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  1. Is the only way to get the Magenta schematic from a random drop in the Black Hole? Or is there another way from a world boss?
  2. Just saw this and I've had the same! No crafting missions at all and pre 1.2 I used to get one at least every 5 mission runs
  3. Just a quick question: The updated artifice crystals, are they just end game? I've only come across Lvl 50 crystals at the PvP vendors on the republic fleet. Will there be any new lower level color crystals?
  4. Due to levelling my skills and sitting on the fence whether to buy the speeder stuff, i find myself lacking credits to keep up. I have treasure hunting as a crew skill and I've scanned the forums to see which would be better to concentrate on for the most credits to no avail... Lockboxes or Gemstones? Any advice would be much appreciated
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