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Posts posted by Wartunkar

  1. Bioware please do adress this issue soon .. This thread is drawing like 3 posts per minute, and no yellow BW text has appeared yet? This should be fixed already, the GDC "improvement" is outrageous and flaws the mechanic of the game. And if people really do get headaches from the flashes (something i havent experienced even after a lot of playing) that should be adressed aswell. But don't take away our control of upcoming abilities like this.
  2. Make this easier. Put a countdown number that goes away when it's not on cooldown or GCD (i.e. when it's available to use). Make the ability grayed out when it's ineligible to use (out of range, a heal ability on an enemy non-healable npc).


    How hard would it be to do that?


    Want to know when your ability is ready and you can use it? Simple... it's a bright color with no number on it.


    Why can you not implement this Bioware? It's the easiest fix to a problem. Should I mock up some photoshop images to show how it can be done?


    Plz mock up a photoshop fix lol .. I just need to know which abilities are ready as a marauder, its impossible to tell since im on Global Cooldown constantly, so i never capable of seeing which attacks are ready, due to this new "improved" Darkening of ALL ablities.

  3. As mentioned above, the new GCD effect is making it impossible to determine what abilities area available once the GCD has finished. Previous method was just fine and does not require any change. Please revert back soon.


    Yea its not the flashing thats bothering me .. its the dimming of ALL abilities during GDC ! This simply must be changes ASAP, since it is ruining my marauders rotation/gameplay rhythm. I have no way to judge whether i have enough rage/in range to perform my next ability during GDC, and since im melee, im constantly on GDC .......

  4. How do you not get this? Of course you can clearly see all of you cd's...ONLY WHEN THE GCD ISN'T TURNING. Now if you play a melee class that uses resource building mechanics, you're left totally screwed because the gcd is ALWAYS TURNING. Seriously, we can't see ****.


    yup ... Enjoy being in the dark, never knowing which abilities are ready unless you actually count your rage blobs, and remember the rage cost of all your 25 abilities, then judge accordingly to which one is the best in the situation - all this before the GDC runs out, which is 1 second ..

  5. I really honestly do not care about the "oh I love this change, it is great" people. I''m happy you feel your eyesight is super awesome and I'm so pleased you are "fine with it."


    The facts are there are a lot of people who can't tell when their abilities are ready and for me that is a rather large and important issue. I don't personally mind the flashing, but I do mind that over half of my abilities are just 'grey' on 'grey.'


    Is the game playable for me? Yes, but not without spamming some of my abilities because I can't tell when they are ready!


    So yes, for all of you who are having a fabulous party of "yay i love it and don't listen to the whiners" party well GOOD FOR YOU! For the rest of us who are you know pointing out the rather glaring issue here all I can say is I hope someone listens and things improve soon! :p


    Yup, this is not just a cosmetic issue of "ooh i love the new flashing effect, it makes me feel happy" or "loll i hate looking at the flashes it looks like a freaking slot machine" .. We are pointing out a VERY serious flaw here - it is not possible to tell which abilities are ready during global cool down. This is just such a huge flaw, that i cannot believe it. It is not a cosmetic issue, and I'm not whining, I'm making you guys at bioware aware of the fact that you have really messed with the mechanics of the game now, and screwed it up.

  6. but if you hit the first skill, the skill is being performed, and thus the next skill can't happen until the first skill completes. just do it that way. what's the problem with that?


    The whole point of an instant spell is it being "instant" .. meaning if there were no GDC, since the spell is instant, you can cast another directly after. That is why GDC is important.

  7. if there were no global cool down, you would be able to launch all of your instant attacks infinitely close to each other, blasting 10 instant attacks in 0.1 seconds. Only limitation would be how fast you could press the buttons. An individual cool down of 1 sec on each instant attack would not neutralize the opportunity to blast all of your instant attacks right after each other, which would obviously be too op. This is why global cool down is needed.
  8. The theme continues - there are two problems here. A genuine one and and 'whiners' one.


