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Everything posted by BKalithunda

  1. I just made a jedi knight and I need to know if I'm going to be tanking , and what tips I need...because its brand new to me thanks.
  2. was just woundering what would be added next.
  3. I'd be happy with the double or tripple , but i'd rather see a slow/moderate speed motion float type jump
  4. Ea and bio , lucas, I should not need some long descriptive page of why we need this , I explained a jedi jumping just only two inches or whatever length in the air looks dumb and I know we need this, thanks.
  5. I'm not exactly sure how it should be made, but I see my sith assassin jump two inches in the air and it looks bootsy, end of story. and thanks for you're signatures guys..i think ea and bioware are mad I even made this post I'm so upset lol..kidding.
  6. Ya can we match force jump as the same height as jetpack is the question. I need more votes u guys cmon post on this thread
  7. Other classes could get abilities we just have to invent them
  8. I literally need like a 1000 replys so ea and bioware will work with me on this...probably not going to happen to its sad.
  9. Wouldn't that make more sense? for sith and jedi and I'm not talking about force charge that's just a leap , but force jump would be nice to have since all jedi and sith can do jumps higher than the normal jump. Make something out of it. Jet pack....GREAT give us jedi and sith something similar bio and ea !
  10. Sorry for being In the wrong forum but all jedi and sith need Force jump wich is different than force charge , that's a leap , not a jump .. thanks for your input though. and I called EA and they said put it in star wars discussion
  11. I love playing swtor , but the thing is , is I feel like we're missing force jump for jedi and sith . can I get like over 100 replys or likes so maybe the developers would add this because its necessary in my mind, thanks.
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