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Everything posted by marcusaharon

  1. Hola, Can anyone on this server craft any/all of the grade seven ship upgrades? I'm trying to grind them the old-fashioned way since they're no longer in the cartel market, and it's making blood come out of my nose. And before anyone goes accusing, no, I'm not trying to improve my bolster. Just trying to grind the reputation via heroic space missions. (I know, I know...) I'm willing to wait until after the bolster bug is fixed if that puts your mind at ease. The only parts I see up on the GTN are nearly a mil each, and I am not fabulously wealthy. However, I would be willing to trade anyone mats plus a negotiated tip in exchange for parts. You can hit me up here or by emailing one of my toons. Thanks!
  2. Seems like the sentinels really like to parse. Wait, that's not even remotely surprising.
  3. Is there any...good RP on this server? So far all I've seen are kids who stand in the fleet cantina and flirt badly and misspell everything. And not mere typos, but serious problems constructing complete sentences. If there's high quality RP going on somewhere out there, please advise. Thank you.
  4. Oh, internet. But at least there's one voice of reason.
  5. Okay. Because my asking about this has bothered some people, I have revised my original post to create a sanitized version without names. In the future, I suggest actually reading the literal words of the OP and NOT projecting your assumptions onto it, but because this is a message board, that's a lot to ask. Obviously.
  6. There were two types named: good players, and lolsmashers. And I even acknowledged that lolsmashers were possibly good, but said I didn't like the spec. Anything else is projection.
  7. Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for the helpful reply! (Not sure why everyone else got so defensive...meow. Guess there's a reason I usually don't post.)
  8. Heard an ugly rumor and wanted to know if anyone knew anything concrete: I've heard that Grim Determination (and possibly some others, but everyone loves to hate GD) will load up ranked queues with two teams and just farm one another for ranked comms. I.e., one side plays target dummy while the other racks up medals. Then trade sides and repeat. If that's true, shouldn't it be considered an exploit? Elite War Hero is a hell of a long gear grind for people who can't throw together sixteen pvpers with lots of spare time and no qualms about playing target dummy. [Paragraph removed.] GD kills me a lot, but I'm a healer who mostly pugs, so I guess I was asking for that. And to their credit, I don't actually see them brag about their wins, so at least they do it with some dignity. (Personal experience only.) But if they farmed EWH before anyone else could by literally killing themselves, I guess that would change my opinion of them from "highly skilled" to "highly skilled at exploitation." Anyone in GD actually want to talk candidly about this? I roll 50s on both sides and don't have a ranked team, so I'm not really on anyone's side. Just curious. [Edited from original where some names were named. Some people read too much into it and became butthurt. But as I said quite clearly, I'm on no one's side, and have nothing personally against GD. Reading carefully would save you a lot of time and a lot of tears, guys.]
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