    The genuine one is that GCD is being treated the same as CD, and simply they shouldn't. Classes using Rage, Focus etc (more than others) are unable to tell what casts to queue next since they can't differentiate between ones which will be available when the GCD finishes and ones which won't.


    People who say that you should know which ones are available must stick to an inflexible cast rotation and don't take new players into account at all.


    As for the other which really should be a different thread... people complaining about flashing lights in a video game... not even going to bother with that.


    THIS is exactly what i have been trying to get across :) I don't care for the flashing lights.. its a video game. But the global cool down issue is simply unacceptable, it's basic mmo law that you should be able to see ready for use abilities lighter up, even during global cool down !

  9. If i an unable to determine if I have enough force to cast a skill by just glancing at the skill icon quickly there is a problem.


    Currently...lets say Shock cost 50 force and i have 100 force available. I cast some random ability which cast 25 force leaving me 75 force to use and the GCD triggers-BLACKENING OUT SHOCK UNTIL THE GCD IS OVER- then shock lights up (after a DELAY) and it represents i have the force available to use it. What did we just learn? That AFTER the GCD is over the game will tell me i have the resources to use shock. The game will NOT tell me shock is ready to go during the GCD so the "skill queue" is now pointless.


    NOW..lets say I use a random ability taking me down to 10 force and the GCD triggers BLACKINING OUT SHOCK UNTIL THE GCD IS OVER. After the GCD is over- shock is still black and i know i dont have the force to use it. What did we just learn? That I have to wait till GCD is over before the game lets me know i dont have the resources to use a skill.



    So what have we learned? That I ALWAYS have to wait for GCD to be over with before the game will show me I have the resources OR NOT to use a skill. And how does this relate to the "skill queue system"? It renders it absolutely POINTLESS, and turns the game into nearly "turn based combat".


    Right on .. It seems to me that the new ui is just FUNDAMENTALLY flawed .. Of course the flashes are annoying, but this is a flaw of astronomical proportions - it removes your control gf your rotation, and leaves you to randomly press buttons, hoping abilities have enough resources !

  10. I think they should modify it, but in a optional way. I LOVE this new Cooldown system, for my Agent and my inquisitor is perfect, in PvE and in PvP.


    Yesterday, being at work was reading all the post about flashes, headaches and whatnot in the forums. Then, I go to home, start to play, and I found it thrilling.


    I can't understand people in this forums, really. ¿Headaches, dazzling? I play in a dark room, in a 60' LED TV, at 1,5m distance, and no problem at all.


    Yea i don't care about flashes - but this global cool down blackening is really game-breaking. I am not a clicker, and i don't stare at my ability bare constantly. I hear people saying "Deeerp you just need to know your rotation", yes but a rotation adapts and morphs in pvp as a result of available abilities, and when i cannot judge which ones are available, i can't pvp.

  11. So, just coming up on 24 hours & nearing 1700 posts in this topic alone. A few hundred at least in the ones they've closed & redirected to this one. And so far, aside from one post in the first version of this thread saying something along the lines of "they're talking about it" the only BW posts I've seen are the ones closing the other threads.... Yeah, I'm not getting the feeling that they're really listening.


    I also feel they should do something about this immediately. Bugs, quest bugs, crashed to desktop etc i can live with, but i can't live with this global cool down blackening, since its ruining my gameplay completely. I can't pvp anymore. The first freaking mob i engaged after the patch, i was like "how can i play like this? i have no control during global cool down".

  12. After playing 5 hours with it yesterday I can honestly say that nothing has been improved by this change. I am still watching Rage bar and time left on cds via tooltip in order to determine the validity of the each button's state.


    I personally would like it more simple. Abilities not available are greyed out, abilities which are available are lit up, an ability with cooldown should just have neutral grey overlayed gauge. Once said gauge reaches 0s it should check resource as well and only a combination of all: resource, cooldown left, target condition (self, target, enemy, friendly), should determine the button's state.


