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Posts posted by stendarrs

  1. I was surprised to hear about the second round of server merges. I was on Corellian Run and was happy with the population. WZ queues were popping fast in prime time and even relative fast off prime time. There were lots of people on both factions and I really had no complaint about anything population-wise.


    Were other servers experiencing light populations and long queue times? I honestly haven't even had a chance to log in today so I don't want this to be seen as a "complaint" thread. I don't care that much about names, legacy names or even guild names. I'm just happy playing the game. I'm just genuinely curious as to what brought about this latest merge. I read through several pages of forum posts and the developer announcement. I just haven't seen anything that answers the "why?" yet. Anyone?

  2. Both awesome and frustrating. I fully expected to be buying extra WH gear for optimization but never thought that I was flat out buying the wrong gear. I must admit, it will be interesting to see how this process affects my dps in PvP matches. I guess I'll start checking out gear tonight to see what can be salvaged in the long run. Thanks to all that have contributed to this informative piece.
  3. No you didn't misread it. It does remove the knockback and replace it with immobilize.


    I dunno, I've read it several times now and it does specifically refer to concussive "force" rather than "charge". I think the KB is still there, but like sages, commandos can now spend points to create a root after the KB. I actually proposed this exact change over in the class forums some time ago. If I'm wrong and the KB is gone though, well, that just blows big time. I will officially retire my commando if the KB is totally removed. Can anyone else chime in on whether they think this is just a change to tree talent or complete removal of the KB ability??

  4. Just curious if anyone has had time to consider my last post. I hate to interrupt the tete a tete you guys have got going on, but I do believe my thoughts on the matter might just help alleviate many of your concerns. :p (as far as resolve goes. I can't really weigh in on the merc/mando side of things, although my first impression is that you got some very helpful looking buffs)


    I read your post and I get what you're saying. I think the problem may be is that whether we know it or not, a lot of times our resolve bars are getting filled unintentionally due to bad timing of stuns. This will alleviate the problem on one side, but I do believe the end result is that we will be getting stunned more often. An example would be if you have 3 players with area stuns. Let's say 2 people set them off and fill the resolve bars on the other team. The third guy now can't use his stun with any effect. Under the new system, let's say those same 2 guys set off area stuns but leave the resolve bar 10% empty. The third guy just waits until the stun wears off and locks them all down again. I should note that I'm totally making up numbers and this example may not be entirely representative, but it's just an illustration of what "could" happen. I hope the change is for the better, but I'm skeptical for now.

  5. rocket punch's knock back? Nope. The only good option would be jet boost (or its equivalent). There is no usefulness from that one when there are 3+ people spamming a node. Auto attack does a better job than rocket punch. But if I were you, I would be thinking "sweeping blasters" or death from above (or their mirror)


    Concussive charge is a 360 degree knockback that I assure works nicely for getting people off a node/bridge. If jet boost is the mirror, then I would agree with that. AOE attacks are fine for interrupting caps, but these attacks are interruptable and do not get people away from the node....thus, they just start clicking the node again after the guardian/jugg leaps to you and then throws you in to the next zip code. Like I said, this is a final effort to buy a few seconds for your team if you're the last man standing and reinforcements are on the way. As long as I still have a KB, then whatever, play however you want.


    well if you are not using the off heals, then I guess you are missing out. Now you get to have an off heal every so often that you can use even on the run and you don't see the advantage of this as a dps spec? Well.. Ok then.


    If someone will let me stand still and cast 5 rounds of charged bolts then I'll totally use it. I use my insta-cast heal if I really need it, but I'd rather keep it for my stun. I just don't see it as a big game changer but if I can get 5 stacked (or at least 3) I'll use it.


    I would take an ops/scoundrel healer anyday, because of their extra survivability. Between merc and sorc healer? I would not call which one is better, they are more apples and oranges. Not comparable.


