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Posts posted by MingusPho

  1. So I noticed a significant difference just now between SWTOR and other gamez I've played.


    Why don't cosmetic set pieces drop from the enemy wearing it or come as mission rewards?


    We grind for random furniture, unassembled components, credits, commander's share loot, and odd looking thingamajigs but we can't grind to get matching pieces of an armor set as worn by an enemy.


    As an example, couldn't we kill so many Mandolorians and get a chance at a drop of one armor piece from that set? The cartel market surely has enough unique armors that it doesn't need all of the in-game armors too.

  2. When I first started playing around launch, before mounts were widespread, there was a mission on Coruscant where you hijack a speeder bike. My friend and I thought that was mint.


    Glad you mentioned this---reminded me of the speeder quest in the Ziost daily area. That one gets my blood pumping trying to get the speeder boosts and make those jumps. Lots of fun!

  3. Would it break EA's budget to hire a few employees to be in-game moderators? It would be unrealistic for them to be omnipresent, but they could certainly spend some time bouncing between planets and spending the majority of that time on fleet.


    Just a simple "hey knock it off" from someone official would cut down on a lot of this stuff.


    I've played games that employed players giving them special moderator titles to help new players or just respond to complaints in game. Is that something EA could do?


    One of my earliest experiences with this game a few years back caused me to take a long break due to trolls on fleet. Even today, new players ask a simple question in gen chat and its like sprinkling Dorito's crumbs over an ant bed.


    I've also seen a lot of blatently racist remarks made in gen chat that are intentionally offensive.

  4. I love how Bioware implements different mini objectives into some of the quests to make them more interesting than "fetch it" quests.


    So I was really curious what everyone's favorite game mechanic might be when it comes to completing mission objectives?


    Mine is repairing objects. One of my favorite quests is "Last One Out" on Tatooine, repairing Grommik Kurthson's compound. More of these please! 😀

  5. Could the dev team add vendors that sell related types of furniture on one vendor? For example a vendor that sells only command center pieces like computer stations and related pieces or a vendor that sells desert themed household essentials from Tatooine. Stronghold decorations seem so hodgepodge and random it takes forever and too many credits to build a nice theme for your player space.


    There are a lot of nice pieces that are common in flashpoints, heroics, static world objects, and other dungeons that would make an affordable and timely alternative to the rng and gtn. The current furniture vendors leave you really struggling to do something creative and befitting of your character's story.


    Also I wouldnt mind seeing more existing world objects added to the prefab vendors. It just seems like a lot of predeveloped material is going to waste here.

  6. I don't know what the issue with gf is. In veteran mode when I log on as a healer, there are no tanks; when I log as a tank, no healers. As for MM I think people are afraid and don't que for it as much anymore due to ill equipped unprepared players that ruin the experience.
  7. I know many enjoy the class stories, but I personally don't care for them so much. Don't get me wrong, they are a nice addition to the game, very innovative for an mmo but they are just far too long for me.


    If the stories were shorter but more robust with activity versus dialogue I might have enjoyed them more. From an mmo standpoint I log in and subscribe to engage with a community of players. Story for me is something to fill a gap when I get bored. In SWTOR however story feels like its forced on you. To me, it's like an obstacle in the way of mmo specific content---leveling, grouping, crafting, bartering, making new friends etc. I prefer a quick "here's you're objective, now go do stuff" versus "have you been saved yet?" The whole while during cutscenes I wish I could open my crewskills menu or go through my inventory at least.


    Many of the npcs use a whole paragraph when all they need is ONE sentence any time they have something to say. I instantly get drowsy doing the class quests and stop playing soon after I begin. When I log back in I do flashpoints, heroics, ops--- basically any and everything else.

  8. Doc. (edit: i meant Theran Cedrax) "Help! Jedi! I'm bleeeding!" I was so glad when I no longer had to rely on him for heals.


    The female jedi from the Lost Journals heroic on Taris sounds like a snooty librarian from the 20's.


    Valyn breaks immersion for me. She sounds like she belongs in Dragon Age. Actually the only new voice I liked from Kotet/Kotfe was Senya. Arcann's voice will forever be Three Dog in my ear unfortunately and Valkorian's lines were what I disliked about him...his dialogue should have been short. As long as they were he sounded like a hypnotherapist putting me to sleep.


