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Posts posted by Dafydil

  1. I'd have to agree with Cathleen. Ping is pretty sucky sure, but being American, living in Cali. I've had it the whole time being on this server. I don't think I've complained about my lag or ping issues. It's all playable still. I have a healer, I click as well. People probably say I'm a bad healer mostly because you don't know me and you don't really like me, oh well. The ping problems is playable, everything can be timed. Trust me ik, I've been through it all along lol. If I'm going over a fire pit, I know my merc's limits. Think okay well that one is up, pop a defensive cooldown run through and have someone jump to me or pass or okay don't go up yet because I know I will get stunned, wait for a pass or opening... About knockbacks... it can be very frustrating timing the knockbacks but can do. Even if my mercs knockback is all around, I play a sorc too. Do just fine. About me grabbing the ball before you in huttball that one time Mosh. I was just there first, had nothing to do with your ping. I have bad ping too lol. Don't complain about melee, I played sin, as well as leveled a sent to 50. The only difficult thing about playing those classes was being a clicker. Most times I use my ping to my advantage, not as a tool or excuse. About what Andy said... A good player isn't about how you play but also how you react to people. Kinda learnt that. Mi'ri for example, not only was she an amazing healer, but she was an amazing woman irl. Very gentle. You will always lose games and wins some or lose duels and win some, but what makes the difference isn't your ping but how you use everything to your advantage.
  2. It has come to my attention about the forums and posting on "my" part. I would like to openly say that I'm not writing the last few posts on this topic. In case some of you have not realized, I don't play on Dalborra anymore. I have quit, and the reasons are my own. As for the drama that happens here so frequently, I for one, didn't start this here. My account as bioware would say it is "compromised". I recently contacted customer service about this issue but no luck to have these fairy recent posts removed (because they aren't mine.) About Dalborra as much fun and hate happens on it, I'm not on it anymore! So I won't be posting on the forums for Dalborra, if I don't even play on it. Duh! But it's probably a factor that no one knew that I have gone. Anyhow, reminder that I'm not playing anymore. And I'm pretty over the petty drama that happens so often. I get more drama just playing this game than in real life. Sigh. All in all, I will not apolagize for the posts, they aren't mine and I won't take responsibility. As for some of the people that don't like me on Dalborra, that's fine! Doesn't bother me. People gotta hate something, ya? As for the people that I enjoyed and had some great fun with, I wish you the best of luck in your game play and hope that you have great holiday time too! (Christmas! Omg how fun, ya?) I usually write my posts in that amazing pink :p, but I'm typing this in a blue. Because this will be my last post. Any more from me, is in fact not me. I have changed my password multiple times and had to wait a long time calling customer service but no luck. So! Hmm, as my final words of good bye, I'd like to formally say, nice to play with you all or have some harsh moments with some people. Love me, hate me, as someone once said, you're still thinking about me! ;) . Good luck Notorious on future raids etc, you guys were so fun! Even if you teased me so much and said some embarrassing things in vent (Cheat! Looking at you!) Good luck rest of imperial side guilds and people not in guilds. Good luck to republic side as well! (Shiroyasha fun playing hide and seek with you! :D) And thanks Tiemie for pocket healing me and showing me up in one of your videos, had a laugh and embarrasment. Spk thanks for doing dailies with me! And saving Carthy and I that one time on illum! Hahaha. Who else.. ah yeah thank you Arya, etc, etc, etc. I could go on forever, but those reading this will probably grow old and die by the time I'm done. So thanks all for the fun. Nice to meet and play with you or against. Always a new adventure on Dalborra. Daffy out :cool:
  3. Bioware will not nerf Rage/Focus as it was buffed for PVE and PVE comes first in this game so good luck getting them to nerf something they buffed for PVE


    and before u ask no I don't play these stupid classes.

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