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Everything posted by gramschi

  1. Every 20 mins? Sorry I'm not actually sure how the legacy systems works.
  2. I'm not pushed about new species combo (to be honest it be more interested in a new playable species). I'm thinking of new abilities I could pass on to my alts if I stuck with 1 main guy till level cap. Is there any legacy abilities that would be useful?
  3. I have 4 toons at the moment (1 per class) and am leveling them roughly in parallel. I was wondering would it be better to pick one to level to max in order to to take advantage of the legacy system?
  4. Yeah for the moment I'm tanking PvE but I will eventually try PvP tanking. Would defense still be more useful than power in that onstance?
  5. Guys, I'm level 18 gaurdian and am concentrating mosly on the tanking tree. I picked synthweaving and have been RE'ing all my gear for defence rating. I thought increasing defense rating would help my tanking ability but I'm beginning to wonder would overkill gear be more useful? Thanks.
  6. gramschi


    Can you RE reusable adrenals? Can you use an adrenal and a stim at the same time?
  7. Guys, I'm at level 20 and am currently stuck on the junction mission on Taris. The bit I'm having trouble with is the part at the start of the mission where you go down the lift and are face with an elite gold star rakghoul and 2 level 17 rakghouls. I just cant seem to get past this bit. Any tips?
  8. Guys, What would be a good DPS focused build that would work well in PVE and PVP? Thanks.
  9. Guys, I've been doing alot of reverse engineering recently and was wondering which of the secondary stats are the most beneficial. I would think that defense is best for tanks. However I cant decide which stat (crit or power) is best of damage dealing classes. What are peoples thoughts on the matter?
  10. Thanks for your reply it was very helpful. I suppose I should have clarified that the examples I mentioned was comparing blue gear with orange gear. In the case of the armour I would be able to increase all on the orange one uncluding armour rating. I suppose I was just wondering about the lightsaber is the difference of 20 force power important enough to swap out the orange lightsaber (considering I can add mods and armour to it).
  11. Guys, If you have the choose between 2 pieces of gear and 1 is supperior to the other but the inferior gear is modable, which should you pick. For example I have a Jedi gaurdian and I found a n orange piece of chest armour. If I use it I lose 190 armour but (also note I have an alt who has cybertech) I could keep modding the armour as I (and my cybertech alt) level up. Also I currently have a n orange modable lightsaber and for the last mission got a new lightsaber as a reward its force power is better by 20 but again I could just keep modding my current saber as I level. All advice and opinions are welcome.
  12. Could someone recomend a good tanking build that would work well in both PvP and PvE? Also what stats are impotant for tanking with a Jedi gaurdian? I would have thought will power was important for any force user but I've seen a few posts suggesting strenght and undurance are the key stats to watch. Thanks.
  13. Can synthweaving craft heavy armour for a Jedi gaurdian or is it limited to light and medium? Can synthweaving craft arnmour with augment slots? Can you use crystals you get from archaelogy when modding blasters and other non-force weapons? Tghanks.
  14. I've become attatched to slicing I like the schematics and bonus missions it brings. Might ditch UT. Once I max out slicing I might swap it out for UT. Thanks.
  15. Guys, I currently have a gunslinger with slicing, cybertech and underworld trading. I have slicing levelled up to 115 so its going well. I was able to get cybertech up to level 60 by buying the mats of the GTN. However I've hit a road block I need large amounts of laminoid and aluminium to continue to level cybertech. For the past news days I've been waiting for them to appear on the GTN but to no avail. Considering my underworld trading skill is very low (only 3 I think) I'm wodering is it worth my while temporarily ditchinh UT in favour of scavenging just to build up those mats and then ditching it again and switching back to UT. Or should I run a few UT missions and wait for the mats to appear on the GTN. Thanks.
  16. Well it mentions going to Coruscant but I've went there and I cant see anywhere on the map with an objective marker.
  17. Guys, I neeed a bit of help. I've just killed the 2 bounty hunters at the Ord Mandell spaceport and headed to the Republic fleet but I cant find any makers on the map telling me where to go next. I also went to Coruscant but couldnt also find any mission markers. Where the hell do I go next!
  18. I've just rolled a smuggler and was wonering what crew skills people would recomend when I reach lvl 10? I all ready have a trooper character that has bioanalysis, biochem and diplomacy so I'm looking to try out different skills for my smuggler. Thanks.
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