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Posts posted by Sock_Bramson

  1. I was a bit leery of this change at first, but now I'm not too worried about it. Sure, it'll take a bit to get used to the cone aoe, but once you do you'll be able to work wonders.


    2 big pluses:

    1) The ability is instant, which will help alot on the latency front. Also, no more hitting overload when another character hits their instant knockback, getting knocked back and uselessly slamming the ground at your new location.


    2) The increase in range to 15m is downright juicy. Yes, the current form of overload is a nice "oh crap" button, but the new form sounds like it'll be a much more effective kiting tool. If I understand it correctly, you'll be able to knock people back the same distance when they're still fairly far away from you. Add in the potential root from electric bindings and quicker access to force speed (especially if you can still talent it) and you're gonna be able to keep people from getting too close to you.


    edit: while these changes certainly help healer/lightning spec more (hooray for me and my healing/lit. hybrid!), I don't think they're going to hurt madness as much as people think. A longer range knockback + creeping terror should be a potent combo, and the benefits of gaining a free, instant heal and more force speeding should not be ignored. As far as the shorter range on electrocute goes, sure, I'll miss it. However, I don't think it's a class-breaking change by any means. Most of my kiting comes from my slow, knockback+aoe, and sprint. I find that the stun is usually better saved for stalling while your teammate caps or trapping a ball carrier in a hazard, though it's certainly helpful when the poop hits the fan. Used at the right time, those 4 seconds will be useful at any distance, especially with more force sprinting to be had.

  2. As a healer, I definitely appreciate guard/peels. However, you have to help your team help you by positioning yourself well, kiting, using los, etc. Sorry, but 58k heals is pretty low. You need to be able to rely on yourself first, then rely on your team.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  3. I must confess, my entire guild raptor-hacks. Oh, you're not familiar with raptor-hacks? It's when you actually don't hack at all, but you are continuously accused of cheating by people who have no idea what's going on.


    The term was coined by our gm while he was watching Jurassic Park during a decidedly one-sided VS. I think it's a pretty apt name because- let's admit it- raptors are OP as hell.. How dare they use their innate face-destroying abilities, all while communicating with each other?


    Gee, I wonder why none of us have ever been banned. It's not like people cry hacks to shift the blame when they lose, right?

    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  4. lolwut?


    Force bending is working just fine. It reduces the cost of your AoE and DH, and it increases the crit chance of your HoT and DI.


    And yes, Op healers are fun and all, but if you like sorcs, play a sorc. They do just fine at level 50, and in many circumstances they can outheal Ops.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  5. Lol, chill your balls texoc. They're talking about STAT CUSTOMIZATION, something that GW2 will not have. There's plenty of aesthetic customization to be had in swtor, too, after they allowed cross-faction trading. The amount of dyes available really doesn't dictate whether or not I play a game, but I suppose you can float your boat with whatever you wish.


    I intend to play GW2 as well, but I'm not going to quit SWTOR anytime soon. 8 months in and I still love the pvp in this game.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  6. Crazy:


    Your first example sounds like bad luck with lag. (Everyone knows only Operatives can stunlock you out of the game :D)


    As far as the commando goes, it is entirely possible to have both grav round and incendiary round. (it only takes 22 talent points to snag them both) As far as the second lag-spike goes, it sounds like just that: an unlucky lag spike. Maybe you got rooted/cc'd and then lagged. That would be a super-annoying combination, obviously, but probably not a hack.


    Finally, PTs who spec deep into the tanking tree get their own leap. It seems like most people don't expect it from them, since most are pyro. (this let's one of my PT tank buddies surprise the hell out of people)


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  7. Chill your balls buddy, they just got the bridge down faster than you.


    We had a RWZ VS a few nights ago, defended first, stopped them at the 2nd door. We made it past the bridge on our turn, but did it a few seconds slower than they did. The round kept going to give us a chance to get the 2nd door, but they stopped us there as well and we lost. If WE had gotten the bridge faster, the game would have instantly ended in our favor.


