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Posts posted by addarcy

  1. seriously what the #&@\.. HOW in the HELL can you MESS UP the code with 4GB of crafting and 1 chapter..

    and you will patch (read mess up even more) this on 4.3?? you kidding me? there are players that actively PAY for this.. PAY!!! i mean giving you their money.. holy fak.. be well bb


    Just want to re-post this - well made me laugh anyway...

  2. Soooo... is this an attempt to force people to bring alts through the expansion even though the content is very alt-unfriendly? Or is it to prevent f2p from accessing the top tier of crafting? Or are we going to be given access to these areas on all level appropriate characters regardless of their story progress? I am hoping it's the last since that would allow access to the Odessen crystal vendors to everyone too.


    It's not a matter of level, it's a matter of story progression. Many of us have numerous lvl 65s that we don't plan on bringing through the expansion.


    +1, couldn't say it better myself!

  3. All in all I have to say "Well done BW." Yes, I cannot believe it either. I was very apprehensive to start with pre patch after reading all the forum blurb and the wait prior to patch nearly destroyed my guild, BUT by god it must have been one of your best roll outs ever (BW). Which I'll give you a thumbs up for. As for FP's, Bolster, solo mode & level sync; I gave up on FP's a long time ago and don't see any reason to go back unless levelling a new toon calls for it. Bolster; I can see the need for it, but presently it is still too much of a mark-up, same goes for companions and both need tuning down slightly. Level sync; not tried it yet but I can see its purpose.


    And finally Operations; What a bl00dy joke! The first night I didn't notice it, but after a weeks' worth of SM, cos like we need the gear don't we B4 we try HM, I'm already resigned to the fact they are a complete face-roll and I cannot take them anymore. And now I have just completed an HM Op and *&&^% me this was a walkover too. BW, I congratulate you on the new story, but Ops are soon going to be a distant past!

  4. I just want to add my view on the Ops & FP news for Knights of the Fallen Empire - it sucks! (never thought i'd hear my 40+ year self say that¬) but it does. What on earth are we paying you for? What you fail to realise is that in the end every MMO comes down to LOOT & achievements which in turn keep punters logging in for and to complete until they just can't stand the game any longer and go and find pastures new.


    Punters also login for SOCIAL if you destroy their reason for logging in, see above, or take away the need for guild run Ops and voice comms the 'Social' aspect will die, and so will the game.


    **Give us new challenging Ops and the chance for new LOOT, and you'll find happy punters that will continue to support the game** - Oh, and when are you going to fix your graphics engine?!? or have laptops just about caught up...

  5. Well yes i've been selling 186 relics for 350K, not bad for an early hit, however since 192 relics drop readily from the new SM Ops this negates the GTN sales hands down. And they should just give us a choice of one node as with the other two gathering skills. At the end of the day Bioware hasn't put much thought into the crafting economy update. The end game game is all that drives established MMO's, therefore you have to have a game economy that compliments this scenario be it grinding comms / reputation or gathering - giving us crafting schematics / RE that immediately gets trumped by drops from SM Ops that only take an hour to complete is nonsense.
  6. Why the *** hell is Artifice worthless for end game play? Why do we have a choice of two missions when treasure hunting as opposed to Biochem’s one? Why do we have a choice of three missions when performing archaeology as opposed to most other crew skill missions which are two? Why do we have a choice of three material nodes to Biochem / savaging’s one? Why when I thought I was going to make a quick few creds out of 186 relics do the 192 version drop like mana from heaven on all the SM bosses of the new Ops? And why when I do successfully RE a 192 enhancement or two does the schematic require a rare material not even available on the GTN to me yet, as opposed to the Biochem crafters who have been happily producing 192 stims/adrenals for the GTN / guild bank almost from word go and WHICH are required for end game Ops? Yes, this is a flame at Bioware, as I was lead to believe by developer blogs that all the crafting skills were going to be evened up in 3.0. Obviously not.


    So, any suggestions out there for a solution? Or how i can make Artifice pay or work for my end game game?

  7. I've played Sorc heal hybrid a lot, and i use to get cut to bits. But now its like being an Op, great fun, but i'm sure not actually beneficial to PVP enjoyment or achieving objectives since no-one actually dies any more.
  8. Currently am on the the part/quest "Too Close to Home" however, when i travel to the mission waypoints I find i can't get close enough to the required co-ords to activate my backpack mission item as the co-ords are inside the building. Anyone with any help for me please
  9. Yep, correct! As usual i was only thinking about myself on the numbers! Yes with your team of merry men ofc the number of World Boss kills per character goes up (9,142 as mentioned for a team of 8) All these figures are just pie in the sky anyway. So thank you all, there have been some interesting comments, most notably of rare boss spawns for achievements in other MMOs, and yes you did have to camp for hours at a time and then miss the barstool for a cuppa or someone else sniping it.


    My point was BioWare see this mission as achievable in a WEEK (cough) and it clearly ain't. Monthly would be a better title for it.

