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10 Good
  1. Whoa simmer down everyone... My pc is fine, will buy a new one with tax money soon I took a gander at youtube and saw some of the "space combat". Watched some videos and looked at this very forum to see some opinions. I played wow on and off for six years.. i see the GLARING similarities between this game and that. For me personally its a deal breaker, i was hoping for a more Kotor/mass effect experience with regards to combat/itemization and space combat I dont think I deserve some of the hate being directed at me, I am simply voicing my opinion about why I am disappointed.
  2. I see your point and I am a little bit upset at myself for believe this hype. I had a very high opinion of Bioware and EA partnering together on a project with help from Lucas Arts.. who wouldn't have high expectations from a team of that caliber? Anyway to my point for posting this, I enjoy space combat.. which is why I also play Eve online. I would like to see this game have some complexity to it with regards to player made structures/ships and manufacturing. I see too much influence of World of Warcraft in this game and it just instantly sours my opinion and I can not continue to play it knowing that fact Maybe I will be back a year or two from now and test it out again. As to your comment about researching before a purchase.. well friend I did the reading and watched the videos on youtube and took a gander at these forums. You can not play the game without paying for it.. a trial would have been sufficient for me to find out all of these flaws. I'm just very disappointed at the product I have purchased. Anyway may the force be with you
  3. Hello. I bought the game off origin (Digital copy-standard edition). I check my email and go through the hopes off actually activating the game. Had some weird glitch where it kept telling me the code i entered was being used... Long post-My personal opinions of my SWTOR experience. Well I finally set-up subscription and I was ready to play! Log in and look at the opening cinematic which was great. Choose my faction and once again saw cinematic which was again great. I choose to be a sith inquisitor.. log in and instantly hit lag.. nearly unplayable lag.. I walked around and found a quest giver.. had to wait for the dialogue to start.. clicked "ok" Basically mass effect/Kotor style dialogue choices.. which is fine. Voice acting was good, awesome I thought lets do this im ready to start leveling! Well.. thats where the fun ends for me. Basically the game is a world of warcraft/eq clone. Just about everything is a carbon copy of world of warcraft set to the star wars universe. Not impressed. Killed some mobs and got a "green" item.. wow i thought new gear.... its green... I click on it and it sounds equipping soulbounds the item to you. Ugh so this game is a complete gear grind just like world of warcraft.. great sweet. So I took a break after achieving level 4. I was interested in this space combat.. only to find out its a really bad very poorly lazy attempt at a mini-game. That did it for me. Quietly exited the game and cancelled my subscription. I would ask for a refund but i believe there are no refunds to digital purchases which is a shame.. Had this game had a FREE TRIAL I would not have wasted 60 dollars, I would have gotten to level 4 found out the game is not for me at this time and went along my way. I am however looking forward to Bioware/EA console games in the future. Sadly I am disappointed at my purchase currently.
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