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Posts posted by DWho

  1. I agree. It should be infinitely long. It can't even cover one players possible toons on a single server now. It's clearly too limited right now.


    I always wonder how many people who complain they can't get group finder pops are actually on the ignore lists of the people who use GF regularly. There should be some feature that tells you how many ignore lists you are on (not listing names which would be open for retaliation).

  2. When I log on to Harbinger I see well over 100 people on fleet.I belive last time I logged in there was 180ish. Sadly this is about as many that were on Jedi Covenant and Shadow lands combined. People are leaving the game cause their guilds die and pug groups don't form like they use to. Like when you could be on Jedi Covenant or Shadow lands and have well over 100 on fleet most of day and pug groups or guilds needing a person or two at any time of day or night. These two East Coast servers just need merged together.

    I feel the Devs are are ignoring the need for merger cause they don't want to admit the population is not what it used to be 2 years ago. As long as the Devs ignore this and dance around it cause they are in denial.

    I remember reading notes from a live stream about mergers and they said they wanted to hold off and see what kind of additional player base they get when KOTET came out before they would do anything. Well that has been some time now and after coming back from a several month break the population is even lower than it was when I left. Sadly this is summer time. People are out of school and summersee use to have higher populations especially late into the night. Now you log in at night and see like less than 20 on fleet. I thought it was bad a year ago when it would be in the 50s. It is time for a merger.

    Merge the servers and make SWTOR great again!


    You don't see over a 100 on Harbinger either outside of Prime Time (been there plenty of times when there are only 50-60). JC gets to 100 in Prime Time regularly. Bioware has already stated there is no current plan for a merger. They have said they want to allow players to play where they want. I'd expect it to become easier to move guilds long before a server merge occurs.


    Edit: Just checked fleet on both Harb had 67 and JC had 58 (have screenshots if you want) - no second instance on either

  3. Creative idea, but in my view.. it would end up creating more potential problems then is solves... beginning with support and maintenance issues, bugs, etc. etc. But the biggest issue is probably the opening it gives various exploiters and ToS breakers.


    Agreed. There are a number of technical challenges to this kind of setup (although there is some semblance of it now with PVP and PVE instances being together on one server) but the biggest issue to deal with by far would be the spammer/farmers and trolls. By making it easier for everyone to move, you make it easier for them to move as well. It would take a serious commitment from Bioware to stamp out these exploiters. I think severely reducing their numbers can be done but would require an active role for the game monitors.

  4. How about this as a possibility.


    Assuming all of the issues that have been brought up in this thread can be resolved and Bioware deems it necessary to merge servers for financial reasons. There would be additional technical hurdles to overcome as well.


    What about creating an instance on the new server for each existing server and putting a 24 hour timer on switching between those instances (could be lengthened if disruptive behavior starts to surface). That way you could PVP on the Harbinger instance or wherever and then switch back to your home instance for PVE the next day. This would sort of be a cross between cross server queuing and a megaserver. The communities on each "server" would be intact but people could move more freely between them as they desired. This would of course require a heavy crackdown on credit-spammers/farmers and trolls moving back and forth between "server" instances. Instances within instances would have to be worked out or you could end up with several hundred people on the fleet within the Harbinger instance.

  5. I have a nearly full set and it was assembled by doing 3 things:


    1) Tier 3 crates for 242s (also some Veteran Mode OPs).

    2) Warzones and GSF for unassembleds (daily WZ reward 12 UCs and the weekly 40 UCs even 4 WZ losses adds another 12 UCs per day - so you could generate 160 or so UCs per week which is enough (on average) to upgrade one piece of 242 to a 248 every other week playing 5 days a week for about 2 hours each day. These are also an excellent source of CXP.

    3) Superior command boost (to increase the rate of crate gain in Tier 4).


    For me the drop rate of 248s has been about 1 out of every 8-10 crates although I am getting lots of duplicates since there are few spots needing 248s now. I am using the tons of 244/246s and the extra 248s that I get to gear alts. You don't get the set bonus but you get all of the stats.

  6. Alright, my opinion is changing now that I am listening to the podcast and having learned of the TOFN Alliance, I will admit I had no idea there was such a community there. From what I heard it was a ghost town but seemingly I was misinformed, so I apologise for that.


    I am glad that you are beginning to understand that server activity is more that fleet populations, group finder pops, and LFG messages. That is what a lot of people have been saying for some time. Guilds are very active on most servers and few of them are using the LFG/groupfinder tools anymore. Guild Alliances are forming on many servers. It may be as small as a couple of associated guilds that draw players for their group content through common connections like Teamspeak or Discord or it may be massive alliances that formed on TOFN.

  7. My interpretation of the podcast was that they have the technical capability to do mega-servers but there is no plan to do that in the near future. Mergers would be contingent on being able to transfer guilds and their assets intact. They are also reticent about forcibly moving players (ie forced mergers) and are in favor of making it easier for people to move to a new server (guild transfers accommodated) in a "voluntary merger".


    There are also the recent server stability issues to work out before a merger would even be feasible.

  8. They've done server merges before. In fact, I think they did it twice.


    Some of you are acting like this is a new thing that has never been done before in SWTOR. Weren't these issues addressed during the last merge?