    All in all, it was a very good game. I certainly wouldn't mind more close ones like that. (although we'll obviously try to be a bit quicker next time)


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  8. Look one thread down for one set of suggestions.


    Besides a corruption/lightning hybrid (my personal favorite; get at least 21 pts in corruption for innervate, rest into survivability talents, extra points into the fillers of your choice), full heal spec can actually work quite well. However, it only really shines if you have a solid group of people that you regularly play with who can protect you and make the most out of your AoE. There's also a corruption/madness spec out there that sounds pretty fun, but it seems like more of a true hybrid support spec than a dedicated healing spec. The talents from the madness tree mainly improve your damage, though the self-heals from your dots and the insta-whirlwind will help your survivability a bit. The corruption/lit. hybrid, on the other hand, is completely geared towards keeping you alive longer so you can throw out more heals.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  9. Le sigh. Any evidence to support your hypothesis there, salty?


    7 months, 2 servers later and I have yet to see a hack. I'm not saying they don't exist, I just don't see this supposed "epidemic" people complain about. All of the "video proof" is from the first month or so. Since then, Bioware has been actively putting a stop to it.

    I've only heard of one concrete case of hacking on my old server: one of my guildies saw something that looked fishy. Did he make a forum post to whine about it? No, he tested the situation in the WZ thoroughly (can't remember if it was a speed hack or anti-root), and then he reported it. Soon after, the cheater in question was banned and hasn't been seen since. This was before BW beefed up their security, and even then it was an isolated incident.


    The next time you suspect shenanigans are afoot, take the time to do a bit of research. (dig through your combat logs, etc) If you are convinced something is amiss, report it and move on. If it's an actual case of cheating, BW will handle it.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  10. Aww yiss, corruption/lit. is fantastic. Personally, though, I don't bother with CL, I just get all the force management and survivability talents, leaving me with a point or two to monkey around with.


    Full corruption can still be good if you've got a solid team backing you up, but I can pump out plenty of heals without the AoE. I'm usually top heals in normal and ranked WZs, unless I'm playing against a certain sage on my server who is probably the best healer I've come across in the game to date. I'd like to say that it's just because the AoE helps pad his stats (I'm sure it doesn't hurt), but I have to admit that he's just damn good in general. Fortunately, we've been able to beat his team more often than not recently, though they give us a great match every time.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  11. I'm not positive what the best stat balance for a sorc healer is. (haven't had much luck finding anything online)


    I do know that you want at least 30% crit unbuffed, though I've heard that getting to 350 crit is a good idea. I've also heard that you don't need to stack surge as much as other classes, instead getting around 250 (but no lower) so you have at least 75% surge. Alacrity actually helps more than you'd think. I only had 150 or so with too much surge, switched out a mod and enhancement to get right above 200 and immediately noticed a difference in my ability to keep people alive in a pinch. I'm probably going to switch out the surge on my gloves for 53 more alacrity and leave it at that. (I'll still be over 75% surge, fortunately) My power is a bit over 600 thanks to the WH relics.


    All I need to do now is grind out 1000 more RWZ comms and do dailies for a change so I'll actually have some money. Then, I can get the crit I need through augments. I have all WP augs atm, but I need to switch out at least 1-2 to get my crit to 30%. (sitting at 29.6% atm) I may even want to switch out 3-4 more and get to 350 crit, but I'll probably take my time doing so since I'm very lazy about doing dailies.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  12. Don't worry about all the doom and gloom talk about 50 pvp. I do think that sorcs could use a minor tweak to increase their survivability somehow, and the dps specs probably need a minor buff. However, I still see dps sorcs do great things in pvp, and my sorc healer is by far my favorite character to pvp with.