    Best voices - most of them are very good. Vik Tanno, Skadge, Male Trooper, Hylo Viz, Amille (Twilek from the Taris heroics--I could listen to her for days), Vaz Traniff from the Smuggler class story, Aric Jorgan reminds me of my favorite platoon sergeant from the army, and Kaliyo all deserve special mention.

  9. Last night during Red Reaper I used Storm to launch an attack but nothing happened so I went through my normal Vanguard rotation. We go to the next room and suddenly my trooper turns around and storms aaaaaaall the way back to a long dead corpse in the first room. Priceless.
  10. I'm late to the party, just got this after years of playing, but immediately saw a better use for it after firing off the first shot...


    Please lower the ceiling of the flare and make it bigger/brighter.


    Healers: This would be great to signal for help. Playing a healer it could tell everyone you're in trouble and getting too much aggro.


    Raid Leaders: Great for signaling the start of a boss mechanic, to launch an attack, remind dps to attack add spawns, you name it.


    As it stands now I don't believe it is clearly visible or perhaps not visible enough to be useful. I understand it's a cosmetic item as it is, but it could be very useful with some minor tweaking. I make this suggestion because I like playing swtor, I don't want to see it die, and I'm hoping to see little changes here and there to make people stay.

  11. Nothing in the KotFE/KotET made any sence at all, it was mindless drivel, which make the TV daytime soaps feel well written.


    I managed to get 2 characters through the knights of the falling skytroopers and one through Epic Trash.

    Not yet touched Iocath, the sheer thought of starting that makes me vomit with rage.


    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one disgusted by the story content additions. I mean I enjoy "playing" this game but clicking on endless waves of trash mobs makes me sick to my stomach, i get dizzy, and a headache. Then I have to sit through the longest cut scenes ever for a chance at weak dialogue options to an uninteresting story. And why? So I can get access to new areas, items, and companions before i go back to actually play the part of the game I enjoy. Seriously Kotet, kotfe, iokath seem like chores and in some cases torture. Heroics, fps, dailies, and ops while old are fun. Long winded, irrelevant stories with trash mobs are not. I know some may disagree but having to repeat it for each character is painful. Once was bad enough.

  12. I'm happy with amount of abilities at the moment, they add a healthy amount of variety to keep things interesting. Also some roles/builds rely on the versatility offered by having so many. I'd say more variety in animations and effects but not less abilities.
  13. These are just a few titles I would like to see added to the cartel market. All are welcome to share ideas or express like/dislike for new suggestions.


    OOC Titles: New titles that support roles in game would help manage fps/ops and player hosted events. Titles such as Raid Leader, Damage Dealer, Healer and the like would help increase situational awareness, especially in pickup groups. A Game Master or Event Coordinator title would help with hosted events such as rp, giveaways, speeder races and such.


    Crafter Titles: Armormech, ArmsTech, Synthweaver, etc would be great for crafters with a lot of schematics looking to advertise while on fleet. This would cut back on some of the WTB spam also.


    Grouping Titles: Group finder isnt what I'd like it to be and often results in wasted time. Having a LFG title over head could work better and may promote more social activity. Imagine players with LFG over head standing around the heroics terminals or FP areas on fleet. They could quick check each others stats or at least level for a fast invite thats better than a random pug from groupfinder. This even works for the role titles mentioned above.


    I apologize if these already exist or have been mentioned in other thread.


    "Don't taze me, bro!"

  14. You know, I keep getting conflicting stories. I used to main a dps and the gf would never pop sooner than 30 - 45 minutes in. And even then it would be without a healer. So I switched to healing and it pops within a few minutes but no tank. I switched to tank and it pops in 5-10 minutes with multiple tanks and no healer....and this is all at level 70. Unless I'm just on a lot of ignore lists, which I doubt because I don't insult fellow players and I know how to play class/roles to a passable degree.


    At this point I don't want to see any more Odessens or Iokaths, just a few things fixed to where the current game can be enjoyed more. Having said that, gf needs some work put into it but I won't speculate on what that is because we don't get enough server analytics or info on how it actually works. I do know something is broken and it cripples my enjoyment of the game. Often I just log out because it takes more time than I have.

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