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Everything posted by Didy_Kush

  1. Did that happen to be Misatoz from Dalborra lol cos yeh if it is him hes a beast.
  2. Didy_Kush

    WZ punishment idea

    Sounds like a good idea i like it
  3. Looks like every warzone i step into
  4. Because ive never gone up against another premade before u all complain theres so many premades then clearly ur running with a premade as well.
  5. Premades are a problem because mmos are a single player game.
  6. Losers should get 0 L2P inb4QUOTES omg? how dare u say i should get no reward because i sucked wait it wasn't me who sucked it was the pugs! YES BLAME THE PUGS but dont mention ur lack of comunication skillzorz TO EVEN HELP yawn.
  7. Lmfao u get em gurl frand.
  8. I hate it when it happens to me and my pocket healers cant heal me as easy
  9. Didy_Kush

    Set pieces...

    You dont get the set bonus taking the mods out and putting it any other armour even if it is still battlemaster gear.
  10. Request fix so terrible players cant complain on the forums about low rewards for losing
  11. Yep its terrible not even really worth it (besides the fact of having it)
  12. Theres no challenge for fresh 50s to get full basttlemaster now legit takes 3days prob less now u get 140 comms for a win lmfao.
  13. Wait for ranked warzones.
  14. Didy_Kush

    PvP Bugs

    The sound issue is for everyone is a bug from the 1.2 patch your hits wont count if u hit higher than the amount of health they have left like healing a 3.2k when ur full health u dont get the medal.
  15. For the fun? isn't that what a game is fun?
  16. How about we just have staring contests
  17. I get my decent Warzones when the dailies reset and the imps who no what to do actually play. The rest of the day is free comms like the OP has stated 0/3 for 6 days
  18. I personally enjoy facerolling the useless imps on the dalborra server with my premade(S) Rts ftw
  19. wtb pocket healers 200k a wz
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