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Posts posted by Jyowan

  1. Ces deux sophistications ne sont pas en vente ni avec des distinctions élite ni avec des ultimes. Comme toutes celles qui apportent 94 et 62 en stats, elles ne le sont que via Token Forge d'Effroi. ;)


    Et l'option dont tu parles ne permet malheureusement pas de voir le nom des composants d'une pièce.


    Voilà pourquoi j'ai fait une demande ici :rolleyes:

  2. Ok now I'm done with that. I really need to understand a thing here. I'm a Deception PVE player since day 1. I got some questions here, I thought Deception would be finally be balanced for PVE in 2.8, but now I understand it will never be. So, let me ask you thoses, and please, correct me if I'm wrong.




    1 - On the PVE relics, there is a restriction that make it impossible to use in PVP. So, there is an already-existing function in the game that detects if the player is in PVE or PVP environment, right ?


    2 - Bioware has a lot of difficulties on finding a way to balance the PVE Depeption without making PVP Deception overpowered. And that's why there is no balancing plan for 2.8 and the future, right?


    3 - Knowing that, and I trully thought it would be done that way looooong time ago, why don't they just put a PVE Buff, like a permanent stance, that just boost the sustained damage for PVE? You just have to block the effect when entering a PVP environment, is that really hard to do?

  3. as far as i read in the patch notes, the maul damage was not increased , just the force cost reduced by 10 , which is a good thing , since increasing the dmg to maul would be pointless imo.


    However i am not happy that they saw fit to only give a strait dmg increase to vs , in a prolonged boss fight or warzone, that damage is negligible. As far as i saw on a parser from the first boss in dread fortress ( the first boss , forgot the name ) , the increase in dps was something like 80-90 dps. , since i use vs like i did in the past , as a static charge builder and filler , and that depleted my resource pool as it did in the past.


    Basically what i am trying to say is that the consistency issue that this patch was trying to fix for deception is still there , as far as i can see . Since byoware apparently doesn't want to make any other changes to the tree at the moment , just apply band-aids , i would like to ask : Where is that crit. Chance increase across the board that they were talking about ?


    This would benefit all classes that don't have an auto crit built into the tree , but it would be especially beneficial to us , since our consistency was based on that stat , the tree itself was very dependent on that stat ( same thing applies to concealment ops ) .


    As a last note , if radical changes to the tree are out of the question ( although i don't see why not , since it was possible for darkness ) , why not do a simple change , that would help with rng and consistency for deception , namely :


    - surging charge - increase the % building static charges , from 25 to 50%. The ability already has a 4,5 seconds internal cd built right into it , so the only thing that would change is the virtual cd imposed by the charge build , it would be much closer and more consistent toward 9 seconds , instead of giving it a window to fluctuate , that could expand the cd from 9 to 15 seconds , depending on how lucky you are.



  4. @Kayriel: Until the Deception Assassin is not equal that others DPS classes in PVE, I'll revive this topic for eternity!



    The old coefficient of Voltaic Slash was 0,080. Now it is enhanced to 0,089.


    For a better understanding, our Voltaic Slash damage was boost by 10,9 %. That will not help a lot, considering this is the only damage boost we have.


    Ex: If you did 4000 damage ( 2 hit x 2000 ) before, you'll now do 4436 ( 2 hits x 2218 )

  5. So, here it is!


    For Deception DPS:


    They didn't " Slightly increase the damage dealt by Maul " as it was planned. The consumption is now 40 vs 50 before.


    So, the increase of Voltaic Slash is the only damage boost we have. But how much is it exactly?

  6. Game Update 2.5 Class Changes


    Sith Assassin




    Slightly increased the damage dealt by Maul.

    Slightly increased the damage dealt by Lacerate.




    Slightly increased the damage dealt by Voltaic Slash.



    I hope that the Slightly will be enough effective for PVE....

  7. J'ai eu une réponse d'un joueur.


    "Coup de Sabre" est la seule attaque qui est considérée comme non-spéciale. De ce fait, elle ne bénéficie pas de 110% de précision, mais juste du 100%. Donc sachant que les Forts ont 5% de défense et les Élites 10%, on tombe forcément en dessous de 100% de réussite.

  8. Certains Mob-Boss peuvent utiliser des attaques qui réduisent ta précision (vérifie tes débuffs)


    Merci de ta réponse. J'ai refait des tests cette semaine, et je n'ai bien aucun debuff lorsque ça se produit. Et ça continue. Ce que j'ai pu remarquer, c'est que c'est vraiment exclusif à mon attaque "coup de sabre".

  9. Je reviens avec une nouvelle info, celle-ci étant que les esquives se produisent même sur les mobs des opérations, pas seulement les boss. Ont-ils aussi un bonus de 10% ?


    De plus, il semblerait que ces esquives se produisent essentiellement sur mon coup de sabre ( l'attaque basique ).

  10. Please Bioware, do something for PVE players!


    I start the game at the begining, two years ago. I started with the Assassin Deception, and I never changed. I don't have any Reroll, cause I LOVE playing with my Assassin.


    The fact is, I can't play on high level. Nobody accept me in Nightmare Operations anymore, because they saw a famous test ( never saw it myself ) that shows that the Deception Assassin has a pityfull DPS than a Warrior Marauder or other classes.


    Is it possible to do something? I just want to play equally than other players.



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