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Everything posted by CharterMonkKent

  1. A screen shot from a few min ago... on The Bastion. One of the most active pvp servers in TOR http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=a1tlz&s=6
  2. I'm not satisfied with the population imbalance argument at the moment. People keep bringing up something that had been removed from the game a year ago. Also you bring up the point that most people have been complaining about. So much red that "you have a fairly good chance of not being attacked". This doesn't promote open world pvp.
  3. Bioware did their part.. so the players are to blame for the lack of pvp content? We are still playing a game with 99%+ pve content. Bioware has done the bare minimum for pvp in this game. 2 instanced additions since launch. I can tell you are happy with where things are at, which is good. But I (along with many others) are looking for more pvp content so we can keep playing this game. Personally I enjoy the pvp play style of this game, it's extremely fun (even though it's extremely simple, which means more people can play it). They have a good base of features for PvP, now they need to add the content. Sure there are silly things like using Orbital Strike in doors, but the tools are there for them to create something very entertaining. You did a great job of describing their new pvp content, fight around a pylon on one planet. It's something, but it's not what most of us are looking for.
  4. You are confused Non-stop action in open world... just hangout near a pylon that's 1/20th the size of any WZ. You pretty much summed up developer added open world pvp content.
  5. If your definition of open world pvp is 4 people grouped, then sure you've got open world pvp. Have always had that in Outlaws Den. Most people's definition of open world pvp is faction vs faction battles (not 4 v 4). As you said, this content has to be player created at the moment. This has been a topic of discussion for this game since it launched. The in game pvp content has been exhausted by most of us. There are new players (less than 6 months in) that are still fresh on the content. But many of us with 8 min/max toons and 600+ valor want actual content. Not the same thing on a new planet with people in PvE gear as enemies. I'm always happy with any new pvp content, and this is something. But I really hope this isn't all we get this year.
  6. Here is the epic new pvp area (from someone's experience last night) http://i.imgur.com/AVXAA40.jpg
  7. This FFA style was already in game, Outlaws Den. What people asked for was an open world pvp area with missions and weeklies/dailies. This is outlaws den with 2 missions. People keep pretending like this area is new to TOR.
  8. Why should it be group vs group? Faction imbalance? What excuse are you making for the devs to avoid making factions matter in this game. Two weeks of time will tell. This tiny area doesn't change day by day, it's the same as the WZ mentality. There are already places where a team of ranged can steam roll vs melee. Unless they are hiding something it looks like our new pvp content for the year (or two weeks?) is another Outlaws Den. Yes it was hopping on the first night, people jump all over fresh content. But it wasn't anything new, nor did it offer any PvP challenge. The remaining 4 people in my guild went to the new Ilum's Den and rolled other 4man groups for an hour. It was meh. People in PvE gear, poorly formed groups with 4 dps, people running around solo, groups whining about being grief'd. Getting told to go do WZs if we want to PvP. After 11months in this game I'm still waiting for a decent amount of PvP content. We are standing at a 99.9% PvE to .1% PvP content ratio. PvP is extremely popular in this game as is other MMOs. The developers seem to still miss this. 1.7 will bring some of the pvpers back, but they won't stay unless there is more content.
  9. After a 2 week break my guild seems to have melted away. I'm looking to run some pug or ranked matches with guilds to see if I'm a fit for them. Recently moved to the east coast (2 weeks now). I'm a decent fit for guilds looking for bodies during 6pm server time. Combined valor near 500. This does count the mara I deleted a long time back. 50s I'm willing to play atm. Jugg - Mix/max Rage geared & Tank gear 25k health (still needs work but decent) PT - Min/max-ish DPS gear Oper - Min/max-ish DPS and Heal gear Sniper - Min/max-ish, needs work but manageable Sorc - Retired but willing to reinstate, needs work (has been my pve toon since he hit valor 80) Shadow - Min/Max ish DPS I play a lot of toons so I've settled mostly for min/max WH gear with EWH main/offhands. Add in more EWH as I finish daily/weekly(s). I have a merc heals at 48 that will be somewhat geared at 50. I'd like to try him in rateds... someday. Hit me up on the forums or in game on either Xlk (imp) or Ynk (pub) This weekend will be my first open in a long time, I will be on plenty.
