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Everything posted by xMasterful

  1. As a Marauder with descent gear you can solo 2+ Heroics with any companion. I would recommend the Assassin for you.
  2. Your trooper's cannon looks badax.
  3. I agree with the OP. I may be biased since my main is a Gunslinger but this AC should definitely be in the top 3 AC's for dps for all the reasons stated by the op.
  4. From what I have read the best option to dealing with this is to give an option to pick your advanced class at the character creation screen. Like this it would be more resolute and defined. People think that advanced classes are like specs in WoW where you change your spec but this is a little different.
  5. In my experience with WoW I never had an issue grouping with people from other servers. Luckily the majority of the time I was grouped with people from my server, but occasionally there were times when I would get grouped with people of a specific server consistently. Overall, I think that a cross-server Flashpoint Finder wouldn't be a bad thing because there is usually more than one person from each server in a group.
  6. I agree completely, and although I have no 50s I agree that the game is in dire need of a Dungeon/Flashpoint Finder. It should most definitely be at the top of Bioware's list for new additions to the game.
  7. My Twilek Smuggler (female) has a very cheesy voice but it does somewhat suit her.
  8. One of the things in my opinion that should be at or near the top of the list for Bioware to implement into the game is a Flashpoint Finder or Dungeon Finder for SWTOR as it is known in WoW. I can go on and on at how this simple tool can make everyone's life so much easier with really no drawbacks. As it stands if I want to do a flashpoint I have to stop the solo questing and leveling that I would be doing on a given planet and head to the fleet only to endlessly search or make a group for a flashpoint. At least Heroic quests are a little easier to find people for but flashpoints are a pain to assemble for. I have to constantly spam "LFM <Name of Flashpoint>" and nobody ever really responds. Then I have to pull up the Who tab on the social option and whisper to each and every person I see online that is at least at the level required for the flashpoint only to get a bunch of people who for various excuses don't want to or cannot do the flashpoint. So, I really have to get a good roll of the dice if I want to find a group for the flashpoint that is for my level. So long story short, all of this wasted time and effort could be remedied with a simple Flashpoint Finder tool that would group you up with other people whom are interested in doing a particular flashpoint. Like this your progress of leveling your character wouldn't be halted as you could quest while the finder searches for a group. I'm sure this has been stated before but I thought I'd mention it again seeing as it is a much needed asset for the game. Thank you, Masterful
  9. I agree completely it is so hard and inconvenient to find a group for flashpoints the game is in dire need of a dungeon finder tool.
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