    The issues were not addressed prior to the merges and that is why there is such a negative feeling towards them. There were quite a few people (not all but also not the tiny minority some believe it was either) that were negatively impacted. Guilds had to be completely broken down and reformed on the new server. At the time guildships and guild strongholds did not exist and guild banks had to be completely emptied as well before the merge. Anything left in them was lost. Guilds were dependent on customer service refunding all the costs of unlocking guild bank tabs (a tiny fraction of the cost of unlocking flagships or strongholds now). For some it happened quickly, for others it took a long time or never happened at all. The difficulties of transferring guild assets have increased exponentially since then. Also throw in costume designer (which also did not exist but you lose in a character transfer so its reasonable to assume you would lose it in a merger) and personal strongholds (which unlock fine if you did so with CCs but if you unlocked them with credits you have to pay all over again if you transfer the last character of your legacy to a new server).


    All in all, mergers are a lot more complex now that they were the last time.

  9. About as tiring as the server crashes. I mean who doesn't love the now weekly server crashes and rollbacks. Call it the Sunday/Monday JC special now. You seem you want to deny it for some strange reason. Maybe you like having crashes and rollbacks all the time . :)


    JC was fine until the servers were "consolidated". Should have left it where it was. Now its like Harbinger as far as stability.

  10. A little off topic, but it won't matter so much now with the new thread. but I've been wondering, could anyone paint me a picture about what that wasically wabbit Harby is like, specifically their version of DK? - Assuming if you also have experienced EH's version? :D


    DK on Harby is the worst of the worst. Think of it as a cesspool in the middle of a garbage dump. The chat there makes what goes on at the Fleet look tame.

  11. Off topic about this Massively Multiplayer Online Game and full disclosure, I am not from the ME generation.


    I do remember leveling new toons in version 1 to 4 and guild mates I just met giving me 100K or a full set of armor or relics or weapons and 22 mk-9 kits they crafted so I could hold up with them in RP HM OPS. Then I return the favor to noobs.


    If that's still important then lets get this merge sorted faster with more active and full guilds.


    It still happens in most guilds. We maintain a guild bank full of Aug kits and Augs as well as other mods. Crafters in the guild are willing to craft gear for anyone who needs it (even the stuff that needs special components). HM content has moved almost exclusively into the realm of guilds. I am personally in 3 guilds with multiple toons in each and we routinely do story mode OPs for training and HM OPs for gear. We almost never use people out of Group Finder to fill out OPs teams. We instead go to associated guilds for additional members. The reason for this was that we had several bad experiences with people out of group finder (not the ones that were ill equipped or new to them - who are usually more than willing to learn) but the ones for who "time is money" (Similar to the "SPACEBAR" crowd in FPs). There is a lot of group activity going on in guilds that is not readily apparent to people using LFG and Groupfinder.

  12. What is something that had an actual dollar amount to buy?? Name some of those things that you bought with real money, that you think will be lost. You've got me perplexed as to what on earth it could be...:confused:


    And stop with that stupid lie. I'm thinking about what is best for the GAME, not myself. DEAD servers are a cancer...they need to be removed. They do actual HARM.


    Any deco that came out of the cartel market cost CCs (cartel packs, direct purchases) which cost real money. The definition of DEAD is the problem. JC, Shadowlands, Ebon Hawk, Harbinger and even Begeren Colony (sorry if I misspelled it) are not dead. The PVP servers are dead.


    As to an Example: "Jace Malcom Commemorative Statue" came out of a cartel pack which cost CCs and thus real money

  13. It's a cosmetic item. I understand players attachments to them, but I fail to see how any decoration should ever get in the way of doing what is right for this game. Having a dozen literally dead servers is unhealthy and needs to be addressed. Leaving those servers open does more harm than good.


    Some of those "cosmetic items" had a real dollar cost not to mention the time invested in obtaining them. A lot of people for mergers seem to be of the opinion that what is best for them is best for everyone. There are in fact wrong in that assessment.

  14. It's EA'S call on to refund Guild Ships or not, it's fair however since they cost so much, and once upon a time there was a forced merge before Guild Ships and Guild Strongholds. A GM Picking bound donated Deco's to move into their new server via a process like their personal cargo hold could be the easiest method. Perhaps make deco's bound so they can't be sold, but lets try not to get hung up on semantics.


    The core issue is a longer term SWTOR game survival itself.


    The real resistance to mergers revolves mainly around the potential loss of guild assets (mainly due to their cost and the length of time taken to accumulate them) so it is by far the most important issue to tackle before even attempting mergers. A bad merger experience would likely be much more costly in terms of game population that not merging at all.

