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Everything posted by Lord_Raelic

  1. It wasnt enough that you ruined his story with a poorly written, halfhearted book that seemed like it was hastily written to place Revan in your game when it clearly was not needed. Revan has almost no impact on any of the characters stories. But i know why you did it, it was to take advantage of the monetary success of the kotor games to sell your mmo. I defend video games often, calling it one of the last forms of media that has originality and artistic thought that did not compromise story for the almighty dollar. Well Bioware has consistently done so. I really wish you had just let Revan's fate remain a mystery after kotor 2. I have read fanfiction by amatuer writers that were better than the B.S. path you took Revan. And thats pretty damn sad. And whats worse is that i was sucked into this game and have been supporting with monthly memberships hoping that the massive dump Bioware and Drew Karpyshyn took on the kotor story would be worth it in the end. Well I was a fool to think that what would culminate wouldnt be a complete ****** of the Revan and Kotor story in order put more zeros on Bioware's profits. Its not like it will make any difference whatsoever, but i am done supporting this game and hope it gets tossed aside like the other EU stories. Because i would rather have Revan not exist in star wars than have the butchered mess of a story that it is now be accepted as canon. The moment I post this thread I will unsubscribe and will never play this game ever again. Shame on you Bioware for destroying a story for the sake of another dollar and shame on me for supporting you with my money.
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