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Posts posted by DonCampbell

  1. Evo, I am having an issue with dps and my apm too. Any input you can give would be appreciated. I have been following your update in dulfy, practicing my rotation on th dummy, and still doing like only 2600 dps with an apm about 38 to 40. I set my apm preference from .5 to 0. My toon is well equipped all 180 stuff but one 72, I have the 180 hilt and both df implants and sa and fr relics. Everything wp augged. Not totally min maxed yet but buffed I am 3447 wp, 71 % surge, 470 a Accuracy, 25% crit, and 1069 bonus damage. I have a solid cable internet connection, a good gaming rig, and I use a naga with the mechanical buttons. I feel like I am hitting buttons faster than the gcd but still do not seem to be fast enough according to the apm on parsec. I am still adjusting to the rotations and love the input just having issues with spamming saber strike after the vs. I will try and get some parses posted but any input would be great since it is definitely Me issue not my equipment.
  2. First might I say that the Bioware douche waiting until November to address class problems is ridiculous. How about two classes per week until finished and actually show that you give a crap about the concerns of your player base. So we talk to this dude in November and when will they get around to addressing the issues maybe next year? Unacceptable. The issues are real and dear to our hearts and need to be fixed and these idiots wonder why they are hemorrhaging players.

    I have read a lot of good points and suggestions maybe we can find a clear and logical way to use the three questions to benefit our class concerns to the fullest. How about a question regarding PVE issues, one for PVP, issues, and one to address class balance issues?

    For PVE perhaps focus on the madness spec and what is the plan to fix it? Seems like and issue for real concern for those players and it is not a viable spec at this time.

    For PVP we could address the force shroud problem and getting that to actually work at 100% resistance, 100% of the time, regardless of the situation.

    Lastly on the class balance issue we could question issues of sin tanking vs other classes ie jug/pt, lack of mobility ie we are slower getting to mobs and unable to reach certain mobs (thinking the thrasher snipers here), lack of raid utility (marauders get bloodlust etc we get no raid wide buffs), why is our dps not on par with other classes (dps should equal for all classes and dependent on skill, rotation, and equipment ... not that marauders are the best, hell a lot of other dps classes beat us out sometimes), and that our class lacks sustainable dps.

    I read a lot of stuff in these forums and we need to start formulating strong, well worded, in depth, multipart questions in order for our voices to be heard. So far all I have seen is a hodge podge of ideas but no direction as of yet. We still have time to get things together, I just want decisions to be made regarding the three questions so as many of our points are covered. Focused and concise ideas will go along way in making Bioware know that we are serious about our class and the direction it is heading.

  3. Really? Why get rid of an attack with such an ultimate graphic. The kick looked awesome. Why not just make it another attack in our arsenal? Make it useful by allowing us to use it whenever the cool down is up rather than making it a stun dependent attack. I for one used it as much as I could. Why do you all always take the easy way out and remove stuff rather than try and incorporate it in the new expansion. Guess that attack will throw our dps way out of range. Guess we assassins can not use martial arts when killing mobs.
  4. The drop rate of molecular stabilizers basically suck. The new armorings and mods take way to many stabilizers in order to craft the item. Price on Prophecy of the five = 250,000 credits need 4 for the level 26 armoring so a million credits plus all the other items and tip to the crafter looking at well over 1.6 million for not even the top of the line armoring. Drop rate totally too low and difficult to get the material unless you win the roll in ec. One more thing you should address in your next patch.
  5. Quite frankly I am seriously disappointed with the dev's attitude and bioware's approach or lack of to this issue. Not only is it a let down, it demonstrates a lack of customer service. Hopefully this guys boss reads this so he knows what type of goofball he has working for him. Here you go, play an assassin, spec deception, level the character to 50, oh and by the way when you hit 50 your deception spec is no longer viable and is the lowest of the melee classes. If this was Biowares intention then how bout a bit of warning so I do not waste 50 levels and I could have made a more viable character. Let me make it simple the deception assassin dps should be equal to comparably equipped marauder dps. I do not care what you have to do to fix it but I should not be lagging behind them in dps and have raid leaders prefer to take the marauder over my assassin. Our raid tonight had three assassins, two tanks and myself as deception dps, the rest of the melee dps = marauder. I know how to play deception and I am still behind marauders why is that? It is because the skill tree needs fixed...... fix it ........ get out your little dps meters and figure out a way to put us close to one another in dps. Spend more time fixing known problems and issues before you move on to the next expansion. A number of people presented viable solutions to the issue now you just need to implement the ones that will equalize deception assassins to other melee dps classes. People should want deception assassin dps in their groups and ops, their should be a demand for the class. I like playing a deception assassin, do not force me to have to tank, play some dot spec, or roll a marauder..... because quite frankly I wil find something else to do rather that play your game.
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