    As things stand now, you have to be very attentive to play a sorc well at 50. Kiting and LoS, learning how to play with your team, and learning how to read the flow of battle are crucial for your survival. As such, it's usually advisable to run with some sort of hybrid spec for healing. (12 points in lit. for electric bindings at the very least) That being said, there are still sorcs out there who rock out with a full healing spec because they and their team know how to effectively use the AoE heal and protect the healer. Personally, though, I love having 19 points in the lit. tree and the playstyle it lends itself to. (force speed every 20 seconds, lower spell cost after offensive crits, knockback+root, bubble mez, longer interrupts, etc)


    Even as a fresh-faced baby 50 in recruit gear, you'll be fine. Recruits in general can still support their team quite well if they play intelligently and avoid "Rambo-ing" into the middle of the enemy, and healers have an even easier time remaining effective from the get go. You'll get full BM in only 2 weeks if you're playing casually, 1 week if you play 3 hours or so every day.


    Stick with it and keep having fun. 7 months in and I have yet to regret my choice of class/spec.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  13. Just gonna reply to pan's post about there supposedly being only 1 viable group comp:


    You do not "need" to stack certain classes to be successful. In fact, having too many maras/PTs/whatever class the typical forum goer can't seem to cope with is often counter-productive. The key to a good rated team is having a variety of classes.


    Our guild's fortunate enough to have great players of all the classes. We do not only queue with one A-team; we take whoever's available as long as we have a good mix of classes/specs. Yes, we often have a PT, but we do fine with just one, 2 at the most. We have 1 mara most of the time for delicious predation purposes, but we can be and are still able to do well if he's not available. Our guild leader is a smash jug and usually plays every night, but not always. We also have a fantastic vengeance jug who we regularly use, but we don't have to stop everything if he's not able to play. We have 4 fantastic sins of various specs to choose from. We usually use 1-2 of them, but last night we had a blast with 3 of them in the mix.


    As far as healers go, I usually bring my sorc, while the other slot is filled by one of our 3 awesome Ops. However, I don't play every night (recently got Skyrim, play too much of it), and we have another great sorc healer. We do well with 2 sorcs, 2 Ops, or 1 of each. Plus, the Ops either have dps alts or are able to rock out as Concealment. We also have a great merc healer, but he hasn't been able to get on during ranked time recently. (at least that I've seen)


    Depending on who's on, we'll make use of some solid sorc dps, a sniper, or basically any other dps online at the time.


    Long story short, it's all about the person behind the keyboard. We're lucky enough to have (imo) the finest selection of pvpers from Dreshdae Cantina at our disposal, so we're able to get a good rated team going almost every day. So, stick with it, make some friends, and enjoy.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  14. Well Rev, if it was the second round and they got the first door quicker than you, then the game ends with the "attackers got the data" sound bite.


    7 months, 2 servers later, I still haven't seen any hacks. I'm not saying they're not out there, but all the videos I've seen are from the first months of the game. It seems to me that BW is, in fact, doing something about cheaters when they are reported, considering that the amount of "hacks" posts is much lower these days. The ones that do pop up are filled with people mistaking actual abilities or known bugs. (most of the old posts were the same, but for arguments sake let's talk about the current situation)


    Report if you feel like there's shenanigans afoot, but please do some research/ dig through the combat log before you fly off the handle. If they are actually cheating, BW does ban them; just don't be surprised when your told (for example) that Predation is not "speed hacking." (etc etc)


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  15. Sorry for the thread necro, but I had to get an optimistic post in here. Saying "sorc healers aren't viable in rateds" is simply untrue. Now, I'll certainly agree that sorcs in general need a bit of a buff to their survivability, though I don't think we're drastically under-powered by any means. As far as healing goes, I'd actually say that mercs need the most love at this point, though again, nothing too drastic. (dps mercs as well, for that matter)


    While Op healers do seem like they'd be slightly less stressful to play, my RWZ experience has been nothing but positive so far. I typically outheal every other healer in our matches except for one player. Must be a Op/Scoundrel, right? Nope, he's a full-heal speced sage named Bluesage, and he's probably the best healer on The Shadowlands. Fortunately, I enjoy the hell out of my corruption/lightning spec, and the other healers in my guild give me a very close run for my money on the healing charts. We've ended up winning most of our games against The Grey Order/Tranquility group the past few nights, but they've always been good, close matches. (hope you all had some good ones tonight; I was too busy slacking off in Skyrim)


    So, we have a hybrid sorc and a full-heal sage topping the charts every night. Of course we get focused down a fair amount, but you have to expect this playing as any healing class in rateds. We're still able to heal our teammates, though. This goes for the great Op/Scoundrel and even Merc/Comm healers on our server as well- I don't want to sound like I'm trying to downplay their effectiveness.


