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    Beard Herder
  1. I'm playing a lvl 13 GS and I'm not having trouble. Of course, there are a lot of skills that I'm missing, but I still know how to play him and get the most of him. The main problem you're having is that you're used to the Guardian, and you tend to play (automatically) like how you would with the Guardian. There's no denying it. The Smuggler/IA are the most squishy class in the game. The cover shiel that pops up will usually get you in trouble. It's like you're screaming out "HERE I AM, GET ME, GET ME!" Run around. Don't stay put in a place for too long. You will get a bad beating. The only reason why you should be the ball carrier or planting the bombs if it's you see that you have a chance, of if you're playing with a bad group who're just killing scrubs. Don't go against tank classes. Support your teammates, and deal all the damage you can. And patience. A lot of it.
  2. Yeah. Those can be really tricky. Just stay calm and see who you're fighting. Don't try to go against the more heavy armor classes. If you do, be careful and know that there's a big chance of being killed be 'em. Although that's part of your every day PVP experience.
  3. I like the IA armor look. It just gets boring looking at the same thing after a long time, that's all. But I'm pretty content with the look. Although, I have to admit.. with those trenchcoats, it's hard not to think that I'm in the Matrix at times...
  4. Hey guys! http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g54/lazydynamite/Photoon2011-09-29at1327.jpg
  5. Then the choice for you is clear, my friend. Be a Trooper. Serve the Republic, help Jedi, kill Sith. You will find yourself with a lot of "bad" choices with the Imperial Agent, and if that will hinder your gaming experience, I advise you to not go with the IA. If you look beyond that, however, you'll find yourself with a good storyline, a solid class, and be entertain. I started as a Smuggler, and since all of my friends are Sith, I changed sides and have not looked back since.
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