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Everything posted by Scootusium

  1. I play on the EU server Uthar Wynn and in the last week we've hemorrhaged players we're down to 140 reps on the entire server and a similar number of imps (used to be a faction imbalance buts thats evaporated with most of the player base) off peak we have 15-20 people on fleet and at peak times 25-35. This is nothing like the population we had a couple of weeks ago, some friends are rerolling imp on a healthy server its a shame I hope the merges come soon im not much of an alt playing person and will probably get bored and unsubscribe before reaching end game again.
  2. I have a computer with higher specs than yours and am having framerate issues which started yesterday, I tried everything (luckily I have a room mate with a high specced computer so I could check the parts) turns out its the hard drive. After swapping hard drives I found I could run swtor on full graphics no issues at all and on his computer the framerate became horrible in warzones. Ive ordered a new hard drive and ill post here is that sorts the issue, dont bother reinstalling or anything it doesnt work...odd thing is battlefield 3 still runs like a dream so its definitely the game engine.
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