  10. Yes it would very nice to have someone scout out whether the World Bosses are up or not and in every world instance, however, this is still going to be a wild goose chase for them, and when that goose is found your merry men will need to race over asap and hope another band of merry men haven't got there first. Nonsense and time wasting it is.


    Consider it; 8 world bosses with 4 maybe 5 instances giving 40 world bosses available to the SWTOR community every 2 hours + Dreadtooth = 528 bosses available in a 24hr period giving approx. 3432 available per week - that comes to a total of 1144 Chars available to complete the weekly mission. Divide this up between your 8 Toon's and the odds of completion are now down to 143 people!! Are you serious BioWare? You'd be better off calling this a Monthly World Boss mission!

  11. The weekly mission of kill 3x World Bosses from a list of about 9 is a complete nonsense. Why, you ask? Why, because after gathering your merry men by interrupting their current missions / game progress / fun, and then making use of your space ship to travel to said chosen world boss planet [enter ship <load game> click, click, exit ship <load game> travel to planet from orbital station <load game> take speeder to nearest speeder (bus) stop <admire lovely scenery en route (/yawn)> get on your own personal speeder and travel to World Boss destination] YOU FIND IT IS NOT THERE, <quietly swear to yourself> so you switch instances <load game> And guess what still no World Boss is up. Okay guys we’ll hang about a bit <start f***ing about calling names emotes and stuff> 10 minutes later still no World Boss [check other instance <load game>] no World Boss. Have a discussion with your merry men what to do and decided to stick it out. [another 10mins later] Still no World Boss, switch instance <load game> no World Boss, so you check up on World Boss re-spawn times AND FIND OUT THAT IT IS 2 HOURS!! – WHAT?!? Are you serious BioWare? Are you telling me you have a weekly comm mission that is in fact a wild goose chase and has just wasted more than ½ an hour’s game time. What a complete nonsense. Remove the weekly mission or reduce the World Boss re-spawn time to something sensible. Thank you. <rant over>
  12. The change to the daily WZ matches, reduced from 6 to 4, was a huge mistake by Bioware as all that happens now is that if a team is notably stronger or gains the upper hand ppl will either leave, if they have already attained their daily, OR not try i.e. make it so the team loses quicker since by doing this they still gain a daily match point and have the chance of another match quicker than if they were to fight it out.


    When the daily was 6 match points ppl put the effort in to turn the initial deficit around as the 2 point win meant SO much more, now most pvp matches are just a farce. The other night I saw someone join / leave three times, yes three times!! (lol) YES you still need 9 match wins for your pvp weekly but this doesn’t outweigh the nightmare of your average pvp daily match.


    I for one would rather have the 6 point pvp daily back, as it actually meant something to pvp’ers.

  13. Last night someone said to me "Stop whining..." and they ended up with 1 medal to my 2! BUT on reflection that is exactly it. I shall stop playing WZ pvp, even if it was the best bit about the game, until these glaringly obvious features are fixed, as sooner or later it is only going to be the hackers left anyway. Am pretty sick of it to be honest, when it is your main stay of fun with the game and after topping the medal tables up to lvl 50 says to me I couldn't have been doing it that wrong and to now be losing every WZ match on two different toons unless the team leader whispers you "Would you like more dps?" as happened the other night, is just plain wrong and why Bioware needs to do something about it. On average it takes me about 75 mins of ra-pe to complete the 6 matches and collect my daily pvp wz rations and I've just grown bored of it and it's not fun anymore.
  14. I, like you, have read about this topic before and thought “may be” but not taken it any further. Well… last night the guys were actually bragging about it on the chat, the game was markedly different and I ended up with x16 medals – something I have never achieved before. i.e. we were cheating. Not ‘I,’ – there is no ‘i’ in team! And it sickens me. The only way out of this is for ‘Bioware to do something’ because the only response is for more people to CHEAT, since the other team is likely to already be cheating anyway.


    Personally, I think the pvp games/matches are one of the best out there and make this game fun fun fun. N.B. there should be an emote or tannoy for everyone killed in the acid bath or knocked off a bridge :). BUT, being killed after three seconds of combat; time and time again is not fun and causes people either to leave or huddle up and not participate in combat = sad.


    Something needs to be done.


    Stop the cheating.


    Also I'd like to know if the Ranked WZ's suffer this fate? Which if they do will just make a mockery of what they are supposed to be achieving.

  15. How the heck (read a stronger swearword if you like) are Biochemists meant to make any credits if consumable epics are only any sodding good to another BIOCHEMIST who, if they are worth their salt, will have already learnt this schematic. Are other crafts penalised in this way? No-one is going to spend any serious credits on Adrenals that only last 15 seconds, BUT an adrenal that is reusable is a different matter and will be on CD and actually worth something. Come on bioware sort it out.
  16. I am fast approaching 1000 mercenary commendations & 1000 warzone badges and only level 30. Do i just throw the badges away on lockboxes? or is there something else i should be spending them on?


    Personally, i think the reward system could have better in-game info around it, as pvp is one of the most fun aspects of this game.


    Help please.

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