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Posts posted by So-low

  1. I have 2 well geared level 50s a level 43, 26, 19, 13, and 14. My legacy is at 25 and I am on a server during which the republic fleet pop is in the single digits when i play. I can never get my dailys or weeklys done (or when i do it takes days and days). Queing for WZs is almost pointless and trying to lfg for FPs, especially HMs, is completely pointless.


    When I started out the server was "heavy". Now its almost always "light".


    I really dont want to have to reroll everything on a new server and give up my legacy. My unlocked buffs are awesome, I just wish they would actually be useful.


    I am thinking of unsubbing until I can do a toons transfer because the game is unplayable for me right now. If I wanted to play signle player Id go play something else.


    Is there any kind of ETA on charatcer transfer?

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