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  1. seems to me the thing to do for EA would be to fix this, then let people redo KotFE.
  2. Last I had a convo with her, I believe was after she was made head of imperial intelligence. I got every sign that things were going well. certainly no sign that things were ended. just put on hold for a time. now I find myself at the end of the final chapter so far, without having had so much as a non-romantic social convo with her(or anyone else for that matter) that did not involve a past fight, our next fight, or what we might be fighting next. prompting me to encourage EA to patch up the ensemble with several more dialogues for each chapter. But apparently the chapters are full of such already. including romance dialogues with Lana. Either that last convo was more final than I thought, though nothing I've read would seem to indicate my responses were of a 'cutting off' quality, or my pc's quest for lana got messed up by a patch or something. and since, let's be honest, nothing in kotfe had much meaning beyond that last point, I would be interested in the option to run through it all again. to get the full 'bioware' experience I surely did not get last time. (the fact that nobody else engaged my pc in convo during the whole of kotfe without it being about fighting or enemies, leads me to think my kotfe experience was seriously messed up on the social side. What I get for only doing the storyline quests, I guess....
  3. bioware did not have anything to do with this storyline. if they had, it would have been a good deal better, and not just fight after fight after fight. cutscenes about the enemy is not at all a suitable replacement. I suppose my character can't really complain as she's a reclusive little sith *****, but somehow I don't think many other classes had a better, more 'social' experience since this 'eternal empire' nonsense began. In essence, they should take a page from (early) Mass Effect. which should be easy enough, since they own the people who made it. Having finished with the gemini deception, I'm quite astounded that I did not notice the absolute lack of non-battle-related communication during the run. At best, false advertising. this was NOT a return to bioware storytelling. this was more like wing commander 3. and even that had more socialization for the PC.
  4. Don't suppose there is a signing campaign or something to convince EA to let Bioware do their thing? cause several chapters passing by without a word of romance is just not the bioware way. not once a romantic choice has been made, anyway. That's all EA. and they need to wise up. I'll shut up now.
  5. But last they had a decent talk about, well, themselves, was before the whole star fortress-bajuggle, and I'm now at profit and plunder. did I miss something or mess up somewhere? If so, where and how? I guess I'm wondering where in the storyline(or at what affection level) the next chat following the chapter before star fortress was supposed to be, and if my sith lass is alone again, this time for good...
  6. A way to store credits in the legacy stronghold Some form of record of the character's journey through the story Mobs clever enough to realize when a character is too powerful for them. A smaller threat range as the level gap increases, perhaps? Or as the number of a specific mob the character has killed mounts?
  7. I miss the log of completed quests. What was the big idea of removing our 'history'? Bioware has else been quite good at keeping a characters story recorded. Guess ea failed to see the profit in it.
  8. I was not aware the request was about making the title an inherent part of the game world. Way I read it, the request was to have it added as an OPTIONAL title one could call oneself on the name tag if desired. Emperor knows my girls despise being called 'lord'. But hey, anger is power, yes? So it's all good. But yeah. Lady for the title list. As for 'ladylike', some of the most malevolent and conniving women in history (real AND fictional) has been referred to as 'Lady *********'. Don't want it? Don't pick it. Plenty of other cool titles to give yourself. Funny how upset people can get over something they'll never need to bother with if they don't want to. One can even add to the suggestion with an option to let you see lord where a player has chosen lady. Simple.
  9. Whether these 'relationships' they brag about will ever become more than cantina chats and fadeouts. all initiated by the npc rather than the player. They seem inclined to make the gameworld more interesting to live in...so the next natural step would seem to be fashioning up a book or two of new video and audio for the various companions. Thank you.
  10. EA. EA. EA....by all appearances over the last decade or so, EA is poison to the games industry. Killing much of the enjoyment in their hunt for coin. What, Sims didn't fill their pockets fast enough? Someone should really take it to them econonomically. Just drive them into the ground. Teach those that would copy them a solid lesson of 'dont'.
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