    Long, rambling story short, it all comes down to the player and, of course, their teammates. The good guilds on our server definitely make our good healers' lives easier with awesome taunting/gaurd/peels/etc. However, even if you stick us in a bad team against coordinated players, we're still going to do our jobs well.


    I realize this is all anecdotal, but there are, in fact, sorc/sage healers out there kicking derriere. Don't give up on the class too soon, because it can still work wonders.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  16. Sure, quick games can be fun from time to time. (6-0 huttballs, 3 cap NCs and CWs, 2 minute VSs where we keep the enemy slowed while we blow the crap outta some doors) However, that's certainly not why I like Huttball. I prefer hard-fought matches in general, but especially in the pit. The only close matches that get a bit boring for me are VSs that begin and end on the first door, but fortunately they shook things up a bit with the divider. NC and CW matches where the nodes change hands are much more fun than 2 capping and holding. (although the aforementioned 3 cap and hold is damn satisfying)


    A close huttball match trumps them all, though. Even if you win with 6 points, it can still take the whole game to score them. For example, we had a 6-1 rated game the other night. While that may sound like a landslide victory, the other team made us work our butts off to score those points and stop theirs. (namely by working their butts off in turn) Games like that, regardless of the score, are awesome because they are filled with clutch passes, stuns, pulls, last minute heals/ dps races, etc. More than any other WZ, every game of Huttball is different.


    There have been several threads on these forums ranking the different WZs, and Huttball has always been the top pick. Considering that most people who bother to post here are the vocal minority of players, that speaks volumes. I'm sorry that you haven't been enjoying it, but like others have said, it really does come down to who you play with and how well you play with them. Nothing is more frustrating than a huttball match with people who have no idea what they're doing.


    This frustration isn't due to resolve somehow being "bad" or to stuns being cheap, though. In fact, it's because resolve works that causes issues. It's the bad players who fill the ball-carriers resolve instantly that can immediately sour a game of Huttball, the guys who try to run over the fire pits while their breaker is on CD, the douche-nozzles who just won't pass no matter how many times you ask them to.


    The only issues I've seen in WZs have been because of poor play, not because of gear, resolve, or class balance. I've played many matches with guildies on their recruit-geared alts where they did just fine, even topping the charts. Sure, it helps that I kept them and the rest of the team healed, and they would've done better in WH gear, but they weren't dragging the team down because they are good players. The sad fact is there are many people who just aren't very good at the game, no matter what level they are or what gear they have. This will always be the case for any game. Even without gear in GW2, I can guarantee that there will be plenty of people whining on those forums before too long simply because they can't cope against better players.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  17. Actually, huttball is by far the most popular wz amongst dedicated pvpers, and for good reason. It is the most variable, skill based wz out of the lot.


    Of course getting stuck in fire or acid isn't a "good" feeling, but you can do it right back to them; every class can. This promotes a more thoughtful use of cc, breaks, cleanses, and passes.


    Basically, save your stuns for the most opportune times, and don't loiter on the fire vents if your break isn't ready.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  18. Anyone have any suggestions for sorc healer secondary stats? My crit is basically 30% unbuffed and my surge is a bit over 75% (76 or 77, I think). Should I keep my alacrity at any kind of base level, or should I start stacking the hell out of power?
  19. Another bro-hoof for gravy's last paragraph; I'm eagerly awaiting the response.


