals. He's also much weaker than he should be. I've noticed this behavior on every flashpoint since then and I'm currently on Legacy of the Rakata. Bioware, I implore you to please look over the Combat Support Droid and any other NPCs that assist you in this fashion (like the temporary "companions" that fill this role in the later flashponts that were released.) and please adjust them like you did our regular companions in 7.0.2.
  2. As it stands Weapons in Outfitter is in a terrible state. While I can't claim to have the solution to everything on this issue, I... as an end user, have an idea on how it is expected to look and work.

    I present to you, my concept on how Weapons in Outfitter should ideally work.


    First and foremost, treat weapons like you do outfits in Outfitter.... don't have them inherited into the outfit by whatever you have equipped already. That clashes with the way the outfits currently work for clothing. It confuses users and is counterintuitive. Look how I've arranged things in my photoshop attempt.


    Let me explain what you're looking at.


    What you see is outfit slot 1 for my character. There are no weapons selected as stamped right now.

    Going from left to right at the top weapon row: Dualsaber, Blaster Rifle, Sniper Rifle.

    Now the middle row from left to right: Lightsaber, Blaster, Assault Cannon.

    Now the bottom row from left to right: Lightsaber (Offhand), Blaster (Offhand).

    You UI designers at Bioware would create different weapon placeholder graphics for each type of weapon now instead of reusing the same ones for ranged and melee.


    "Why are there so many weapons slots?"


    It's simple, there's a slot for each weapon type. You can ideally fill all these at once.

    Most of them will never be used by your character but they can be filled anyway.

    The idea is that the weapons (their appearances) in your outfit that you stamped will be auto-selected based on what your current combat style is.

    If I currently use outfit slot 1 while as a Sorcerer, my Volatile Conqueror's Lightsaber appearance will be selected and used while in my Sorcerer combat style.

    If I switch to my secondary combat style which is Assassin, it'll then select my Volatile Conqueror's Saberstaff for my current weapon appearance. This will allow you to use your outfit slots for any combination of combat styles without having to waste slots on duplicated appearances per combat style.


    "What about my offhands like my Focus or my knife or my..."


    The answer is simple: They don't matter to outfits.

    They have no visual impact; they don't need slots.


    Please, Bioware, do not release Weapons in Outfitter in the state you have it in now. It is a mistake that can be corrected if you make these changes now.

  3. I agree about wanting to have it already fixed, but I also know we haven't stopped trying to replicate it so we can get it resolved. We have tons of data, but if there's any additional clues you can send us, or possibly a video of your particular encounter, that will help. I am truly sorry it's taking so long to get this and many other changes released. Thank you for your and everyone's help on our Public Test Server.



    Hey Keith. Here's a video of Relentless Assault killing my character. Playing as an operative and getting into close range at the start of the encounter made this easily reproducible.

  4. Using Group Activities, Solo tab, and clicking [sOLO] The Eternal Championship I started the long and arduous task of completing all 10 rounds of the Mayhem at the Arena Grand on Zakuul. Through blood, sweat, tears, and even some heroic moments... I was victorious at long last. But wait... something was wrong? No credit was given towards the season objective. Okay.... let me turn in the mission at the terminal outside the arena... that'll surely give me my hard-earned credit for this objective. No. Nope, nothing. Excellent. I guess I did it for the crowd then, yes? :cool:
  5. I don't believe it was this update that did it, but this is the one that brings the issue to light.

    Before now, Akaavi had no interactions with smuggler to bring up relationship status aside from the conversation upon reuniting.

    Fast forward to Whispers in the Force and it became highly apparent that their romance and marriage never happened according to the game some point after her return regardless of rekindling their romance.

    For me... according to the companions and contacts window, they were never involved at all!


    Normally, the contacts window will state whether a relationship was re-affirmed or broken off, but Akaavi's contact window states neither.

    I know I romanced her because I recorded part of her return scene.


    Due to this old bug, I got the non-romanced scene in Whispers in the Force instead of the romanced version.

    I also didn't get the small romance letter from Akaavi that should accompany the standard letter after Whispers in the Force either.

  6. It's probably been said before but I think a reminder is always good... The launcher, the login/ character select screen, and the server select screen desperately need actual 4K support. 4K (and 1440p) is worth mentioning because it's still a bit uncomfortable on that resolution as well) monitors are widely adopted now and it can be difficult to navigate SWTOR in these locations since they lack the proper scaling support.


    With those three brought up as needing work, It'd probably be a good idea to do a onceover of the entire GUI that isn't currently scalable. Here's an example: The interface Editor GUI itself isn't scalable, but can be used to scale the player UI to their needs.

  7. Hi folks,


    Thanks for the different reports regarding the bug with the quickbar.


    Our team is currently looking into it. To help our team reproduce this bug, could you provide the following information:

    • Does the quickbar is unlocked at the beginning of the encounter with Graul or later?

    Thank you.


    41 seconds into the video is what you're looking for.

  8. During the start of Echoes of Oblivion Theron Shan walks up to me and tells me he has to go with me, Lord Scourge, and Kira Carsen to save Satele Shan. He mentions that he had already lost one parent and he doesn't want to lose another.

    Here's the thing.... Jace Malcom survived Iokath and Empress Acina died.


    This harkens back to the bug that flags Jace Malcom and Empress Acina as both dead regardless of your choices.


    I believe we were told (correct me if i'm wrong) that this was just a visual bug in the Companions & Contacts window and it wouldn't cause story issues later on down the line.


    Every single Imperial I have had sided with the Republic on Iokath, killing Empress Acina and ensuring Jace Malcom lives. Every single Imperial has the same Companions & Contacts bug. I guess I'll have to wait for a bugfix before playing through this part of the story as an Imperial.

  9. You may have been hit with a different bug. Have you finished the Ossus story? All your companions, Hexid included, should've come back after that. Some of them twice, that's yet another bug.


    Hexid is gone for me as well. Before taking the Alliance Alert I actually checked if all my companions were summonable (to make sure I didn't get any ther bugs) and everything was fine. Only after clicking on the alert Hexid was moved to "Other Companions" and became unusable.


    Yeah, I've finished Ossus on all characters. I'm also locked out of characters Like Koth and Malavai Quinn as well. i suppose I could get those two back from the terminal on odessen, but I fear the double companion glitch might resurface. I did that on my assassin the other day and now I have two Ashara's and two Andronikos at my disposal.

  10. My CS decided this was already handled for me. I was missing rewards on two more characters. not sure how i feel about the solution though.


    Hi, this is REDACTED and I'm the one who will be assisting you today. With regards to your missing conquest rewards, I am more than happy to help.


    I apologize about the confusion, actually your conquest rewards went to 2 characters. Both REDACTED and REDACTED received 5 guild conquest rewards each last time.


    Thank you for your time, I’m glad I was able to be of assistance with your missing conquest rewards. Should you require any help in the future, please do not hesitate to submit another ticket or you can check on some of our self-help articles which might be of assistance. I'll just leave the link for it below:

  11. Firstly, you do realize that the server you're on is called Star Forge, right?

    Back to your issue at hand though. Where are you in the story at this point? I'm sure that you can ignore that warning if you've got a ways to go before you reach A Traitor Among the Chiss during your story progression. Even then, for what it's worth, you can't abandon the story progression mission once you get it anyway.

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