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Everything posted by TripleInfinity

  1. Hi. I previously posted this in the Roleplaying Subforum. I'm kinda interested in hearing about any interesting RP stories any of you have had. I started writing a feature on a website that is pretty much just the life of my character, with some OOC comments here and there. Anyway, I'm looking for someone to continue this feature with their own character. You can read the entires here: http://bit.ly/I1pF2Z The funnier, the better, pretty much :3 There is a contact link on the website, so if you're interested in writing for it, send me an email through that with a sample!
  2. Hi. I'm kinda interested in hearing about any interesting RP stories any of you have had. I started writing a feature on a website that is pretty much just the life of my character, with some OOC comments here and there. Anyway, I'm looking for someone to continue this feature with their own character. You can read the entires here: http://bit.ly/I1pF2Z The funnier, the better, pretty much :3 There is a contact link on the website, so if you're interested in writing for it, send me an email through that with a sample!
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