    Olag, how are you not understanding that those of us who know the map know which way to go no matter what call is made? You ask how I know where east is; I know where it is at all times because I know the map well. I also know where grass/snow is for the same reason. Before I knew the map, however, east/west was much more helpful because I could check my direction no matter where I was standing. You say you don't have a problem using the mini-map. Neither do I, so I can glean whatever info I need from it (mainly other characters' positions and health) while still doing my job. (in my case, healing) I have no issue multitasking, so I can keep throwing out heals while checking the mini-map. If you can't multitask, wait until the action dies down to check the map.


    As far as your terrible bowling ball analogy goes, perhaps you need to go back and read it again. Hell, everyone should go back to page 59 and read it for a laugh. Your argument was that grass/snow is the most direct description of the nodes (this ball is used for bowling), while east/west is convolutedly describing the nodes' characteristics. (I'm rolled on a lane, have finger holes, etc). Really, though, the opposite is the case, though grass/snow isn't nearly as convoluted as your example. When you need to know which direction you need to go to get to a given node, the most direct way to convey that information is by saying the direction itself. If you aren't familiar with the nodes, it doesn't help you at all to hear that you need to go to the side with snow or grass. (i.e. a characteristic of the node in question instead of it's actual location).


    You're not very good at this whole "rationality" thing, man. Let someone else take over your side of the argument.

    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  20. Yes, thank you kit for discussing the matter at hand intelligently. I also happen to disagree with you, but kudos none the less. Typing on a phone, so I'll keep things short. Roots and snares are very manageable in this game because you can cleanse them and root/snare the bastard right back. Plus, melee classes get those tasty charges, while ranged classes have a few extra tools to create gaps again.


    I'm personally enjoying swtor's pvp system more than the other mmos I've played in recent years, (yes, including wow) and I believe I will continue to do so.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  21. Wish my original post went through last night before the maintenance (yeah, I was up late; damn you Steam summer sale!), but here it goes again.


    To whoever wanted charge roots on resolve:

    That wouldn't be fair to melee classes, now would it? You said yourself that roots/snares are annoying as a melee character (naturally), but that's precisely why they have a charge w/ a root to help counteract kiting (along with some other abilities). Ranged classes, in turn, have a few other tools besides slows to try their damnedest to continue kiting.



    Honestly, at this point I don't think there's any point in addressing any more posts to you. (besides this one, of course) Your logic is so fallacious it make me brain bad hurt. I don't care if you made your own MMO from the ground up; the resolve system as Bioware designed it can and does work as THEY intended it to, no matter what your opinion is on how the system should work. Stop saying that it's "broken" and start simply saying that you want it to work differently; then you won't sound quite so daft.


    I haven't just been "blah blah"ing, as you're so fond of saying. I haven't resorted to calling you a newb or telling you to l2p. Instead, I've actually addressed your arguments with my own. (like I'm about to again-->) Roots/snares don't need to be on resolve because a.) they don't prevent you from using abilities, they just slow down your movement, and b.) they can be repeatedly cleansed with short-cooldown skills; you can then save your CC breaker for actual stuns and mezes. Stuns/mezes/pulls/knockbacks are on the resolve system because they truly make you lose control of your character by a.) locking you in place while preventing you from using any abilities, or b.) moving your character somewhere you don't want to be.


    All the "blah blah" has been on your end so far, my friend. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make their counter-arguments meaningless. Besides, after claiming that Kaarsa's percentage was made up without a wall of links, you don't really have a leg to stand on. Here's a hint: 19 out of 37 is more than your 10% "guess", to quote your post.


    Basically, you're saying: "You disagree with me, so your counter-arguments somehow don't address my arguments. My made up % is better than the actual math. In my opinion, more than stuns/mezes/pulls/knockbacks should be effected by resolve; since it doesn't work like I want it to, it's broken." To use Mr. Cochran's famous Wookie Defense, this does not make sense.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  22. Btw, turtle, we can't see your picture. Not that it matters, though, since WW breaks on dmg every damn time I put it on someone or someone puts it on me/ anyone else. You may have experienced a graphical hic-up. Whatever the case, a video would be more helpful, as a picture could simply show a snap-shot of you in the WW as the dot ticks, after which you'd be free.