    Fair enough.....my point was that these "buffs" are the equivalent of treating a bullet wound with a band aid. Maybe the combat medic changes will create enough utility to make for better balance. The DPS commando/merc, however, is still lagging pretty far behind the other AC's.


    Also, since I've totally gone off course, I will say that I believe the changes to resolve do not sound positive. It sounds like more/longer chain stuns are heading our way. I don't check the boards every day, but in all the times that I have read here, I don't recall anyone asking for resolve bars to grow (take longer to fill). This feels like a step backwards and this game is already dangerously close to the edge of the cliff.

  6. I'm going to go on record and say that I believe I completely misread and/or misinterpreted the change. This change does not appear to remove the knockback, but only change the fact that you can spec in to the talent within the gunnery tree which knocks enemies back an additional 4M and use stockstrike as a knockback. So I still have my KB and the gunnery tree still shouldn't be used for PvP. I originally read this as "concussive charge" rather than "concussive force". My bad, I'll pay someone to beat me on the way home. Have a nice day.
  7. Let me hit this before anyone else: L2P

    Rocket punch does not slow anyone. It used to knockback 4 meters (with 2 skill points). Single target. You can still interrupt node caps with rocket punch. It does not knockback, but why are you moving in melee range when you can interrupt a node cap from range? And why do you need a 4 m knockback to stop a cap anyway?


    I read this as concussive charge and believed that the KB was being completely removed and replaced with a root. I'll disregard the L2P and replace with a L2R so my bad. But if you don't see the usefullness of a knockback when you've got 3+ people spamming a node, then I'll say to you....L2P


    yeah yeah yeah


    Nice, did you have a think-tank of comeback specialists work on that one for you?


    5 tracer lock (at the peak of your damage potential) also provide you an instant heal that you can cast. You don't see the advantage of this on 1v1?


    You're totally right, a healing commando could use this to dominate all those 1v1 matchups that he should be getting in to away from the action. :rolleyes:


    No they are not.


    So you feel that a commando/merc healer is better than either a scoundrel or sage for PvP?? wow....just.....wow

  8. Your KB is being changed from a KB that filled a resolve bar to full, into a stun that does not. Stop crying.


    Afterburners/Concussive Force: Rocket Punch/Stockstrike now immobilizes the target for 4 seconds instead of knocking it back. Damage caused after 2 seconds ends the effect. The knockback previously caused by this skill generated enough Resolve that it was actually detrimental to the Mercenary/Commando’s ability to further escape the attacker.


    Please start comprehending. They say the issue is filling the resolve bar, so this is not a stun, IT'S A ROOT! Please tell me how rooting a bunch of people around a node while trying to defend it helps me at all. I want to knock them off the node so they are forced to walk (slowly) back to the node, thus buying my team time to recover.


    Mercenaries and Commandos now have a 30-meter interrupt, Disabling Shot. <-- I think I'll pass on whatever you've been smoking, as interrupts are key abilities to have in any PvP environment, and now you get one for 30m range.


    I'm personally not even going to consider the addition of an interrupt as a buff because it was a complete screw up by the devs leaving it out in the first place. So, grats to the devs on only taking 8 months to realize that you left off one of the most fundamental abilities from one class.


    Tracer Lock/Charged Barrel: Now each stack additionally reduces the activation time of your next Healing Scan/Advanced Medical Probe by 20% per stack.


    This is great because healers really should spend time casting dps instead of casting heals.


    Kolto Residue: Now additionally snares enemies struck by your Kolto Missile/Kolto Bomb by 50% for 3 seconds.


    New Bodyguard/Combat Medic skill, Peacekeeper/Frontline Medic: While protected by your own Kolto Shell/Trauma Probe, firing Rapid Shots/Hammer Shot at an enemy triggers your Kolto Shell/Trauma Probe to heal you on a separate 3-second rate limit. <-- Big buff to heal Mercs.


    Self heals just by using your basic attack while your most commonly used self-buff is active? Please tell me more about how you'll just be a punching bag.