  10. Maybe it's server by server. The lack planning by the devs have ruined any chance of this game having an actual war. I guess it's back to defending novare coast another thousand times. Oh wait, I mean defending it 500 times and simulating a defense 500 times.
  11. The new super small PvP area on Ilum should be... 1. Faction vs faction. Not group vs group. Why would anyone in development think the current set up was a good idea? We don't need another version of Outlaw's Den. 2. There should be more content in this area. 200wz coms (missions offered for two weeks?) isn't enough to keep this area active. 3. There should be a multiplier for wz coms in this area (or any other area for killing equal or above lvl players). 1st kill is 1 wz com, 2nd is 1 wz com, 3rd is 2, 4th is 2, 5th is 2, 6th is 3, 7th is 3, and so on capping at 10coms per. (mechanics added to not a allow for farming, lockouts when killing same player etc etc) When you die to another player (of equal or lower lvl) in open world pvp your kill multiplier goes back to 1 kill 1 com. Multiplier carriers over when a player log out/in. Was this really the new open world pvp redux of Ilum the devs talking about last fall? Or is that coming with the expansion?
  12. You'd melt pretty fast in pve gear since you would have 0 expertise. Also make sure you run in endurance augments.
  13. Had the old "whirlwind mezz doesn't break on damage and lasts until you die" experience last night. Just over 20 seconds of a healer sage beating on my Tank Jugg. It was embarrassing for us both, but also very entertaining. I thought this was fixed ages ago, I know I haven't seen it for half a year.
  14. Drop scouting for Pin Down. You don't want to lose slip away. The two second root from sever tendon (+pin down) is a low resolve CC that works very well after HS. A lot of players, even good ones will either burn CC breaker or waste an AOE stun. If you time your rotation correctly you won't white bar people using debilitate (post HS & Sever Tendon). HS -> Shiv -> Sever Tendon -> Lac -> Debilitate, etc etc.
  15. They do. I have another thread about that. I've done seemingly all I can with pvp in this game. The only suggestions people seem to have is that many of the original pvpers are going to take a break and see what pvp content comes with 1.7/Hutt. But here's the rub. There are two sets of people in an MMO. Players - Those who pay and play. Developers - Those who are payed and continually develop content.
  16. I don't understand your perspective of players being the problem in this or any MMO. The players do what they want with what they are provided. Many don't like the dismal pvp offerings in this game. Also I think anyone being reasonable would say 5 wzs isn't a whole lot to do pvp wise in this game (or any game). PvP is less than 1% of the game's content. As I and others have said, there is more content on the starter planets than all of the pvp content provided. Players can't do much with instanced pvp that is fed by a gear reward system.
  17. I can't compare this to SWG as far as player created content (btw I had the first wookie jedi unlock in that game, was offered $2900 for my account haha, I had to grind 17 professions, I think I popped on smuggler....). The open world pvp in that game was epic in scale and it was player created. BUT, we also had our own player built Pub and Imp cities that people defended with video game pride, there was an actual war. There is nothing to defend in this game. Well I've defended Novare coast a thousand times, ha so lame. There was no instanced pvp in SWG (I think instanced pvp is a crap model for building any sort of community). If this game somehow went the route of open world sandbox it could be the best game of all time. Players would create endless pvp content. I remember being hired as a guard in SWG so crafters could get to their mining equipment safely. I remember playing body guard (against bounty hunters, who could track you down) for a friend who recently unlocked his jedi. So many times that would turn out to be an all out war. Why? Because I would destroy the bounty hunter and he would get friends to come and try to kill me. It was epic. I died 4 times (haha oh yes I remember) in total on my jedi (over 2 years). The chance to kill an epic player in that game was worth everyone dropping what they were doing to go after you. To be honest when I started playing this game I was shocked that I died so early on. I thought I was going to lose my toon or have to regrind 5 lvls (like I would have if I died early on my jedi in SWG), then I realized there is no "death mechanic" in TOR. All combat is a zerg with no consequences. This game has none of those toons for players to feed off of. And it's too bad. Game could be epic.
