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  1. <Spacebar Abuse> of Kaas City will be present. Lathia will be attending.
  2. After playing a bunch of the characters and creating my own guild I'm upset that I know for a fact that republic side professions will never suit my needs as a player. I came up with some neutral based classes. Why neutral based classes instead of Imperial or Republic? The sheer answer comes down to the fact that classes should not be directed to what faction they MUST be in. For example smugglers are not just republic in the books but no one is going to really complain. The other reason for neutral classes is being able to really pick a side which makes your storyline different from those that picked the opposing side. Another thing the class could be exactly what a player wants, but if its republic and all his friends are imperials he will never play the class he wants. So without further ado here are my neutral class ideas with some background storylines to follow, their specializations, weapons of choice and more. Everyone playing SWTOR has probably asked the question "Why can't I be a wookie?" Well its because the race of wookie does not fit into any of the class roles EXCEPT smugglers and even then it is rare for traditional wookies to do so. Class: Wookie Warrior Advanced Classes; Wookie Bowcaster Role: Ranged DPS, Specializes in Bowcasters Wookie Gladiator Role: Melee DPS, Specializes in blades of some sort. (Vibroblades?) Storyline: Wookies live on a peaceful planet. They must fight for survival against both the republic and the imperials. Our hero has finally grown old enough to take part in the military trials. During the trials they are suddenly interrupted by a Bounty Hunter who had come to kill the hero's father. The hero runs to aid his father but was too late as the Bounty Hunter takes off with his head. Our hero finishes his trials and is approached by the general telling him he can fight one of two fronts, the imperial front or the republic front. Our hero chooses a front to fight for and goes through the specific order of whichever side he chose. Such as imperial side will start on Dromund Kaas and advance like all others. The storyline will be around searching for the Bounty Hunter who killed his father while fighting the war to save his tribe and home planet. Class: Galactic Trader Advanced Classes; Galactic Diplomat Role: Range, low DPS, Support, Healer More specifically one tree is healing and one tree is buffing your team using "shouts" or "anthems" which increase power, or do other things. Could also be considered mantras. Galactic Specialist Role: Melee, Support, Tank Does about the same with a mantra tree not shared with Diplomat and also fits himself as a tank. Storyline: Galactic Traders begin on a neutral planet. They do not begin with a weapon proficiency or any abilities that deal damage. Traders begin with "Anthems" which would represent negotiation or speaking in battle. Traders are able to talk themselves out of situations and is a more role playing class than others. Traders begin with a companion. The cool thing about this is before you enter the storyline you will pick your side in character creation. Imperialists will have two different companions to choose from than republic. Your hero will have the choice between a ranged dps and a melee dps companion in the beginning. Your hero will also begin with one healing spell. The storyline begins with our hero being protected by our companion while they travel across the planet to deliver a presentation. The presentation is about how such and such is destroying the planet. In order to give a successful presentation he and the companion must got search for evidence. Upon leaving the planet your first companion is slain by either a Jedi Assassin or an Imperial Operative/Sith Warrior. When you reach the fleet you will be given the first permenant companion of your storyline. His name is Shihaki a smuggler who has a big ransom up for him. The bounty on his head brought him to you where you promised to help him clear his name because of the falsehood of the bounty. The other part of the storyline is to find the person who killed your guard and slay them for what they have done. Later throughout the storyline you find out why and how your first companion was related to you. After the slaying of the person who murdered your first companion you go on a series of quests to help end the rebellion against the galactic empires. To be updated/Added Other classes in mind: Battle Droids Beastmaster
  3. Hello all and welcome to my suggestion petition. I feel all the things I am about to say are ideas we can all agree with to make the game feel more appealing. So first I am going to talk about my suggestion for guiilds. First I think that in the guild page pop-up window in-game should have a slot at the bottom with a box to type a name into with a + symbol. This will allow people to invite others quicker. It took me 4 hours to figure out the /ginvite "name" and typing /ginvite out for people is annoying. I'd rather have a box. Next I think guilds should be allowed to create and customize emblems. If each guild had away to signify that they are different from another guild by allowing them to get an emblem and be able to choose two colors to be the guilds colors used in the emblem. This system I am mostly referring to happened in Guild Wars but I think Bioware should be able to take it to the next level. Another good idea that I have is a guild hall or a guild ship. A place where the guild can hold events and be isolated from trolls. I really think that having a ship we can customize as a guild and be able to do group space missions with a guild ship would be awesome. Which brings me to another idea. We should have group space missions using the guild ship. Think about each gun a gigantic ship has? Each guild member would be mounted on a turret, or better yet in their own ship flying the way they want around the guild ship protecting it. It would just be awesome to free roam in space with our ships too. A good part of star wars is the ability to free roam space and shoot stuff. I would like to see more of that here. __________ Enough with the guild suggestions. Lets move on to some more meatier topics. My biggest pet peeve about being a Bounty Hunter is the fact that I am suppose to have a jetpack but DON'T. My suggestion is making jetpacks that are useable for all classes. Everyone but the Bounty Hunter and possibly Smuggler would have to train the ability to use it through legacy or something but BH and Smuggler would have it when they hit level 10. The first jetpack would be crappy allowing minimal levitation durations. Then for more credits or being custom made in higher level the jetpack would get better and beter allowing more levitation/flight duration. This would have a huge impact on the game as many players would perfer a jetpack over a speeder. I know that if jetpacks were in the game everyone would try to get one just because of the awesomeness and fun it would have. It can be disabled in PvP. But think of the new things it allows us to do by being able to go up and down. MY next suggestion is about speeders. I want to be able to buy a speeder than be able to put modifications on it like it was a ship. Maybe my speeder could have guns or be as fast as Anawans. I would also like it if we could do some cosmetic changes. Allowing the speeder to be changed around like armor. By buying new pieces of equipment or making them we could change the appearance of a speeder to look similar to our own dream speeders. It would just be awesome. Espicially if we could stick our guild emblem on to the side. Another cool thing I've been thinking about is being able to customize the appearance of your ship. Yeah the D-mantis looks cool, but maybe I want a fury or an X-wing. I think we should be able to buy a new ship after the given one. It would make things a little more interesting there and it would allow for some new things. I would like my friends to be able to meet me on my ship and party. It would allow for more isolation and less trolls. Privacy is a good thing sometimes. All in all my ideas are broad but you get the idea. These would all be good additions the game and if you agree please post and say "I sign this petition!" Thank-you! Note: Some names will come from people in-game that agree with this idea and have asked me to be put down on the list. Signers: 1. Lathia 2. Anomie 3. Norvax 4. Undead 5. Xral'lak 6. Bladez 7. Gordy 8. Vanden 9. Gangrell 10. Jediforce
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