    Commando healers are currently the worst for PvP, this is the one attempt at bringing them up to the level of other classes.

  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't the commando knockback essentially "interrupt" a master strike ? (which by the way is uninterruptable). So now instead of knocking a guy off the platform and into the pit/fire/acid on huttball, my commando is now even more useless because I get a 2 second root ? The root should be on top of the knockback. I'm sure everyone is going to say that's OP, but come on, this joke of an AC has gone on long enough. My knockback was a great way to defend a node as my last dying ability to buy my team a couple of seconds to recover. Now, they'll just be rooted while they cap the node?? Will this new craptacular ability even interrupt a cap?


    Let's just compare a commando/merc to powertech/vanguard. How can anyone say that these classes bring anything remotely equal to the table? The only thing left for commandos in pvp is to be a gimped vanguard or the worst of 3 healing classes. I guess the healing buffs are our consolation prize for standing by this joke of an AC ? Thanks for the interrupt though, too bad I won't bother using it OR my commando any more :rolleyes:


    I seriously thought that BW would get commandos back in line so it wasn't such a joke. Can they at least ban grav spammers from PvP ? The gunnery tree does not belong in PvP. If you're a grav spammer and you're reading this, please at least try switching to assault class so you won't be quite as gimped. I was once addicted to grav spamming, that's right, I had it real bad man. People tried to have an intervention, but the grav round was too powerful. It called to me man, it had me totally addicted. Then one day after getting high on grav rounds, I decided I'd get real crazy and try me some assault spec. My first WZ I almost doubled my average damage in gunnery spec. I embraced my new addiction and never looked back. I now look sadly upon the grav spammers cause I know there's so much better out there for you guys. You just gotta let it go man, just let it go.....


    Wow, I really started rambling there, maybe this is why my parents don't let me out of the basement during the day.


    for my one L2P comment: don't use CC on people with full resolve.



    gunslingers don't have any speed boost either (except as an escape). both classes have range and don't need a closer like some other classes. if anyone needs a speed boosting move, it's dps scoundrels.


    and commandos have heavy armor to help with survivability (of course, whether or not that's enough is up for debate, but if we get a skill to help us with survivability, the devs would probably take away from our armor rating)


    I addressed resolve in my post.:confused: I'm referring to other classes that have abilities that give them immunity to stuns/roots.


    See the post regarding gunslingers to see how much utility they carry as opposed to commandos.


    Heavy armor is overrated in this game as the majority of the damage we're taking ignores armor. As such, I would be fine with giving up armor rating in trade for utility/survivability.


    Perhaps a better solution would be giving a buff to the commando shield. From what I recall as my time being a medic, I think you can spec a point or two to give immunity to interrupts and reduced pushback. Perhaps this could be a default ability with the shield or at least put this option in the dps trees. I would also not be opposed to stockstrike providing a stun as an option.


    Any other ideas for changes? It's kinda crazy to think that two AC's from the same character type could find themselves at opposite ends of the spectrum. PT/vanguard blows people up while providing solid utility while commandos/mercs are kiting for their lives and hoping that they can stay alive just long enough to get off one more HIB. Don't get me wrong, commandos can put up good damage under the right circumstances, but it seems more often than not that objective based fights are won with utility rather than a guy with a big gun. :p

  11. If you dig through any PvP posts you'll see that commandos are pretty much considered a wasted class in PvP unless you are a healer. Then you're just "acceptable" because any other healing class of equal skill would be better. Outside of flushing the skill trees and totally starting over, I've been trying to think of a way to get commandos back in line for PvP. Here are my thoughts regarding some changes to be made. I'm not saying all of these need to happen, but perhaps a combination of these could help get dps commandos/mercs a reason to queue instead of reroll:


    1. Full Auto should be uninterruptable except for knockback/CC. This is a big channeled damage dealer and it always gets interupted with a leap or kick. Why can I master strike through an interupt on my sentinel but not get off a full auto on my commando?

