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Everything posted by Mellow_Devil

  1. why are humans the only race that can be cyborgs ? i would love to be able to make a chiss cyborg and if i finish the story with a boundy hunter cyborg will i be able to use the bounty hunter cyborg things on other classes ?
  2. they said at that guild meeting that they were going to add an option to toggle hoods on and off or up and down or something among those lines. cant remember when but i hope it will be added in 1.2 on the other hand i would love to have the option to wrap my "Twi'lek things" around my neck or some thing like that. maybe just have it over my shoulder, im not sure and also if they would detach those "things" from my back
  3. i did not read all of this, but i just wanted to say that i find the idea of heaving a sith pureblood as a jedi knight really strange and even more strange as a consular. and other things are a bit strange as well, but not strange enough for me to write down
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