  18. I feel the same way. While I don't think $15 is a lot of money I do expect more content since this is an MMO without sandbox/open world/war/server objective elements. I like to think the Cartel Market will give the devs enough resources to create new content, but I have a feeling that the new revenue is simply keeping this game alive (meaning, new revenue is not being used to hire more staff and put out more content on a reasonable time table). I think we will get a good sense of the state of the game when we see 1.7 and the Hutt expansion. I hope it goes well for PvP, but it looks like reputation grind and a new lvl 50-55 planet is what we are getting. Perhaps the new planet will give us some open world pvp. I just hope it's not the kind of open world pvp that ends when people hit lvl 55 and go back to sit on fleet for months.
  19. I agree with you. There is a lot of player base that wants to pvp, but they don't want to do ranked (as it stands now). I wouldn't go so far as blaming players for not organizing, many don't see it as worth it. I still keep to my original opinion that the limiting design and lack of content is why ranked has failed thus far (and regs are stating to follow). Like many others I've wasted plenty of time over the past 1/2 year trying to do ranked. (I used to play 3-4 hours a day, now I play 1-3 hours every few days) And after all of this time I'm close to convinced that pvp in this game is a failure. Anyway, we all looked at ranked as a place where the "best pvpers in the game can play against each other". We were wrong to think so. I do not believe that playing the same 5 WZs can prove/test anything about pvp "skill". Some of the best (skill/fun) pvp I've had in this game has happened in Section X. Ok, I'm hungover in the office and rambling. Last thing I'll say is that cross server queuing would probably be rough to implement. With no way to organize (in game, again limiting) when teams on all the servers would be queuing it would still be hit or miss. They need to create a queue board (or something similar) so people across servers can see how many teams are queuing. Even if they added that for single server it would go a long way.
  20. What argument, I never argued anything? You're extremely defensive for whatever reason. Trolling? PvP is less than 1% of the content of this game. People get bored, 5 instances war zones over a year plus of a game is lack luster. Even when playing just a few times a week. Players have more content on starter planets then they do with the entirety of pvp.
  21. I play less than 10 hours a week. Is that too much for you? Believe it or not one can casually lvl 8 toons to 50 and gear them in 12 months. Btw you talk about people's personal lives in a video game forum and you tell people to grow up? That falls under think before you type.
  22. If they had more PvP content to begin with they probably wouldn't have had to jump the shark with F2P so quickly.
  23. Ok I'll bite. 1. You say that since other MMOs have specific class requirements for end game PvP that it's ok for TOR to have the same. I can't argue against that if you're fine with poor game mechanics. 2. You ask what is wrong with requiring 8 people for end game pvp? It's a combination of many things. You need 8 people in a group first off, 2nd each of the 8 have to have the correct class/spec, 3rd each of the 8 need to meet the gear requirements, 4th each of the 8 need to be on at the same time, 5th they require all of those things but on other teams, 6th at least one of those teams has to have 8 others currently online (and queuing). Say 3 teams are queuing, two teams get in a RWZ, the 3rd team has to wait and hope they get chosen for the next match, but they don't know if there will be a next match. Then people log or do other things in game. I could go on but you get the point in why it's limiting in it's design. 3. You say what's wrong with voice coms? Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with them. I simply said it's limiting that a video game requires it's players to use other companies software (and no I'm not talking Windows/etc.). They could create an in game voice chat to allow voice communication even in pugs. Take away the hurdles (even the simple ones) and it will increase game play. 4. You're saying there is nothing wrong with having no new pvp content for end game. I don't know if I understand your point. I think you're saying that it's fine there is no new content for end game, I'm just not sure why anyone would be ok with that. Having no new content but calling it "end game" is limiting. 5. You say there are plenty of people who want to pvp? Duh. Of course there are, where did you see me say otherwise? 6. You say two good teams that stalemate in instanced pvp aren't coordinated because one can't "wipe" the other? Are you under the impression that in RWZs one team has to wipe the other to win? I don't believe you think that. 7. You say there is a guild vs guild mechanic in RWZs. I know what you are suggesting but, really haha? You are going to stand by your statement that TOR is designed with a guild vs guild mechanic built in? 8. You say you can practice your RWZ team in regs. This makes me think you don't even pvp in this game, but I know you do. How do you practice your 8 man team strats in groups of 4? Answer, you can't. I know you're being standoffish and defending TOR, but you can't seriously believe the RWZ system they put in place is adequate for an active pvp base. 6 months of pre-season? Like I said in my previous post, it is limited.
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