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Everything posted by Xylore

  1. Completely agree with you krackers. I've noticed the ratio of good to bad is quite well... different than dalborra. Though I have seen a few great players on, my theory is most of the pvp greats and guilds from the harb probably would be playing at different times to us and thus we wouldn't see them so much. I've versed a few pre-mades here as a PuG, but none of which have completely dominated which is a nice change in comparison to PuG vs dalborra premades (Makes solo gearing abit easier ).
  2. You can use the armoring from offhands, else use pve armourings
  3. So assuming we can continue to add rep, I could get technically the saber on the 26th then?
  4. Wondering if someone could answer some questions I have about rep in this event. So technically the event is 15 days long (12th - 26th). So i'm wondering if you used gearbox's method to get the extra 10.5% more rep for the week, would that mean I could get the saber on the 26th?
  5. Meh im av but i'll compete, should be fun. Illidous, sorc - competing
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