    I realize that moves might bug out sometimes, but it hasn't happened to me, and if it happens at all it's exceedingly rare. (annoying, I'm sure, but very rare nonetheless)

  23. Lol, whatever man. I know exactly what you're trying to say: you think roots/snares should be effected by resolve. Great, you're entitled to your opinion. In my opinion, roots/snares should remain separate from the system because they help ranged classes stay at range and melee classes stay close when used correctly. They can also be cleansed by competent healers (i.e me, as long as it's not tech-based), and they don't prevent you from using your abilities; they can certainly be annoying, but they do not prevent you from reacting in some way.


    And yes, the resolve system encourages a more thoughtful response to stuns. If you break a stun or a mez before you have a full resolve bar, you deserve to eat the entire duration of the next stun the enemy will gladly throw on you. Since many people understand this, you, in turn, have to be more selective with your stuns. Otherwise, you'll just be one of those knuckle-heads who fills the ball-carriers resolve too early, letting them score much more easily. Sure, you can root them, but their healers can cleanse the roots, and they can still pass the ball. If you save your stuns, however, you trap them in the fire and prevent them from passing, getting the ball back for your team.


    Hey, guess what? I am yet again addressing your argument directly. It doesn't matter if you claim that I'm not adding anything to the discussion, I'm gonna go right ahead and do it anyway. Resolve isn't broken, it's working as intended, etc etc; we don't need to continue in that vein. However, you won't sound nearly as dumb if you simply re-frame your argument as "I'm not a fan of how roots/snares work in this game." That would be a much more interesting discussion, although you'll be on the weak side of that argument as well.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  24. Um, actually, Cael, I believe the crux of that dev post was the part that says "resolve is to limit the amount of stuns, sleeps, and knockbacks," which is exactly what it does. The dev goes on to say that they left roots/snares out of the equation to keep kiting and gap-closing viable. Glad you took all that time to type/copy and paste all those moves only to use a quote that hurts your argument.


    Resolve encourages more thoughtful use of stuns/mezes/kockbacks, i.e. saving them to ensure caps, trap ball carriers in the fire or knock them down into the pit, etc etc. It also encourages thoughtful use of your stun-break. (aka usually letting your resolve fill first, but sometimes using the break early to stop a near-cap) Roots and snares, meanwhile, are there to help you kite or help you catch someone trying to kite, but can be cleansed easily.


    The system is working exactly as intended. Perhaps you don't like the intention, but that doesn't mean that it's broken.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

  25. Do I need to explain to you what Bioware's definition of CC is? (psst, it's stuns and mezes)

    As someone else said, when someone tells you to CC a target during a raid in any other MMO, do you:

    A.) Root them. B.) snare them. or C.) Mez them.


    (correct answer)


    If you feel like Resolve should effect any kind of movement-pairing effects, cool. However, the system is working exactly as Bioware designed it. It prevents repeated use of moves that completely take a character out of action. Roots and snares, on the other hand, only impede/prevent movement, not abilities. While a well timed root/snare is certainly frustrating, they do not keep you from reacting in some way. Plus, they can be quickly cleansed, while stuns/mezes can only be occasionally broken.


    Now, if you want to quibble about the term CC, we can do that, too. Crowd Control has always implied, to me, the ability to take an enemy out of a fight, to lessen the size of the "crowd" you're facing in order to tilt the odds more in your group's favor. While roots/snares can "control" an enemy's movement, they do not prevent it from acting. They can help you kite melee targets or prevent ranged targets from running away. In a PVE environment, rooting a ranged target does nothing to keep it from shooting the crap out of you. Stunning/mezing it, however (CCing it), allows you to avoid a potentially problematic source of damage.


    Bioware did not falsely advertise the resolve system, you simply misunderstood it's design.


    -Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

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