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Everything posted by Grim_Wulf

  1. lordofdamornin, that was exactly what I was looking for. Now I have something that I can work towards. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions.
  2. Thank you for the quick replies guys! Does anyone have the numbers for defense, shield rating, etc... to be uncritable by bosses? In wow for example, you could say that you needed say 460 def to be uncritable. Is it possible in swtor for a number to be assigned for uncritable or does def work differently here? Sorry for all the questions, but I feel useless without my tankpoints add-on...LOL.
  3. I want to preface this discussion with, this is my first level 50 and I am still trying to learn the ropes of tanking in SWTOR. Like many of you, I came from WoW and was MT for most of my guild raids for about 6 years. My question is about the feasibility of using the "War Leader" pvp gear in HM fps. Now obviously I know that it is not what will take me to end game raiding, but rather my question is: Is this gear, in combination with GTN purple gear, sufficient to be used to get through the one or two "easiest " hm fps. I know in advance that this post is kind of ambiguous, but I am just looking for a general guide as to certain benchmarks that need to be attained before jumping into a pug fp and wiping the group. As for those benchmarks, what should I be striving for, as in what should my defense and absorbtion and HP or any other relevant stat be at before making an attempt. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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