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Everything posted by JamesDisaster

  1. I have little bursts of fun on Jung Ma, but most times, especially lately, I log in, sigh, and then log out after 5 minutes or so. It just feels like, "What's the point?" If I'm stuck here after F2P hits I'll definitely cancel my sub and play like once or twice a week...maybe. I followed the development of this game for years. This is so disappointing.
  2. This is the best move for everyone. It will show the community that BW is aware of their dissatisfaction, it will consolidate opinions and complaints with the server population by dissatisfied players, and it won't tarnish the whole image of the server. I think the population isn't likely to see an influx of new players if the forums are speckled with desperate pleas for transfers. Just sayin'.
  3. I take back what I said. I spent 5 minutes on POT5 and I REALLY wish Jung Ma wasn't so dead...
  4. It's not as dead as people on here say. My initial reaction was the same when I came back and started actively playing again...but I just looked a little harder and have found a vibrant core community that's very active on this server, and I actually enjoy it a lot, because I never deal with lag and real rivalries and friendships start to develop. F2P will boost population and activity, and then I would like to see server transfers offered TO Jung Ma after things have stabilized a bit, but there are some of us who joined an RP-PVP server for a specific reason and we would like such a server to remain active. I'm having a lot of fun on Jung Ma. WZ pops aren't too infrequent, and world pvp is constant, thought admittedly devoid of objective or MUCH organization, but still a lot of fun. I understand people's angst, but I'm more attracted to the notion of trying to better our community than abandoning it. That being said I'm playing my first lvl 50 and interacting with my guild a lot. I would probably have NO fun trying to re-roll an alt. I do think this problem needs to be addressed, I would just hate to see the server completely fall apart.
  5. I'm happy to see more of these kind of things happening.
  6. This sounds AWESOME! There's been a lot of pessimistic talk about this server being dead. It's nice to see active steps to organize and prove otherwise.
  7. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5230795#post5230795
  8. Consolidate here! Jung Ma, currently the only active RP-PVP server in game, has experienced a mini exodus of players who were dissatisfied with low population and a suffered community, so many of us made ex-pat toons on Prophecy of the Five. It would be interesting to consolidate our community here. I for one would love to see a RP guild of sorts rise out of the ashes of our desertion, or even a full fledged community, which would in turn have ripple effects of activity into an already very active server. Are there any other Jung Ma refugees out there who came here in search of a more vibrant galaxy? Did you find it? What's it like here on POT5? Did you find what you were looking for?
  9. What about world PVP? That's a key difference in our servers and why I prefer PVP servers.
  10. Do you think transfers will come with the new F2P expansion? There is an echoing voice of frustration from our server, that much is undeniable, but do you actually think we'll ever be allowed to transfer off the only RP-PVP server in the game, or do you think Bioware would never actually give us that option, in hopes that F2P will stabilize population?
  11. I left SWTOR after following its development for years. I never stopped paying my sub fee, because I didn't fully commit to leaving, my interest just sort of teetered out. But now I'm trying to get back into it, and all I'm reading is TERRIBLY discouraging things on these forums. This is so upsetting to read, seemingly unanimous opinion that this server is just dead. I guess RP-PVP is just naturally an unpopular server type. I REALLY hope they let us transfer off soon, or I guess I'll have to leave permanently.
  12. I don't want to go back to WoW
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