    Exactly.. I have no way to determine if my abilities are ready to be executed during the global cool down, whether I'm in range or have enough range. I can see if they're on cool down yes, but i can't plan my attacks during the global cool down since they're not highlight when ready ...

  13. Am i the only resource-building (marauder) class that has an enormous problem with the way the new global cool down system is put together? During the global cool down, ALL abilities are blacked out, and the ones that are ready to use next are not highlighted? Since I'm an instant attack melee class, i am constantly on global cool down. I have no way of judging which attack to use next, since i cannot determine which abilities are ready to use during the global cool down. This is not such a big problem for non-resource-building classes such as inquisitors, since they start out with 100% resources. I need be sure whether i can use my abilities during GDC, so i can plan ahead. This has ruined pvp, and screwed up my rotation. I find myself pressing a lot of attacks that are not available since i can't tell the different. Im not talking about the cool down of the individual ability, that i can judge, but I'm referring to whether I'm in range/ have enough resources?


    This is an awesome game, and i don't give a damn about the ui "flashing". This GDC darkening is ruining my gameplay, and simply must be changed ASAP :p at least give us the choice of bringing back the old ui, so rage classes can play again! Am i the only one who feels this way?

  14. Flashes are not annoying me, but i find it greatly annoying to not be able to see which abilities are ready for use during global cool down, because EVERY ability is blacked out!! I can't plan my attacks during global cool down, and i find myself randomly pressing buttons hoping there is enough rage to execute them !
  15. Hey bioware - do not take all these very dramatic complaints to seriously, just listen to what they have to say!


    I think you have made a GREAT game. This is by far the best mom i have played, and i love it. I play a marauder. I completely understand that totally new games that are so vast in ice as this, can have a lot of bugs, miscalculations crashes and so forth.. That i can totally live with, until you smooth out the bugs.


    BUT this i cannot.. It is completely unacceptable that you have made it so, that ALL abilities are blacked/completely faded during the global cool down ! As a marauder, I'm on global cool down pretty much all the time. I build up rage, and i rely greatly on the highlighting of abilities during global cool down to predict/queue which or the attacks i need to perform when the global cool down comes off !


    I think you have done a great job with this job, and i love it - but i can't play like this. Its completely basic mmo-fact, that all attacks are not blacked out during global cool down, since this is when you need to predict your next move after the global cool down comes off, and you should be able to judge which abilities are ready for use!


    I don't give a damn about flashing or animation, just give me my predictability back!

  16. Yes - bioware, i do not care how you change it, just do it fast! It is IMPOSSIBLE as a marauder to determine when your abilities are ready during GLOBAL COOLDOWN - i don't care about the flashing, screw headaches - while fighting. Since attacks are instant, i am under the global cool down constantly, and all my attacks are blacked out. I can't see which are ready, i just use attacks and hope they are.


    This makes my class unplayable - i have leveled it to 42, and it is, as of now, a pain in the *** to play.


    This must be changed .. and fast! Atleast just make a tick bar in preferences that allows us to somehow go back to the old pre 1.1.2 ui, since it was working perfect for me. Or change it, i don't care - i just want to be able to determine which attacks are ready to be performed during global cool down, or i don't stand a chance against anything - heck, pvp is impossible now. I don't have time to spam 3 different buttons, hoping i have enough rage to actually perform the abilities.


    This issue calls for an emergency patch tomorrow lol.. If you ask me, this is severe, and is impacting the game SO much more than a simple quest bug, or 3% crit that doesn't proc from a talent ..

  17. You guys need to fix this global cooldown problem now, and i mean NOW ! You have completely destroyed my class mechanic as a marauder - how am i suppose to know if target is in range, or if i have enough rage to cast my ability, when everything is black during global cooldown? Since all my attacks are instant, my actionbar is black all the time, and i cant tell which attacks have enough rage and which dont. I cant play anymore, and im not going to until this is fixed lol .. its not fun.
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