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  1. I have not seen any huge game breaking problem with allowing it. I have only seen a few lines of dialog that could change and that's only if you currently are a human and change to an alien race or you are an alien race and change to a human. All the NPC's see you as either an alien or a human from what I have seen and one piece of dialog that did not make sense to me was when I was playing my Sniper who is a Rattataki and I was talking to my companion Kaliyo who is also a Rattataki. Something was mentioned about how she did not like type of food that was on the ship and one of the options I had in the conversation was that I blamed it on what race she was. But I am the same race so how did that make sense? I didn't really care about it but I am just using it as an example as to how little the game recognizes what race you actually are.
  2. Sorry you may think I or someone else is whining in this thread but I was just making a suggestion since this was a popular service for another MMO and I have just been trying to answer the questions that I have been asked on this thread. This is the suggestions section of the fourms so That's what I used it for.
  3. Well if I already have a level 40 that I can change the race of then I only have 10 levels to go instead of the whole 50 so I would be saving myself some time by switching the race of the character that is already that much closer to being level 50. So here is the example. Say I'm playing Empire and I rolled a Twi'lek and he is level 40. Then I find out that I can unlock races for the other faction if I get that race to 50. I decide I want to play a Sith on the Republic so to save myself time I change my level 40 Twi'lek into a Sith so I only have 10 more levels to go to get the unlock instead of re-rolling and starting over again from level 1. Yes, the Legacy system may be more useful to a player that loves to keep making and playing alts but all I really wanted out of it was one or two race / class unlocks. So all I would be doing is saving myself a little bit of time. I don't see what people have against someone just wanting to save them selves a little bit of time. I just thought I would make this suggestion since that's what this fourm is for and see how it went before I re-rolled or even deleted a character I most likely wouldn't play anymore. My thinking when I created this thred was that this was a popular service for another MMO and it could save people some time. I however no longer really care about it as much since I re-rolled on a higher populated server. But atleast other people will be able to use this service if they so wish.
  4. I have two characters that I play. I don't have a 50 yet and I have had the game for two and a half to three months. Like I said before I don't have a whole lot of time to play right now. So in the near future yes, I may have the time to simply make a new character but as of right now I just don't have that kind of time. Like I have also been saying tho I am sure other people feel the same way simply because they don't want to have to spend time re-leveling just to get an unlock that they would have gotten if they knew about the way the system was going to work in the first place. I like to have all my characters serve a purpose as well. I will have one that's a tank, one that's a healer, and one that's dps. I don't have much use for a ton of extra characters and that's all the character I have now will become. Just a high level character that I most likely would not play anymore. I guess I don't really see why some people are so against this in the fist place. If you don't like having an option like that then don't use it. I'm just suggesting this so that players who want to play a new race after they announced how the legacy system was going to work may have a chance of being able to play that race without spending the time leveling a new character.
  5. Yeah that would be a simple solution but at the same time I don't really want to scrap a character after 40 some levels. I figure if they allow a change like this then I wont feel I wasted any time on a character and I can continue to play the one I already have to get the unlock from. I don't always have the time to just sit down and make a new character just for a legacy system unlock. I feel this would be the quickest and easiest solution for the player to get something out of the legacy system that they really want since this type of information was not given about the legacy system at the time of character creation. This dose not have to be a permanent thing. I just thought it would be nice to be able to have an option like this for at least a limited time due to the new information released about the legacy system.
  6. Well I do not role play and never have in an MMO. The only time that your race effects the game is in some dialog when you are doing quests and they see you as an alien not what race you actually are so I don't see how it would change your game at all outside of being someone who likes to role play. I just thought I would throw this idea out here for the people who just like to play the game and get a little more out of the legacy system since this type of information was not available at the time we created our characters. I only made a Twi'lek because they were an under played race but I would rather play something like say a Chiss so I could then unlock them for a playable race on the Republic. So if you are worried about role playing then this clearly is not an option for you but that dose not mean you have to point out how stupid of an idea you think it is just because you role play because there are a lot of people who don't RP that may like an option like this. As far as dialog goes if for some reason someone wanted to change to a human then I'm sure the dialog would be changed accordingly with the race.
  7. So the only reason I'm asking is because of the Legacy system. I did not know before that if you took a toon to 50 that you could unlock their class and race for the other faction. Now it makes me kinda regret rolling a Twi'lek since both sides already have them. I know that another MMO lets you change your race for a fee and would like to ask to either implement that if you can or offer it for a limited time.
  8. I was told by a friend that SWTOR would have rewards for staying neutral but I have not seen any, maybe I looked over them in a patch note but I have also asked other people in game and made an in game ticket asking about it and it sent me here. Since I was told there was going to be rewards for staying neutral and I did not see any neutral rewards from the vendor then I thought that maybe the whole 1000 to next tier meant once I had 1000 light side points then I could get a tier 1 light side item and like wise for the dark side items but I was wrong. I thought that if it worked that way then it would take a bit longer to get the items that you wanted, but you would have a nice pay off by being able to get what ever item you were wanting. So by thinking that way I thought Diplomacy was a much better tool then what it is. Now I have a little over 1000 light side points and around 800 dark side points so in order to get an item that I want I need either another 800 light side points or 1000 dark side points. Which meant I had to wait a little while longer to get an upgrade. So the question is will there be any rewards that require you to be neutral or will it just be light and dark rewards?
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