    2. Cryo grenade should apply a DOT. How many times do you see someone run right through a cryo grenade with zero effect? Well, I see it alot....The cryo grenade is a big utility item for the commando (sadly) and when the root is negated it really hurts. (I'm not talking about resolve either, yes I know how it works)

    3. An interupt....this is really not negotiable as it brings the commando/merc down in both PvP and PvE. Just make it happen.

    4. An area stun. I know people will think this is going overboard, but I'm just throwing it out there as an idea to package with other possibilities.

    5. A speed boost or armor lockdown ability (kinda like Halo Reach). The lockdown sounds cheesy, but I'm a little stumped on this one. Pretty much all other classes can leap/pull/push/grapple/invis or something to provide added utility/survivability. I think commandos just need something along these lines to compete with other classes.


    These are just a few ideas that have been bouncing around in my head for awhile. What do you guys think?


    Also, before someone jumps in with the "it's an L2P issue", please know that I'm more than capable of jumping in a pug and putting up big numbers. I'm talking about higher level PvP where a commando will be shut down and killed in seconds because he's basically a "free kill". There is no argument that the DPS commando is at the bottom of the list when it comes to higher level PvP, and I'm not looking to turn them in to an OP class. I'm simply looking for ways to get them in-line with other classes. Your constructive thoughts and opinions are appreciated.

  12. I lost back to back CW's last night with the same 4-man premade (of which I was not in) who are self proclaimed "elite" players. We started off taking two nodes and then the leet skillz players tried to take the third. They did this as the rest of the team split up to defend nodes and both times one of the nodes got overwhelmed and we lost it. We even made mutiple inc calls as two people got overwhelmed by 5. The leets were not able to take the third node (surprise!!) so we lost the match...both times. At the end of the first match I said "hey, let's all just learn from this, we lost because the team tried to take 3 nodes instead of defending what the 2 we got". I was quickly informed that we in fact lost because everyone on the team sucked except for the premades. Next WZ, same group, exact same results. One of them then proceeded to grief me in chat after the match over my "stupid strategy" of defending 2 nodes. As a side note, one of the guys put up nice damage numbers while the other 3 were in the middle of the pack.


    So, I officially give up on trying to offer any help or advice whatsoever. Please feel free to wear all greens in PvP, please try to cap all three nodes/bunkers, don't even bother putting the "throw" button on your hotbar for huttball, and please never ever ever try to plant the bomb or stun people while I'm planting the bomb on voidstar. Oh, and the speeders that magically appear at the far ends of the spawn on CW will actually take you to the magical land of Narnia, definitely NOT straight to the node that needs help, so please don't ever ever take the far speeders to help your team.


    To all the idiots...ahem....I mean elite players out there: keep on truckin' guys, you are all totally leet and the rest of us are just trying not to bring you down:rolleyes:


    TLDR: it's really just a giant wall of QQ

  13. Honestly the guy you can count on to save you is the guy who doesn't need to be told 'inc snow' because he's already on his way so it's pretty much pointless because you're only informing guys who wouldn't get there on time anyway.


    But the it's not like you've anything else better to do so you might as well do it. Just don't expect that to actually have any effect because if someone need to be told where to go, 90% of the time they won't get to where they need to be on time to make a difference.


    I dunno, I think voidstar could be an exception to the inc call. You could be at the spawn and see a raging battle on one side, check your map and see 2 defenders on the other side. What you don't see is that one guy is being force choked to death while the other guy is CC'd and the door is being planted. If the CC guy calls out "X" door then you may be able to stop the plant. The fence in voidstar has made it imperative that you choose the correct side out of the spawn.

  14. I could say it's not necessary, but sometimes I find myself capping with 5 other people staring at me on an empty node. I can't just ditch the cap because I know the other one needs help. I think sometimes people get tunnel vision and lose sight of the big picture. An inc call can be a nice reminder to keep fighting/defending both points until you get the win. I find this especially true after an intense battle, it's like people want to just stop and take a breath when they really need to keep moving.


