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Posts posted by TapSumBatt

  1. Highly sceptical towards balancing PvP around sandbox deathmatches. Unless Arenas move towards a greater variety objectives than just killing the opposing team, they can't really provide sufficiently full information about the entire multitude of things factoring into pvp balance.


    They dont need to balance everything around it, but there is a big audience for that type of competative matches so why not add it? I don't see any harm.

  2. I don't see any good argument as to why they should not implement this. Forcing game balance should be a good thing.


    At least there will be an element in the game that will keep players playing, season in and out. Those players will also PvE on their spare time.


    The only reason I can think of that people don't like arena is because they thought they were bad at it in WoW and big groups in WarZones do not single them out when people start to complain.


    However, they are not kept from playing this and what OP suggested will not give anyone else an advantage over them. I don't get where they nay sayers are coming from really.



    Arena was the only reason why I played WoW for so long, made 100 points away from Gladiator :cool:


    BioWare listens much more to their player base and have a solid relationship with their player base.


    I can totally see this working out! Wouldn't cost much and people who don't like it have nothing to lose --> You don't have to participate!


    SWTOR arena and this will be the best MMO of all time!

  4. My guild is less concerned about which class you are, and is more concerned about, "Have you done the dailies and are geared enough" and "Do you know your class well enough to play dps efficiently" and "Can you pay attention to the party leader directions"


    Well, thanks for sharing ;) But at a point sooner or later when people are geared and are good enough, the better spec will shine through, always does. Hence my interest in peoples subjective opinion on the matter since we cant measure ourselves.

  5. This really bores me to tears, I am playing every day and always my server is full, just about always there is a queue on prime time to even get in, up to 40 minutes.


    This has not changed in the slightest since server transfer so take your doomsday theories and shove them.

  6. I swear I have never seen a group of people complain as much as I have on this game. The same thing happens in WoW. Blame the crybaby that left the game opening up a spot for you.


    Content people don't post on the forums. I was an active forum poster in WoW during my six years of content game play (paradox I know) but people threatened to quit there for every reason every day, and also proclaimed that the game was dying for certain reasons and that if only Blizzard/BioWare would cater to their specific needs then the game would survive.


    Moral of the story, don't take whiners too serious.


    They are needed in social dynamics, they are constantly looking for things to be wrong and if they don't find anything, well, they find something.


    We can thank them however for discovering things that actually are wrong faster than a normal person would do. In a sense, they are pessimistic explorers :D

  7. Minor issue.


    I just find it funny that some guy just skipped his/hers medals in order to not show up with lousy stats on a scoreboard :D


    I see opportunity, opportunity to gain fast WZ commendations.

  8. I agree. PvE is a different mind-set than PvP, while still skill based, skill is not all it takes to be a good raider. All good raiders have skill, not all skilled players are good raiders.


    Raiders are horrible players by default usually. Most clickers are found there because they can get away with it. I've never seen a good PvP'er have trouble learning to raid. Can't say it's the same the other way around though.

  9. F2P can go screw itself. I don't care about it until the day it comes, when it does I'll play something else.


    The whole argument of "Why are you so opposed? You'd pay as much anyway but in subs instead" is completely retarded. ((Talking about microtransactions))


    If it gains interest they will add more features to it. More features = more items -> more exclusive items.


    Suddenly some jerk spending 150 Euros on a digital Light saber will kill you in a Warzone.


    At that point this game is no longer for me.

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