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Posts posted by xSerge

  1. I like it.


    You can only do the same mission several times before It gets boring.


    Racing on the other hand is re-playable by nature because every time its different: hit a tree and crash, start again, or pull off some crazy moves at full speed where the rest are driving carefully.


    But I doubt its THAT easy to implement.



    Not sure if serious.


    On topic: Pod Racing has been suggested before. Many, many times.

    Sorry, don't live on forums.

    First time reading an idea like this one.

  2. Daily Quests on Ilum

    Daily Quests on Belsavis


    Those are fun.... No.



    Ok. Valid.

    Space Combat

    No thanks, I'd rather play some shareware arcade game.


    Gotta catch em all? "Explorer" achievement from WoW is endgame too then?

    Companions affection and storeline

    Grind numbers to get one new quest for companions I don't care about?


    Well... For what? Money? To spend on what?

    Ilum PvP

    other world PvP (Tatoonine)


    I dont PvP

    Social lvl

    Valour lvl

    Dumb grind for no reason with no feeling of satisfaction


    Are you people kidding me? No endgame.:eek:


    No endgame, move along.

  3. Yeah, p.s. while were are talking about other Bioware games Dragon Age 3 is going to have freaken multiplayer, what the hell!

    From what I've seen in ME3 demo, multiplayer is surprising good.

    Never expected that.

    Spent an entire evening yesterday with my friends there.

  4. Advanced classes aren't so much "specs" as they are choosing an entire class. If you're familiar with WoW, it would be like allowing players to dual-spec back and forth between Warrior and Death Knight, or between Warlock and Mage.

    No its not.

    This sort of BS is what Bioware wants you to believe.


    Actually its more like:


    Warrior >>> lvl 10


    Arms + Protections || Arms + Fury


    (Since some of talents trees are SHARED for both "advanced specs")


    They just want you to roll more alts and play(pay) more.

  5. My thoughts exactly. That's why I'm NOT subscribed for the next month.


    I debated talking about this but I think it’s important. If you’re playing SW:TOR this post will have some spoilers with regards to the end of the first story arc.


    I was incredibly disappointed and frustrated by the ending of the first arc In SW:TOR. I am playing a Jedi Consular and my class story was really the thing that kept me playing the game. Around level 35 the story started to wrap itself up and this involved a ridiculous amount of planet hopping. I kept getting sent back to Tython and then out to another planet and then back to Tython. Each time running to the space port, to my hanger to my ship to an orbital station to a different hanger to another shuttle to a space port. I was repeating this ******** dance over and over again until my story finally concluded and that’s when the worst offense happened.


    After wrapping up my storyline I was told that the Jedi counsel wasn’t quite ready to give me my next assignment and I should head to the Republic Fleet for some R&R. I assumed this was all apart of the story. I arrived at the fleet and found the person I needed to talk to standing next to my class trainer. I clicked on them to initiate a dialog and they had nothing to say. Then the quest showed up as completed and told me to return to Tython. Let me say that again. The person had nothing to *********** say to me. They did not even try and pretend that they were doing anything other then making me run around for no ********ned reason.


    I will put up with a lot of ********. I’ll run back and forth between these stupid spaceports but you have to meet me half way. I understand that there are all kinds of things MMO’s do to extend playtime. But this was too much. There was absolutely no reason for me to go all the way back to the fleet. In fact they couldn’t even be ****ed to make up some half-assed reason to send me back there. It was so blatant and so insulting that I have not played the game since. That was probably two weeks ago and I’ve had no desire to log back in.


    I recognize that these games represent a sort of player abuse, but at least tell me you love me after you slap me.


    -Gabe out



  6. I'm just going to go ahead and quote myself once again.

    Sadly, you are right.


    This ^^^.


    We got lets see...



    Dwarf - undersized human, overexaggerated beards and drinking problems

    Gnomes- undersized dwarves.

    Goblins - Gnomes with green skin and weird ears.

    Night Elves- Purpleish blue humans with long ears.

    Blood elves - basically night elves, except with human colored skin

    Orcs- green humans with fangs

    Trolls - skinny/tall orcs

    Tauren- Cows... seriously?

    Worgen- human/wolf

    Draenai - Sith Pureblood with purple skin

    Pandas- Furry threads.

    No. You just dont get it.


    The races are different because of how they feel. Animations, style, ect.


    EACH WoW race is hand crafted and beautifully animated.




    Each SWTOR race is human skeleton with different models.




    Are you blind?

  7. No, do not want furries.


    Enough with ridiculous looking monsters and animals in armour.


    Wookies and Yoda species are borderline fine but do not take it further.


    Those 3 I've mentioned are random examples. I'm not good with lore and stuff.

  8. One of my biggest complaints about customization is the lack of distinct playable races.


    What we've got now are all re-skinned colored humans.


    Things like Cyborg or Miraluka are plain insulting. You could add those implants and eye bandages for humans if you wanted them so badly.


    Chiss is blue human. Mirialan is green human. Rattataki are white humans.


    Sith and Zabrak are a bit different but not so much.


    Twi’lek is the most "unique" race you can play. And those are basically humans too. With silly hair.




    Thats like making sci fi MMO and giving us 3 races:

    African, Asian, Caucasian.





    Compare this to WoW, for example:



    Huge furry Worgen.

    Small green sneaky goblins with huge ears.

    Buff blue Draenai with tails(!)

    2 kinds of "generic" elves.

    Minotaur like Taurents.

    "Small humans" like Dwarf and Gnomes

    Tall trolls and smelly undead.


    Even races which are "related". Undead and humans, have different posture, animations.


    Dont even get me started for emotions. Every race is different.





    And its not like BW cant do that too!


    Wookies, Jawas, Bothan...


    Hell, let us play AS ROBOTS. I mean combat droids and like. RPing one would be cool.



    But now... Colored humans! Blam!




    P.S. I dont care about voice over. Droids can use human sounds files with effects(Like when you wear a helmet). Alies can speak their few lines of non english jibberish for every occasion like NPCs do.

  9. Healing is difficult, only becuase you have to dps and heal, or die. The lack of targeting macros makes it even more difficult. The UI is more like trying to push a square wheel up a hill.


    No healbot ez mode?


    Healing is supposed to be difficult. Without addons.


    But yeah, UI needs work. Not macros and addons though. Keep it clean.

  10. I was interested in Rift for awhile, but I forgot about it. Might as well wait until it (probably) goes F2P


    Its already F2P for the first 20 levels.


    Try it. I guarantee you, you will quit it before that of boredom.


    Generic wall of text grind quests(At least in WoW there are cutscenes and the text itself is good written) and annoying events no one cares about in low level zones interrupting your questing.



  11. Rift = Poorly executed WoW clone.

    SWTOR = Nicely executed EverQuest 2 clone.




    Tried Rift several times. From beta till already patched version. It just feels rough and cheap.

    Bad animations. Ugly design. Weak sounds and generic music.

    I could not care less about gameplay innovations(There are none in Rift) if game PRESENTS itself poorly.


    SWTOR felt and played like AAA game from day one. Yes, there are bugs, but they are to be expected. Still, the general feel of the game is good. First time since WoW I feel something like that in a MMO.

  12. but ah well, too many kids grew up playing WoW I guess.

    There is NO free out of combat sprint in WoW. Only mounts.


    And I don't like your idea of "stamina". Yes, its more realistic, but for me: gameplay>realism.


    Age Of Conan has Stamina. You can sprint around and then get attacked and you suddenly cant parry a single blow because "you are tired". Not fun.

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