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Everything posted by Fourjane

  1. Sometimes, during the downtimes...I log into the MMO That Shall Not Be Named. I haven't actually done anything in there in 3 months, but it's been close. Other times, i read a book, or take my dog to the park. Or touch my loved one.
  2. When you hit PrntScrn during a cutscenes, the image is placed into clipboard but it won't actually make the file. Hit PrntScrn, then alt-tab out and open Paint or photoshop and paste from clipboard, you'll get your shot. Pretty sure it over writes whatever is already in the clipboard so you can't get multiple shots like this.
  3. Having completed trooper, consular and now inquisitor, and seen smuggler and knight chapter 1s, inquisitor is by far my favorite. Trooper was fairly epic but I'm having trouble remembering how consular and knight ended. Oh, and sending us to fleet at the end of the chapter just to turn us around and send us back to the same spot is crap. It feels like some ******** placeholder/time waster. Either have the guy at fleet say something, insert some flavor, side quest, anything or remove the step and let us just move on with the next chapter.
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