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Everything posted by Trogdorox

  1. Thank you Mr. Marine. I did remember one point. To me, Concealment relies a lot on stuns like Debilitate and Sever Tendon. Most Op's Bosses are resistant to this. To ask a question off of your response, Why is it that Concealment has trouble with Energy management. When I do PvP or Flashpoints, I find that my Energy stays above 60%. Does Lethality have some perk that allows for easier Energy Management?
  2. Hi, I have been playing the game for nearly two years. Recently I got my Operative up to lvl 55 and have done a few Ops with my guild. She is a concealment Op and does decent damage. I know of several people who have the same as me but never use their Operatives in Raids. My guild tells me that Lethality Operatives produce more damage in endgame content. In PvP, my Operative kills and is so much fun to play. I'm talking about me laughing at the end of matches so hard I'm asked to leave my Teamspeak channel. I guess my question here is: Why is it that people say that Lethality DPS is better than Concealment DPS?. Please don't give me the DoT's run-around. I know about the DoT's of Lethality. I just want to know why the DPS in Lethality is preferred to the DPS in Concealment. Thank you for reading my long question and I look forward to all the possible answers that you great MMO players can give me.
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