  15. How would you determine one of a kind decorations. If they are still in the game but currently selling for millions, would they be one of a kind. What I would see happening in that scenario is everyone selling decos would double or triple their prices on the GTN to take advantage of the influx of cash to guilds trying to rebuild their decos. Refunding cash for decos is a flat out bad idea.
  16. I have an idea. Lets shut down all the west coast servers and create one in Japan, Korea, or Australia for the APAC players. Ping wont be too bad for the true west coast players. The east coast/midwest players on Harbinger will be forced back to the east coast servers swelling their populations. Solves three problems: gets rid of the unstable Harbinger server, gives APAC players an option with reasonable ping, and takes care of the east coast server population problems. No need for mergers.
  17. Those 500 coins are incentive to sub, they are not "free" - your sub is a package deal ever since this game went F2P. They are a part of the subscription and should not be the primary means of moving characters off of dead servers.


    Why "for a period of time"? Why charge at all? Allow subs to transfer for free any time they like, or limit it to once a month if you'd like. More freedom is ALWAYS better.


    The only concern I would have for unlimited free transfers would be controlling credit spammers. I don't think that is an insurmountably problem though. Limiting transfers to once a month could be a solution to credit spamming. Giving more people the ability to move characters to the servers they want to play on is a better solution.

  18. I shouldn't have to pay additional money on top of my sub to have worse ping. Its not fair to East coast players to have no option for steady ranked queues on the East coast.


    What if Bioware were to offer free character transfers for a period of time. Would that answer your cost question? As far as ping goes, some are saying it makes a difference others don't. That does argue against mega servers which some people are pushing. Ping is a reasonable concern but you would be exchanging ping for better pop times. Does the ping increase make the game unplayable? (I don't know so I am asking the question).

  19. I'm not asking Bioware to police every typed word, but the report function NEEDS to have weight behind it...right now, it has zero...and the online trolls know it means nothing and they abuse that knowledge, and Bioware's customers.


    Personally I think a moderator would be the way to go but if there were also a penalty for falsely reporting someone (which of course is a stickier situation), the report function could be sufficient. I am for immediate action or at least the threat that there might be immediate action. One or two people booted instantly for "toxic" comments would go a long way to dissuading others from going in that direction.

  20. you seem to be one of those strange ones I'm speaking from personal experience about the ping something you have no clue about Rata but you love to get that word in that has no input in the matter just because I proved you wrong about ping issues you have to attack me and wasn't the previous thread purged due to attacks and so on wonder if it was you attacking people.


    It was deleted because one person kept calling everyone who disagreed with him or had a different experience a liar. So to repeat what has been discussed and encourage discussion of additional topics, here is the list I have posted previously. The point of this is not to argue back and forth over which are important and which are not but to come up with a list of concerns the community has (no matter how small a population they represent) regarding server merges. It is then up to Bioware to decide which topics to put resources to, not us. I think we all agree that at some point there is going to be a merger (whether that be a limited one or a larger one) and there is no reason not to prepare for it. The order of presentation does not represent order of importance since everyone will value these differently.


    1) Assuring guilds/guild assets can transfer intact

    2) Assuring personal assets can transfer intact

    3) Dealing with chat on large servers

    4) Dealing with overlapping legacies

    5) Other ways to deal with population concerns (Cross-server, designated servers, Free legacy transfers)

    6) How to start the process when it becomes necessary

    7) How to distribute servers/communities (keeping RP servers separate)


    What 1) and 2) mean is that the player or guild doesn't have to do anything extraordinary (like emptying out guild banks or legacy banks or disbanding and reforming guilds)

    Number 3) pretty much speaks for itself, the chat toxicity has to be reigned in whether there is a server merge or not.

    Number 4) is a lesser concern but people who have extensive legacies on multiple servers will have a portion of their investment wiped away in a merger

    Number 5) Are there ways other than mergers to correct the population imbalance in a way that both sides of the server merge debate can get some of what they want.

    Numbers 6) and 7) are merger process related


    Please comment on additional concerns that would arise from a merger that you have.

  21. Eh it's more like people who realize what is best for the overall game and the ones who selfishly think for themselves. Other game companies are consolidating their servers like Revelation. Server space can now affordably accommodate populations it could not 5 years ago. It has to be more expensive to maintain 17 or so servers in different locations around the world then it would be to 3-5 servers in two or three locations.


    This is why this discussion has become pointless. The pro merger side only cares about their group content and cares little for the concerns of other people playing the game. That much is obvious. What other MMOs do is irrelevant to this game. The pro merger side simply needs to wait until the technical hurdles of mergers can be addressed but the are absolutely unwilling to do so. Smashing guilds again will destroy this game. They are by far the largest arena of group play in the game.

  22. You do realize, don't you, that with the old system you had to flag yourself for PvP, unless you were on a PvP server, or you couldn't PvP on any planet? It was an actual toggle button on your minimap. The only exception was if you were a healer and hit someone else who was flagged for PvP with a heal. It would then flag you, but even then, so long as you actually paid attention, there was a very small chance of being flagged.


    In the old system the problem was the AOE bug, which I don't recall if they ever fixed, and the griefers standing on top of objectives so you couldn't get to them without flagging yourself. The PVP griefers were the ones to blame for the change (and it did not take many of them to ruin the game for a lot of people). All you had to do was join a group with someone who was flagged for PVP and you were immediately flagged. Healing a flagged person also flagged you. There were lots of ways to abuse that system. That was why it was changed. I believe even attacking a mob that someone flagged for PVP was attacking also flagged you.

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