    If we have the two sides on CW I'll sometimes just camp under the middle and check each side back and forth. An inc call can save some seconds, and a few seconds can win or lose a match.

  15. me on vent with a couple friends last night while i was defending grass solo:


    me: "i've got 2 incoming, may need some help"

    me: "nevermind, both of them seem to be in recruit gear, hold tight til i call it"

    me: "they're both dead" :D


    there are times where calling out and mobilizing people is not the best idea.


    True, but I've found myself on the other end of this one. Had one incoming which I was handling easily and then had 2 stealthers blow me up. Nowadays if I see 1 inc I'll call out "1 inc, send one person only plz" and go from there. Then again, I've had that backfire on me as 4 people all think they are "the one". Sometimes I guess you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. But, I'll honestly take the guy in level 25 greens that will call incoming over the guy in BM that apparently hates his team and seemingly wants to lose.

  16. This is nothing more than a rant. Last night on CW we capped the second node and as we were splitting up to reinforce the other node it got capped with no inc call. The following is basically how the conversation went down in chat:


    Me: *** man, why no incoming call

    D-bag: There was 3 of them

    Me: That doesn't mean you can't say inc 3 grass !?

    D-bag: I have 2 other people on voicechat and I told them

    Me: Well clearly that didn't work so why don't you give the rest of your team a chance to help next time

    D-bag: I don't feel that the rest of you are worth giving an inc call

    Me: Great team attitude, it's hard to imagine why we are now losing

    D-bag: Whatever, you guys all suck anyways


    On top of this awesomeness, there was one guy in the WZ with 12K health wearing some level 25 greens. It's bad enough to be gimped, but then to have someone choose not to call out an inc in chat just boggles my mind. :mad:


    whew, okay, i feel a bit better now, can someone pass me a tissue for my QQ

  17. Over 1000 it has a soft cap. It gradually has more diminishing returns over 1100. Over 1200, adding more expertise barely does any benefit.


    I'm not saying this isn't true or "pics or didn't happen", I'm just curious if you have any links to the data behind this statement. Thanks

  18. I went with the annihilator ear, and then 1 annihilator and 1 boltblaster for the implants. I wanted the surge over the accuracy which is why I went with the single boltblaster. You lose a little aim, gain a little endurance, but between augments and battle stims I've got plenty of aim. This balances my stats using unmodded WH eliminator gear as I just got full WH and haven't been able to start getting additional pieces to rip out the mods and make adjustments. You could go with full annihilator, but I feel that the surge is too low while pushing accuracy higher than what it needs to be. I build gear spreadsheet and find them quite useful in seeing the full set of stats on the gear sets i'm trying to build. Also be aware that as you're building it will at times be impossible to keep your stats "balanced".
  19. Last night I played with a guy that as we were going to cap our side node on CW, I went to intercept any incoming while he.....swung around to pick up the WZ adrenal before capping the node :eek: That's some serious thinking outside the box. For his actions, the fact that he was wearing full recruit and referred to the node he was protecting as "ground", he got my vote and will continue to get it every time I see him like the special olympian he is.
  20. I think your simplified "L2P" misses the point of balance. If the developers want to have a class that does crazy high damage, that's fine as long it's lacking in other areas. Quite frankly I think it would be boring if every class could put out the same amount of damage and had the same utilities. I think the "skilled" players can see that there is still some lack of balance, though I personally think it's getting pretty darn close. I think mandos/mercs need a little buff while PT/Vanguard might need a small nerf. But, kudos on putting together a "I'm smarter than you are and everyone just needs to L2P" thread, because that's totally never been done before. :rolleyes:
  21. I thought they had fixed this, but last night I saw 2 guys that were clipped in to the wall of the bunker in the back corner. I could not target them (not even point/click) and the only way I could break the cap was with aoe. Anyone else still seeing the bunker glitches ?
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